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Chapter 2274: Niu No 2!

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Su Hang was surprised. He used to rob people, but now he invites people. It seems that Ye Tiannan's attitude has indeed changed.

"What is it? If you hadn't had Su Hang just now, you were afraid to be put into the city's main palace. You are invited to the banquet. What is there to show off? I invited you and didn't invite us. What are we going to do?" Gu Dan Feng said immediately.

"Xiao Mou didn't mean that!" Xiao Yang accosted, this ancient Danfeng, really really addicted him!

Su Hang waved his hand, "Brother Xiao, go alone, be careful!"

"Thank you Brother Su for mentioning that Xiao Mou went!" Xiao Yang arched his hand at Su Hang and turned away.

"Hell!" Gu Danfeng blew out. "This guy, asked him not to go, but now an invitation is just fart. It's really no principle!"

Su Hang looked up at him, "There are so many masters in this city, your mouth is so cheap, you will be beaten to death sooner or later!"

Gu Danfeng's face twitched slightly, but now he dare not talk back to Su Hang. Originally he was quite confident in his own strength. However, after the opening of the World Assembly, he became more and more powerless. The young master came out and really hit him psychologically.

"Brother, don't we really leave? If the Lin family comes, I'm just afraid..." Yin Wu hurt a little worried. In his view, Su Hang killed Lin Hai, the second son of the Lin family. This is a big disaster, you can see it. Is there someone who committed a murder case swaggering on the street?

"The Sea Election is about to start, why should you go? I have some time to relax, I want to see how many masters can be produced in this Sea Election!" Su Hang said lightly, "As for the Lin family, if you know you Don't provoke me, they should worry now, will I get in trouble with them!"

"The Lin family is powerful, not as simple as it looks on the surface. Pull out the radish to bring out the mud. The Lin family and the old patriarch are children's relatives. Lin Shouye's wife Chen Yan'er Uncle is the old patriarch's daughter. You moved the Lin family. That is, the Chen family is moved. The Chen family is the largest family in the world, and it is really involved. If the Lin family invites the Chen family to take action, it is really finished!" Yin Wusheng said worriedly.

"Chen's house?" Su Hang frowned gently.

Yin Wudong nodded his head, "Chen Jia is the main line of the heavenly patriarch, but the old patriarch does not like the Chen family to intervene in the Dao Zong's affairs. Therefore, the Chen family has always been very low-key, and there are very few Chen's children in the Dao Zong. A family, the strength of the Chen family, is absolutely not to be underestimated. It is a behemoth. With your own strength, it is impossible to pry!"

Beside, Gu Danfeng also said, "Yeah, the Chen family has always been mysterious and rarely flaunted. However, it is said that the masters of Chenjia Avenue are everywhere, and there are at least 20 masters of the Dajiu Realm, especially those legends. The old lady in China, I don’t even know how strong it is!"

Speaking of this, Gu Danfeng paused and said, "Like us, if you compete with the Lin family, you may even die for nine lives, but if you have a conflict with the Chen family, it will definitely be ten dead and no life, although you are just messing up now. The Shanglin family, but, in case the Chen family shoots, then..."

Gu Danfeng glanced at Su Hang, "Can you still fight against the Chen family? Move the Chen family, that is, move the old patriarch of the sky, can you still do the old patriarch of the sky?"

Su Hang didn't say anything for a long time, "I'm a little puzzled. Since the Chen family is so powerful, does the Chen family have any outstanding young masters? Why did the Sect Master Cangtian like Lin Xuan!"

"There must be some young masters of the Chen family, but perhaps the old patriarch must have some house rules. At this World Congress, the Chen family seems to have no children to participate!" Yin Wuzhen shook his head, "How is the old patriarch? I think, no one knows. Strictly speaking, Lin Xuan is also a descendant of the Chen family, but after all, it is counted as a side door, not subject to the rules of the Chen family, and is the most outstanding child of the side door. Naturally, I will be valued. I think the Chen family also Certainly have high hopes for Lin Xuan. After all, he still has the blood of the Chen family. The Chen family will not intervene in the Daozong sect because of the house rules, but they will not watch the Daozong sect that the old patriarch worked hard to fall into. hand!"

Su Hang was silent for a while, "Listening to what you said is really intricate and intricate, but, anyway, if the Chen family doesn’t come to provoke me, I won’t provoke him. For the sake of real people, I can consider being merciless!"


Yin Wushang and Gu Danfeng glanced at each other, all with black lines all over their faces. When the two of them talked so much about their feelings, they all became nonsense?

For the sake of real people in the sky, consider being merciful? How arrogant is this saying?

When Yin Wushang wanted to say something, Su Hang was no longer interested in listening. Among all the realms, except for the Realm of Realm, he was not afraid of anyone. Unless Cang Tian personally shot him, even if others were strong, It's not much better.

Will Cangtian shoot him? In Su Hang's view, the possibility is unlikely. After all, Cang Tian has given him some favors!


"Oh, the two girls originally lived here, it seems that we are really destined!"

"Dead fat pig, you are too ridiculous to laugh, sister, I can't look down on you!"

"Ben Shao is so handsome and handsome, you actually said that Ben Shao is frivolous, girl, you are a bit pretentious!"

"Sorry, it's not frivolous, it's extreme frivolous, want to bubble me, you're not enough!"

"Oh, enough, I like it! Girl, aren't you curious, who is Ben Shao?"


At this time, there was a sudden noise outside, Su Hang and Yin Wuxing glanced at each other, and both got up and walked out.

That voice is Yin Huan'er's voice, it seems to be a dispute with people!


In the hallway on the second floor, three Su Hang people looked down. In the main hall on the first floor, a fat man was stopping two young women as if they were making fun, while the old man in charge stood with a few second men. Beside, shy but dare not go up to stop!

This man, who looks young, is not particularly good, but he is very fat, and the fat on his face is piled up. He has a brown-red tight armor and two long tassels floating on his head. How can I describe him, It's like Pig Bajie wearing Sun Wukong's Monkey King suit.

Nondescript, even a little funny, and indeed looks a little bit cumbersome.

Yin Yu'er is okay, he doesn't care about this person, but Yin Huan'er is like a belligerent hen, hoping to jump up and peck at the fat man, and the words are full of ridicule and contempt!

This Yin family, are they natural for mocking? Although Yin Huan'er's mouth is not as good as Xiao Jiu, it is not a common poison.

"What's the reason for this man?" Su Hang's eyes fell on the man and asked in a low voice.

Yin Wuzhen shook his head, "I haven't seen it!"

"You haven't seen it, I can see it!" At this time, Gu Danfeng's face was a little serious, "This person is the grandson of Niulanshan Niu's second elder, named Niu Buer!"

(=one second to remember)

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