Super Study God

Chapter 2255: Absorb filthy beads!

"Brother Xiao, be merciful!" Yin Wuxing shouted quickly, and Gu Danfeng was obviously not Xiao Yang's opponent.

Xiao Yang shook his head faintly, "This is the note of Dadao, but he is only fixed for a moment, and he can't hurt him!"

Yin Wu hurt relieved, "Thank you!"

Xiao Yang nodded slightly.

"Wow, so handsome!"

"This guy doesn't care about how much he has done, but dare to start with Xiao Yang!"


Noisy next to it, then the female disciples, little stars appeared in the eyes.

"Let's go in first, don't watch the excitement here!" Yin Wusheng shouted.

Everyone knew it, and they continued to line up to enter the tower, but Xiao Yang did not hurry to go, but asked Yin Wucheng, "Young City Master, I heard that there is a young master named Su Hang in Wuliang City, but I don't know Where are you?"

When Yin Wuzhen heard the words and froze for a while, how long did Su Hang come to Wuliang City? How could this person know?

At the moment, Yin Wucheng smiled and greeted, "Brother Xiao said, but my elder brother? My elder brother is still in retreat, and he is fully preparing for the decisive battle of the Wanjie Conference. For a while, he is afraid that he will not see him. !"

Xiao Yang paused and said, "It's okay to do this. Xiao Mou would like to meet in advance. It seems that I can only see you in the finals!"

"Uh..." Yin Wuzheng was stagnant. This person was quite confident. Did he make it to the finals?

He was still asking about the origin of this person, but Xiao Yang turned around and followed the team into the tower.

Yin Wuzhen stood there for a moment and didn't know what he was thinking. This person's origin is mysterious, but there must be a provenance. This is not an occasion to ask in detail. When he comes to the banquet at night, it is necessary to ask a clear question.

Turning to look at Gu Danfeng, Gu Danfeng is still coiled with countless small notes, and the notes exude a pleasant sound, just like a piece of music.

Just such a few notes, but with a powerful force, even the Gudan Peak of the sophomore realm was bound, and could not move at all.

This method, Yin Wuzheng, has never been seen in his life, and even uses music to fight, so chic, it is no wonder that it will provoke so many female fans.

For a long time, the notes dissipated, and Gu Danfeng finally recovered his freedom. The first thing, Gu Danfeng was angry, and wanted to enter the tower to find Xiao Yang.

However, Yin Wujuan would let him continue to be arrogant and directly stopped.

"Isn't it enough? Today was a sea election event. You were bothered by it. If my father was disturbed, you and I would have to suffer!" Yin Wuhan yelled.

Gu Danfeng was indignant. "This is too shameful for me. If he is not cured, how can I look at Gu Danfeng?"

"Isn't it your face that you gave up? You know you can't beat it, but you still have to fight with others. Who do you say can blame?" Yin Wusheng said silently.

Gu Danfeng was speechless for a while, and the gossip around him just made him lose his mind, and his stomach was in flames.

It's clear, but won't we come to Yin? This is a boundless city, our old man’s place, you know that the foreign boy still hangs like this, let me show off my foreign appearance, and see if I don’t play with you!



In the immeasurable city, the war is in full swing, and at the moment in the infinite world, Su Hang is in full swing.

For more than a month, the harvest is not small, and the super filthy beasts he has killed are afraid that there have been dozens of nearly one hundred and have harvested 73 filthy beads.

Among them, the one with the highest rank reached the sixth-grade realm. Counting these, the 73 filthy beads should be worth nearly 30 billion years of skill.

It reaches 30 billion years a month, which can be regarded as a tremendous speed, and it is not worse than the legendary too unreal world.

"Find a place, absorb the power of these filthy beads first!"

Slash and kill a filthy beast like a centipede, take the third-grade filthy beads, and Su Hang found a small island in the dirty sea, and Xuan Huang Zhong put a cover on his body to absorb the filthy beads' power!

In this filthy world, there are many powerful monsters, but they are guarded by Xuan Huang Zhong, and Su Hang is not afraid to disturb them.

The light car got out of the way and put the bead directly on the palm. The bead exuded an unusual fragrance, but Su Hang did not dare to put it directly in his mouth.

How did this thing come from? Su Hang is clear, he still does not have such a large psychological capacity.

Directly use the Tian Tian Bao Dian, inhale these dirty beads into the body, and the huge energy instantly wreak havoc in the body of Su Hang!

Su Hang is also not impatient. Through the black hole, he removes the filth attribute and transforms it into pure skill, and then directs these energies to all parts of the flesh to develop those chaotic and unopened cells.

Su Hang is physically chaotic now, and every cell can be opened up into a world. All he has to do now is to open up more cellular worlds from chaos.

Now he has developed some in his body, but only a few, and some are pitiful. The number is afraid that it has not reached 1% of the whole body. Moreover, these developed cell worlds are still only in the initial stage, and the inner middle world does not Not big, yet to grow.

Although Su Hang can use all the power it gains to feed these cellular worlds, let them grow as much as possible, and let them grow into a mature and complete world.

However, this is irrational. Su Hang knows very well that this is a bottomless hole. With 30 billion years of skill, I am afraid that it will not be able to support many cells, so it might as well be used to open up a new world of cells.

With 30 billion years of skill, even if only one percent of the cell world is developed, the strength will be greatly improved.

This point, Su Hang is deeply As long as he opens up the cell world, he can borrow the world power of these cell worlds. The more he develops, the more power he can borrow.

If these cell worlds are mature, no cell world can enable Su Hang to gain the power of one world, just like Zhang Tianling, who had previously battled with him, and the power of two hundred worlds, if at Su Hang, there are only two. The power that a hundred cells can exert.

Of course, if these cells in Su Hang want to mature, there must be a long way to go. After all, the world has just come into being, most of them are babies, and they are just out of chaos and have a prototype of the world. To develop and grow, it requires huge amounts of energy to feed the supply.

The road in front of Su Hang is very long and long. What Su Hang needs to do now is just the first step to lay a solid foundation and wait for all the cells in the flesh to be developed, and then go hand in hand instead of repairing the pile of cells alone. .

Although they are still only some small worlds, but the number is too large, the number is enough, and piled up is also a force that cannot be underestimated.

At this time, Su Hang had already looked forward to it. If he could raise all these cellular worlds in his body, what would be the general state at that time.

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