Super Study God

Chapter 2280: Hayashiya!

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Su Hangdao, "Like the worlds where we are, his exact name is called Tianwaitian, but it was created by the sect master Daotian of the heavens, including the heavens and the earth, the five major worlds of the universe and the wilderness. All the realms were created in the outer realm of the heavens and the real world..."

It took a long time for Yin Yu'er to come back to God, "That is to say, Master Cangtian is the realm of Realm King Realm?"

Su Hang nodded, "Not only him, but also Di Zun, and Hong Jun before reincarnation, as well as Huang Tian and Xuan Tian, ​​the former landlords of Xuanjie and Huangjie. It’s just now, I’m afraid that there are only two realm kings, Cangtian and Dizun!

Yin Yu'er paused, "No, if Di Zun and Dao Zu have the realm of kings as you said, why don't they set up their own portals, why are they still coming to heaven and earth to open up the world and be independent and be king?

Su Hang shook his head, "How do we think, these big brothers, how do we know that maybe people are good friends and they like to join together, or maybe they are just temporary offices and set up consulates with each other!"

Yin Yu'er heard it, and it took a long time before he recovered. "There is a realm above the realm of the avenue, which is incredible!"

Su Hang Weiwei master, "The endless cultivation, the realm of the realm of kings is not necessarily the end, maybe there is a higher realm, standing high can look far, only the stronger you are, the more you can experience the road ahead How vast..."

Yin Yu'er was speechless for a moment, yeah, there was no end to cultivation, how could the road of the strong have an end?

"Cangtian real person and Di Zun, also have some kind of friendship with me, as long as they don't intervene, the group of grandsons in Chuangjie Mountain, I will definitely make them look good!" Su Hangdao!

Yin Yuer paused and said, "Brother Su, don't get in the Chen's family anyway..."

Su Hang nodded slightly, "People don't attack me, I don't commit people, I won't be an enemy with anyone, but if someone is an enemy with me, I will definitely fight back!"


Gu Danfeng was injured by Niu Fujiu, he was dizzy and did not wake up in the middle of the night, and did not know whether the kid was pretending to be injured. Although Su Hang clearly stated that it would be fine, Yin Huan'er was still worried and left no mood to stay. Seeing the finals of the sea election, he took Gu Danfeng on his way home, preparing to take him back to the Infinite City to recuperate.

Su Hang and others did not stop it. Such a scene is exactly what they want to see. After this incident, the relationship between the couple will definitely be closer!

It can be said that Su Hang is a great performer!


The main palace!

The banquet had just gone, and many young masters had dispersed. The people in the government were busy withdrawing the tables and packing the dishes in the square in front of the main hall!

Ye Tiannan stood above the high-level in front of the hall, quietly watching the people pack up, but his heart was full of emotions!

"Wuji, how do you feel?" After a while, Ye Tiannan turned to Ye Wuji who was also standing beside him and asked.

Ye Wuji hesitated for a moment, knowing what his dad wanted to ask, and said, "At today's banquet, the child is an eye-opener. Although there is such an indiscriminate existence, there are many more children than there are. I can’t see through it. The children used to look down on the heroes of the world!"

After a moment of silence, Ye Tiannan said, "You don't need to envy them either. Most of them are forcibly promoted, their foundations are broken, and some future sins..."

Ye Wuji heard the words and found a little balance. "So is Chen Sen's way?"

"Chen Sen?" Ye Tiannan shook his head. "There are also many real things in it. Chen Sen is one of them, and there is the one named Xiao Yang, and there are a few others, all of which are Dadao Jingjiu. If it’s not for today’s banquet, I’m afraid I can’t even dream about it. In a sea election, there can be young masters of this level, and there are more than one..."

Ye Wuji couldn't help but take a breath, Da Jiu realm, real Da Jiu realm, how do these people cultivate?

The same person, why is the gap so large?

Ye Tiannan was also glad that he had made such a choice. He did not choose to cut the boundaries with Chuangjie Mountain and Lin Jiatuo in a timely manner, otherwise, let alone clean up these hidden threats in advance, will they be cleaned up in reverse? It is still an unknown problem.

He couldn't help worrying about Chuangjie Mountain. With so many masters coming out, can Chuangjie Mountain still be able to control the situation?

Moreover, there is that guy, the guy who makes himself feel fear!

"City Lord!"

At this time, a half-old butler came quickly.

"Ye Guanjia, what's the matter?" Ye Tiannan glanced at the old man, and seeing the old man's rushing appearance was obviously something urgent!

The housekeeper quickly stepped up to the high level and came to the father and son of the Ye family, respectfully and whispering something!

The father and son's faces were transient, and their brows were slightly frowned.

"Really?" Ye Tiannan's face was filled with consternation and heavyness after the housekeeper had finished speaking.

"It's true!" the butler whispered.

Ye Tiannan's face became more and more dignified.

Ye Wuji turned and said, "Dad, this man is so arrogant that even the elder Niu dare to offend us, we..."

Ye Tiannan waved his hand to stop Ye Wuji's words, "Let's just let it take its course and watch its changes. From now on, Cangyue City will remain neutral and the situation is complicated. We can only take one step at a time. There will be no end to it, he offended Niu's second elder, just right, let's watch the fire from the other side to see how much he really has..."

Ye Wuji nodded. "The head of the Lin family should also be here. By then, there will be a good show. Facing the two forces, I don't believe that he can bear it!"

Ye Tiannan shook his Don't underestimate this person, this person's strength is far above me, this battle can not be said who will lose who wins, if he loses it is better, but if he wins, Some people are so afraid that they can't sleep at night! "

Ye Wuji heard the words and turned to look at the night sky in the distance. Under this night, Cangyue City at this moment was once his own world and could walk sideways, but now, I don’t know how many horrors there are in this city. presence.


Lin Shouye, the head of the Lin family, the Lin family is an old big family in the heavens. It has been inherited for nearly one trillion years. When the Xuanhuang two holy palms were born, the Lin family had already flourished.

Lin Shouye is now 2,600 years old and has lived for nearly 100 billion years. He has entered the realm of Dao Jiu Pin for more than 50 billion years, and his skills are unpredictable!

The Lin family can be regarded as one of the celestial veteran super large families. The background is strong. Even the infinite family of the Yin family, compared with the Lin family, is also a grade inferior and lacks some background and background.

What's more, the Lin family is not only one of Lin Shouye, but also has many predecessors on it. The background is strong, and it is difficult for outsiders to spy on the tip of the iceberg.

(=one second to remember)

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