Super Study God

Chapter 2265: Ye Wuji!

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"Take me away, if you dare to resist, don't talk about killing!" Huang Heihu shouted with great majesty.

However, in the eyes of Yin Wushang and others, this is a bit ridiculous. A few Heavenly Realm guys actually say nothing in front of a Dadao Realm master!

"I don't think you dare!" Yin Wuhan sneered!

Huang Heihu looked at Yin Wu hurt with black face, "City Master Yin Shao, do you really want to take care of this? This is the person I took from Cangyue City. Be careful that I report to the City Lord. Even if your father City Lord comes, I'm afraid I can't save it. you!"

"Oh, ridiculously, has a little general in Cangyue City been so arrogant?" Yin Wu hurt.

Gu Danfeng stretched his hand to pull Yin Yin harmlessly, said, "Brother, forget it, they want to get people, let them take it, just these few chickens, in case of heavy hands, they killed them, two The relationship between the city and the city has deteriorated even more, I am afraid that this young son Xiao will have to be deprived of his qualifications!"

Between the words, there was a bit of sarcasm, not only ridiculed the five roosters, but also ridiculed Xiao Yang!

Yin Wu hurt, he is a man of more loyalty. He is not afraid of Cangyue City. They are all the top ten giant cities in the Celestial Realm. Although Cangyue City ranks first and Wuliang City ranks fifth, but in According to Yin Wushang, this Cangyue City has nothing more than a geographical advantage. Relying on the clean Tianchuangjie Mountain, the ranking is only on the comprehensive strength. It really needs to be compared. Ye Tiannan, the owner of Cangyue City, may not be able to compare with his father. .

The battle between the two cities is not the comprehensive strength, but the strongest strength, just like the fight between Cangyue City and Wuliang City. Yin Tianfeng killed Ye Tiannan first, then the strength of Cangyue City can only be a joke. .

Yin Wucheng has no fear of Cangyue City, but if this makes Xiao Yang lose his qualification, he is not willing to see it!

Gu Danfeng's words were very unpleasant, but Huang Heihu's intimidation by Yin Wucheng's identity made him endure.

"This little son Xiao, but defeated a big seventh realm master in the infinite amount of city sea contest, just a few of you stinky sweet potato rotten bird eggs, want to take him away?" At this time, a clear voice came .

I saw a woman walking slowly in the crowd, light makeup and elegant, elegant and refined!

Gu Danfeng's face instantly turned black, his teeth clenched, "This bitch!"

It was Yin Huan'er who was coming, and Yin Huan'er's eyes were hot. Under the eyes of everyone, he walked directly to Xiao Yang. "Brother Xiao, how did you come here? It really made the slave family easy to find. Are you all right? The blame slave family is late, let you be harassed by this group of crazy dogs!"

Bitch, bitch, bitch...

Gu Danfeng's face was flushed, and he didn't know how many times he was scolded. He actually hooked up with other men in his own face.

"Uh, huh..." Xiao Yang has always been calm, but at this time it can't stand it anymore, such as sitting on a needle felt, there is a urge to get up immediately and leave with the black and black tiger!

Mad dog? These two words stimulated the nerves of Huang Heihu and others, holding the knife handle tightly!

"It's really a bunch of waste. This little thing can't be done well. Why should you use it?"

At this time, there was another cold drink, which alarmed the audience, and everyone looked at the mouth of the town.

Indistinctly, there are two powerful auras approaching.

Standing tall and huge, the snow-colored dragon leopard with white light, taking a leisurely and heavy pace, slowly walked into the town and into everyone's vision.

The giant leopard was carrying a sedan chair on the back, but inside were two people sitting opposite, a young man, an old man!

"My subordinates meet the young master!"

When Huang Heihu and others looked at the young man, his face suddenly turned green, revealing a terrified look, and bowed down quickly!

"Ye... no... bogey?"

Yin Wu hurt to see this person, suddenly, a face became black, this person he knew, and very familiar, Cangyue City, the young master, Ye Wuji!

As soon as this person appeared, the atmosphere immediately changed, and Gu Danfeng and Yin Huan'er's faces also showed a trace of dignity!

"Huh, a bunch of useless things, shameful!" Ye Wuji snorted coldly, with a very proud face on that handsome face!

"The young city master forgives his sins and waits for the order of the city master to capture Xiao Yang. He never wanted to meet the immense city Yin Shao city's master...." The yellow and black tiger trembled, just now so arrogant, but at this time it was only left. One word, counsel!

"Oh?" Ye Wuji narrowed his eyes slightly and turned to look aside. It seemed that he saw Yin Wu hurt at this time. "It turns out that Brother Yin is also here. It's a coincidence. Come to my Cangyue and don't enter Sit in the city? Why do you hide in this backcountry?"

Between words, there is a bit of yin and yang strangeness, this Ye Wuji obviously has nothing to do with Yin Wuji.

Yin Wushang said indifferently, "Brother Ye is just as good as Yaxing. How come he came to this poor country?"

Ye Wuji's mouth turned slightly, pointing at Xiao Yang, "This person, I want to take it away, Brother Yin should have no opinion?"

This remark is totally provocative. This is my place. I want to take away the individual. Do you dare to stop me?

Yin Wucheng said, "Brother Xiao came out of my infinite city. I have to ensure that he can participate safely. Can Brother Ye talk about taking Brother Xiao away in this way, what is the so-called, what is the intention?"


Ye Wuji suddenly laughed loudly and stood up from Yong, holding his hands in a high position, "Sister Yin is probably thinking too much, my dad just heard that Xiao Wu from the Wuliang City is of great strength, and I will also play music and have a special banquet, I just want to see you!"

At this time, Xiao Yang said, "The finals of the sea elections are approaching, and the city host is kind enough to wait for the post-match, so as not to spread it and someone gossip!"

"I don't have your part here yet!" Ye Wuji directly responded. A kid who didn't know where to come out, because he stood out in the sea election, dare to express his opinion in front of our second-generation majors!

Xiao Yang smiled bitterly and shook his head gently, but he was not angry, and he had a good temper.

"Senior Brother Yin is relieved that he won't embarrass him!" Ye Wuji turned to Yin Wuji, with a gruesome smile in his smile. Obviously, he couldn't believe this.

Yin City is the elder of the three virtual elders. Presumably, it is also necessary to jointly promote the master Lin Shao. Yin has the courage to speculate that Ye Chengzhu will leave. I’m afraid that the masters who are outstanding in thirty-three days will be invited by him! "

Speaking of which, Yin Wucheng turned to Xiao Yang, "Brother Xiao, there is no good feast, just go!"

Xiao Yang nodded slightly, obviously he also has some scruples!

"Sister Yin, you can't help you anymore. In this world, there is no one I can't invite in Cangyue City!" Ye Wuji's mouth smiled slightly.

Yin Wucheng said, "Ye Wuji, you and I are only as good as Uncle Zhong. Do you think you can take Brother Xiao with you?"

"Oh!" Ye Wuji sneered, looked at the old man beside him, and turned to Yin Wucheng, "Senior Lin Hai is here today, don't you dare to be arrogant?"

"Senior Lin Hai?"

Yin Wushang and others heard the words, all of them were stunned and turned to look at the man next to Ye Wuji.

(=one second to remember)

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