Super Study God

Chapter 2284: Make a move!

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"Damn it!" Niu Fujiu's lungs were all exploding. If he didn't know that Su Hang was so powerful, he rushed to fight Su Hang!

The old man raised his hand again, stopped Niu Fujiu, and turned to look at Su Hang, "It's really courageous, and can be so calm in front of my Niu Niu elder, you are the first, good, very good, You want to kill my grandson in the face of my two, I will give you this opportunity, I have brought you to you, please kill him in front of the old man!"

"Grandpa?" Niu Fu's face changed instantly, and he exclaimed.

Su Hang heard the words and was surprised. He looked directly at the old man in front of him. He saw a cold look on the old man. Obviously, he didn't really let Su Hang kill his grandson, but he was telling Su Hang that your kid has the ability Try him one!

Su Hang felt a little funny. What kind of grandchildren there are, there are grandparents. It seems that the three grandchildren are all a raccoon dog. Obviously, they must have been arrogant.

"Huh, you have the ability to do it!" Niu Fuji obviously also understood the meaning of the old man. Even if it started to be arrogant and someone backed up, would you dare to move me?

The old lady's face was black, "If you don't kill my grandson today, my old bones will end up with you..."

It's aggressive again, and it's all about Suhang!

"It turns out that Niu's second elder is here, and the younger Lin Shouye is courteous!"

Just as the swords fought, a voice suddenly sounded from outside the inn.

When everyone looked back, they saw several figures walking from the entrance of the inn. They were the first man in his forties, who were dressed in luxurious clothes and looked like rainbows!

The second old Niu met the person, but he was stunned for a moment. Obviously, he was very surprised, and he quickly got up and returned the salute.

"It turns out to be Lin Family Master!" said Mrs. Niu. "Why is Lin Family Lord here?"

Although Niu's second elder has a high status in the heavens and belongs to the older generation, the identity of Lin Shouye, the head of the Lin family, can not be underestimated. After all, even if you are strong and have a status, you are just a guerrilla. How is it possible to compare with the regular army?

Although he was a short generation, as Lin Shouye's identity, he can talk to these two peers!

Lin Shouye approached, first looked down at Su Hang, and after a moment of pause, he turned to the Niujiao Erdao, "Lin's intention to come to Cangyue City is the same as the two!"

"Oh?" Both old men were surprised.

Lin Shouye pointed to Su Hang, "Lin is here for this fight!"

"Huh?" The eyes of Niu's second elders all converged on Su Hang. The old man's eyebrows were wrinkled lightly. "Then does Lin know that he is here to protect him, or to kill him?"

If the Lin family head is here to protect this kid, it is no wonder that this kid will be so unscrupulous and so rampant!

However, the reality seems to be different from what they imagined.

Lin Shouye shook his head gently, staring coldly at Su Hang, and said to the second elder Niu, "Someone said that this kid killed my younger brother Lin Hai. Do you think Lin will come to protect him?" ?"

"Oh?" Er Lao heard that the expression on his face changed slightly, and the expression on Su Hang looked a little shocked. Is this kid so crazy that even the Lin family dare to kill?

Su Hang just smiled, as if he didn't even see the people in front of him. Although the table was turned over, the teapot and teacup were still in his hands.

Lin Shouye said, "So, Lin must bother me and give me a face, and give me this kid to deal with, otherwise I am afraid that the second old man will kill him directly. In that case, my second brother's hatred , But nowhere to report!"

The second old man looked at each other, but the old woman shook her head, "Lin, Lord Lin, the hatred of your Lin family is hatred, and the hatred of our cattle family is also hatred. You still have to pay attention to the first come first, you are afraid that we will kill him, We are also afraid that your Lin family will kill him. So, who are we going to find out?

I have to say that this old lady was quick and quick-tempered, and her temper was hot. As the second elder of the Niu family, although she would be afraid of the Lin family, she might not be afraid.

Lin Shouye's face became a bit ugly. Isn't this just to give yourself a face?

At this time, Su Hang suddenly smiled and looked up at the few people in front of him, "Since it is so difficult to decide, then why would you two fight first, who won, and then take my life?"

It's totally mocking!

The three men's faces were terribly dark, and the old lady said, "Boy, you are so proud, you can't run away today!"

Su Hang shrugged. "Do you think I mean running? Do you hurry to discuss, who should kill me, I am very impatient!"

Lin Shouye glanced at Su Hang, "Su Hang, right? Since you are dying for death, I will fulfill you..."

With that said, Lin Shouye turned to Niu's second elder, "Please also take the second elder to take it easy, don't kill him all at once, and keep his life, I will take him back to the Lin's house and pay for my second brother!"

These words have given Niu's second old face very much. The key point is that Niu's second old man is an elder in the heavens. He Lin Shouye did not dare to give this face. After all, he also can't do these two olds. All passable.

"Thanks to the Lin family forgiveness, I will definitely save him a life, if you let him die like this, it would be too cheap for him!" Mrs. Niu said, since Lin Shouye gave him this face, she will naturally return the gift, and Her so-called salute is to stay with Suhang for the life and give it to the Lin family for final disposal!

"Hahaha..." Su Hang suddenly laughed.

The three men turned black and turned to look at Su Hang. The old man Niu frowned, "Boy, what are you laughing at?"

Su Hang finally stopped I'm sorry, I just heard a few ants talking about **** a lion. I feel a bit forbearing, so I laughed. Do you feel funny? "

"Huh, boy, you are looking for death!" The old lady was angry, and there was no way to hear Su Hang mocking them in the sand.

"This place is too small, or should we change the place?" Su Hang said directly, his eyes changed a little bit.

At this time, Lin Shouye's right hand spread out, and a small pagoda appeared in his hand. He threw it directly in front of several people. The small pagoda grew out of thin air and became a meter high, with red tiles and white walls. Fell on the ground, very heavy!

"Dare to enter my Ares Tower?" Lin Shouye said.

"Boy!" The old woman glanced at Su Hang.

"Don't you dare!" Su Hang just smiled, transformed into a stream of light, and entered the little tower directly.

Everyone outside the tower looked at each other, and they all entered the tower one after another. Obviously, these people wanted to see how much this boy was able to bear, and he was so arrogant!

(=one second to remember)

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