Super Study God

Chapter 2287: The power of terror!

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The power of the thousand realms, how powerful it is, this old lady obviously wants to take advantage of the old man Niu to distract Su Hang and kill Su Hang in one blow!


Su Hang snorted coldly, immediately waving his big sleeves, Xuan Huang Zhong flew out, blocking him.


The old lady's palm just happened to be photographed on the Xuan Huang Bell, making a terrifying loud noise, and the powerful impact force turned into a circle of shock waves radiating to the four sides.

Lin Shouye and others were already so shocked that they couldn't speak. They didn't dare to go straight to the edge. They sacrificed their magical powers and flew out of the war circle.

The old lady Niu flew out, and the old man Niu, who was in a stalemate with Su Hang, was also affected by the terrifying shock wave, and flew back. Take it steadily in your hand.

The two were originally tug-of-war and competed in time control. Su Hang had to admit that this old man's attainments in the law of time are a little higher than him. After all, it is such an ancient existence.

It is a pity that the world in this tower already has its own eight times time to accelerate, but the old man Niu wants to go back in time and space here. This is undoubtedly a great help to Su Hang. That old lady Niu is not good. As soon as he shot, he turned around, and the time between the two was instantly broken.

The bull was just like a corpse, and he was about to get up, but he fell short of it, fell down again with a puff, and time returned to normal!


Su Hang roared with a deep voice, and naturally would not give the two people any breathing time. He lifted the Xuan Huang Bell and immediately flew out, and the giant bell flew out, hitting the old man.

This old man's time ability is more difficult to deal with than the old lady's space ability, so naturally, Su Hang must first solve him!

Old Man Niu stabilized his body, and when Xuanhuang Zhong came, his face changed greatly. With his two eyes, he could naturally feel the mighty power wrapped in the giant clock.


Old Man Niu exploded with roar, and was covered with golden light, attempting to use time backwards to let Xuanhuang Bell fly back to Su Hang's hands.

Unfortunately, in the face of absolute strength, everything looks so pale. The power carried on the Xuan Huang Clock has exceeded the range that his time force can support. It is like a tank hitting you. You have enough Power can push it back, but if there is not enough power, at most it can only slow it down, and it will still hit you all the time.

Now, the old man Niu is facing this situation. The retrospective time torrent can’t stop the giant clock flying. The power of thousands of circles is completely beyond the expectations of the old man Niu. Although he exerts all his strength, the giant clock is only just It's just a slight decrease in speed.

"Old man!"

Mr. Niu was so anxious that he shouted and flew to the ground instantly, exerting a powerful force of space, and instantly superimposed hundreds of world spaces on the way of the giant clock!


After the giant clock was pressed, it was like rolling over pieces of tofu, and the world stacked by the old lady was crushed instantly, and it was still like a bamboo.

The two elders were disgusted with discoloration, and did not expect that the kid they looked down upon at all was terrified.

In an instant, Xuan Huang Zhong broke through the constraints of time and space and pressed onto Niu's Erlao. Niu's Erlao all roared, but this time they had to use four palms to come out and use their flesh to resist!


Thousands of worlds' power, even if the two elders canceled out the majority of their wear and tear with time and space, they still retained at least three thousand worlds of strength. The two elders worked together to bear the flesh, and the result can be imagined!

Finally, they couldn't carry it. The giant clock crushed their arms. The two quickly turned sideways, avoiding the crucial point, caught the clock with their shoulders, and violently rushed him directly out of the two. Xuan Huang Zhong was plowing on the ground with a bang.


A few light years later, the second elder Niu finally stabilized his body, his two faces were flushed, he suffocated for a long time, he couldn't hold back, and each spit out an old blood!

His face was instantly pale, and the clothes on the arms of the two had been broken and bloody!

How can it be?

How could this kid have such a powerful force? The two elders looked at each other, and they all saw the horror in the other person's eyes, and even felt the approach of death!

Looking back, someone was moving the surrounding space!

The distance of several light years was instantly compressed, but in a blink of an eye, the two were pulled back to their place and appeared in front of Su Hang.

Goodbye Su Hang, the second old man is already very embarrassed, and his face is horrified!

"It can be beaten!"

Su Hang looked at the two men in front of him, and his expression on his face was also a little strange. The strength of the second elder of the Niu family, in the realm of the Big Nine, could indeed be regarded as high, and he could carry so few tricks in his hands. Beyond the expectations of Su Hang.


At this moment, the second old man of the Niu family had already resigned, and he was completely unwilling to fight again. The two looked at each other, without any ambiguity, and chose to retreat directly.

"Are you in such a hurry? Stay!"

Where did Su Hang allow them to flee so easily, they immediately sacrificed the big fairy stick and put a full force on it, smashing it to the second elder Niu.

Su Hang exerted all his strength, coupled with the power of the Great Immortal Cudgel, which had the power of all realms, which was extremely terrifying. Niu's second elder just wanted to turn around, and the stick had struck. The terrible coercion made both of them tremble.

The power of the world is far beyond what they can bear. A senior master of the Nine Realms who can have the power of the thousand worlds is already very good. The power of the worlds is only afraid of those. Only the existence of the realm of the realm can have such power.

Thousands of realms, although the difference is not obvious, it seems that the gap is not so But this is like an adult who can pick up a hundred pounds of things, a child of one or two years old Being able to pick up a pound or two of things, does that mean that one or two hundred one-year-old children can beat an adult?

Obviously, this is not realistic. Even if you have more power, you can't be an opponent even if you have more.

For Su Hang, which is inflated, there is nothing that cannot be solved with one stick. If so, then another one.

"Master Lin, don't shoot yet!"

Mrs. Niu shouted loudly, and sacrificed a black armor together with the old man Niu, and they stood in front of them. Both of them blushed and tried to use this armor to block Su Hang.

At this moment, they had no regard for the demeanor, they had promised that they would leave Suhang with a small life and hand him over to the Lin family, but now, what they are thinking about is how to escape a life from Suhang.

The two were already seriously injured, and only hoped for Lin Shouye, who had been watching. Although Lin Shouye was not as good as them, if they shot together, they could at least share some pressure with them, otherwise they might be in a fate today!

(=one second to remember)

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