Super Study God

Chapter 2267: Weak into such, really pitiful!

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The two came to the front and settled down. Yin Yuer stood behind Su Hang, slim and beautiful, just like a ten-year-old girl who was ignorant in spring.


Yin Wu hurt and was delighted, and immediately greeted him. He never thought that Su Hang would appear at this time.

"Who is coming? Sign up!"

Before waiting for Su Hang to say anything, Ye Wuji shouted first!

Su Hang turned around and looked at the two of them, "The two were so arrogant just now, and whoever I am, just kill them together?"

Ye Wuji frowned, and he could feel it. The guy in front of him was not easy and made him feel a little hairy.

At that moment, the old man Lin Hai took a deep look at Su Hang and said, "Are you the Su Hang of Xuanhuang Realm?"

"Oh, it's rare!" Su Hang smiled, "Do you know me?"

"Humph!" The old man snorted coldly. "It's more than just knowing, the ears will hear the cocoon. I didn't expect that the old man would run into it today!"

"Big Brother!" Yin Wu wounded to Su Hang's ear and whispered a few words.

I didn't know what to say. Su Hang's brow furrowed suddenly. He stretched out and looked at the old man's eyes.

"It was originally from the Lin family, hehe, old things, it seems that the enemy has a narrow road!" Su Hang smiled indifferently, showing a bit of sharpness between the eyebrows.

Lin Haiwen said, his face slightly changed, "It's such a bad boy. Haven't your family taught you to respect your elders? Like you, you want to be Xuan'er's opponent. It's ridiculous!"

Su Hang shook his head gently. "The grievance between me and Lin Xuan can't be your turn, just hurry up and let me know if I'm in a good mood, otherwise I won't be able to walk for a while!"

"What are you talking about?" Lin Hai's voice shivered with anger. This kid dared to talk to himself in such a tone.

"Brother Su..." At this time, a voice sounded!

Su Hang looked back, but it was an unfamiliar young man with purple hair. The young man said, "These two killed innocent people and made a peaceful town. They were annihilated by these two people, and the evil was not forgiven..."

Su Hang's gaze stayed on the young man for a few seconds, and then he nodded slightly, withdrew his gaze, and turned to Ye Wuji and Lin Hai. "It seems, I really can't let you go!"

"Oh, it's ridiculous!" Lin Hai sneered. "Boy, are you afraid that you are stupid? It's really bold and dare to talk to the old man in this tone, can't you find death?"

Ye Wuji sarcastically said, "What kind of toads dare to jump out and jump, I really opened my eyes today, Senior Lin Hai, it seems that you old people need to give them a little color!"

Lin Hai looked at Su Hang lightly, "Boy, are you alive and well, you have to die, the garbage is like this, Xuan'er sees you as an opponent, it is really a shame for my Lin family, it is ridiculous! The garbage is garbage, just let The old man will clean up your trash for Xuan'er!"

When the words fell, Lin Hai's vitality bloomed, his killing intentions rose, and everyone suddenly changed color, and even that Ye Wuji also quickly flashed away, for fear of being affected by the pond fish.


Su Hang snorted aloud, without saying a word, directly took out the big fairy stick.

Lin Hai was also preparing to do it. Wherever he expected Su Hang to do it without saying a word, the speed was so fast, and he grabbed his head, the big fairy stick suddenly became bigger, and it immediately reached the top of his head. , Quickly sacrificed his umbrella-shaped device to resist.


The big fairy stick instantly hit the giant umbrella, and the giant umbrella hummed up a shield to hold the big fairy stick to death.


However, the shield hasn't supported for half a second, it has already cracked, and the forest is terrified. This fairy umbrella is the top 50 defense defensive treasure in the realm. Who can think of it so vulnerable?

Despite Lin Haihai's full body skills, the Xianxian Umbrella failed to persist for more than half a second. He only heard a bang, overwhelmed, and exploded in an instant!


The mind was hit hard, the flesh was created by many people, Lin Hai spit out an old blood, the whole person collapsed, almost fell to the ground without a butt.

In this scene, everyone is dumbfounded, especially that Ye Wuji, others do not understand, but he knows this Lin Hai very well, the Lin family's second lord, the existence of the big eight realm, its real strength can already be compared with the big nine realm In the face of competition, such an existence, in front of this kid, was so vulnerable that he broke the defense with just a stick?

Lin Hai was even more shocked and frightened at this time, looking up at Su Hang, who was rushing to kill, "I am a member of the Lin family, do you dare to kill me?"

"Oh, why dare you?"

Su Hang sneered, and went straight to stick!


Yin Wushang and others were shocked. Su Hang was the killer. The identity of the surname Lin was extraordinary. If Su Hang killed him, the consequences would be unimaginable.

Want to stop to remind Su Hang, but everything seems to be late!


Where can Lin Hai stand up? Waving a pair of fleshy palms in a hurry to resist, the result is undoubtedly, the big fairy stick is ruined, and his flesh and body of the Eighth Avenue Realm instantly becomes nothing.

Everyone is stupid, not only because of the invincibility of Su Hang, but also because Su Hang is so ruthless, knowing the identity of the other party, he still did not hesitate to die!

"Weak into this, it's really pitiful, if you don't want you to taste the feeling of despair, you don't need a second move to kill you!" Su Hang put away his stick and snorted coldly, as if he had killed a mouse.

Look at that Ye Wuji, who has been sitting on the ground with one buttocks, the whole person is completely ignorant, but the second grandfather Lin family, even he can only look up at the existence, even in front of himself, was a stick Killed?

How unrealistic is this? Ye Wuji swallowed can't believe everything I see!

Looking up, the figure flashed before him, and the demon-like man had appeared in front of him.

"No, you can't kill me!" Ye Wuji kept backing, trembling, and his face was covered with fear. The previous arrogance and grace were completely absent, and the humble was like a reptile.

Su Hang felt a little funny, "Can't kill you? Then give me a reason not to kill you!"


Ye Wuji was stagnant, he had to blurt out, and reported his background as a threat. However, thinking of the old man Lin Hai in the name of the Lin family did not let this person fear, but instead angered this person, he But dare not stimulate this person.

After a pause, Ye Wuji said, "My name is Ye Wuji, but it is the son of Cangyue City Lord, the rich armor of Cangyue City. If you stop here, I can give you anything you want, and, I promise, You never killed Lin Hai, I will never say it."

(=one second to remember)

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