Super Study God

Chapter 2290: Tianxuan Mountain Holy Land!

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Looking at Ye Tiannan's dull face, Su Hangdao said, "Don't leave yet? Want me to keep you for dinner?"

"Uh..." Ye Tiannan heard a delay and quickly arched his hand at Su Hang, "Ye Mou retreated!"

After that, he immediately took the old Niu's elder like a dead dog and fled away from the inn!

"Oh, Lin's family!" Su Hang turned to look out the door with a playful smile on his face.

Starting today, you who have tried every possible means to kill my existence, start to tremble, leaving little time for you!

"Brother Su, what's wrong with this?"

At this time, a voice came, but Yin Yuer slowly came down from the upper floor, with a little doubt on the lazy face!

Last night I went to sleep, only to be awakened by the vibrations downstairs, Su Hang was no longer around me, and I looked around. Su Hang was downstairs, and Yin Yuer got up, just to see Ye Tiannan hurried away, seeming to be carrying what!

In the hall downstairs, the tables and chairs shattered to the ground. It seemed that after a fight, Yin Yuer walked to Su Hang, worried.

Su Hang shook his head, "Sent a few old dogs that disturb the people, and barked here early in the morning, causing headaches!"

It was easy to speak, but Yin Yuer was wise and smart. I don’t know the meaning of Su Hang’s words. I must have had trouble finding the door just now, but it was just sent by Su Hang.

"this is?"

Yin Yu'er's eyes fell on the God of War tower.

Su Hang walked over, and he could imagine how horrified Lin Shouye's group was, even the Supreme Taoist God of War Tower was no longer needed.

This tower has been destroyed and a hole was pierced in the top of the tower. However, since it is a supreme Taoist, it has its peculiarities and the ability to repair itself. It will take some time to fill this hole by itself!

The 17th supreme Taoist weapon in the Celestial Realm, Su Hang also had to admit that the God of War tower is indeed strong enough, and it is no wonder that Lin Shouye is so confident that he can trap Su Hang with this tower. Unfortunately, this tower is strong, but it is a big fairy. Compared with the super-grade Taoist instruments like sticks, it is still much worse, and can't bear the beating of the big fairy stick at all!

Although Yin Yuer had heard of the Ares Tower, he had not seen the Ares Tower in person, and naturally he would not associate it with it, but he felt a little puzzled. This tower is obviously a Taoist weapon, and its grade is not low.

Su Hangdao, "A tower is broken, nothing strange!"

After finishing the talk, Su Hang waved his sleeves and directly put away the damaged Ares Tower. After all, it was the 17th-ranked Supreme Taoist. It was a pity to throw it away. It might be useful later.


Great Luotian, Tianxuan Mountain!

This mountain is a blessed land that is one of the best in thirty-three days in the heavenly realm.

There is a palace on the mountain, named Xuantian Holy Land, which was originally the dojo of the Xuantian Daoren. After the Xuantian Daoren fell, this place was deserted. Eighteen billion years ago, the sky married a woman, which caused a sensation in the whole heaven. The Tianxuan Mountain blessed land was given to the Lin family, and the Lin family clan moved to it. From then on, the Xuantian Holy Land became the Lin clan land.

There are many well-known big families in the Celestial Realm, many of which are not lost to the Celestial Realms. Although they are all controlled by the Dao Patriarchal Clan, many of the big families are in a detached position in the Celestial Realm.

Cangtian opened up the heavens, at least for trillions of years, so long time, how many family clan has been bred, and how many backgrounds these family clan have, it is difficult for the outside world to explore.

Many family forces do not show their mountains and water, but they are actually a behemoth, frightening!

The Lin family is one of them, because the in-law relationship with the Chen family has already become a super family in the heaven. How many strong people in the family are, even if many people in the Lin family are not sure!

Lin Shouye took three elders and hurried back to Tianxuan Mountain to meet him. It was a woman.

Once dressed in white, she behaves dignifiedly and elegantly, and she looks like she is in her thirties, mature and beautiful!

"Why is Husband so panicking?" In the room, the woman walked over with the help of her maid with a big belly.

As soon as Lin Shouye entered the room, he sat down at the table, lifted the teapot on the table, and did not need a teacup. He grunted and poured a pot of tea directly into his mouth!

When the teapot was over, a pestle was put on the table, a long breath, as if calming down.

"Ma'am!" Lin Shouye looked up at the woman and quickly stood up, trying to help the woman, but her feet were unstable, and she sat down again, staggering!

The woman's face was unexpected, and Lin Shouye lost her spirits, her face was pale, her feet were shaking, and there seemed to be blood on the corners of her mouth!

"Husband, what's the matter with you?" The woman quickly sat down next to Lin Shouye, her face full of worry, "Aren't you going to Cangyue City? What happened?"

Lin Shouye heard that Zhang Kou wanted to say something, but he suffocated him back and waved his hand. "It's nothing. Madam, don't worry, the husband will handle it..."

The woman's face was full of doubts, and she clearly knew that Lin Shouye did not tell the truth.

Just about to ask, Lin Shouyeteng stood up, "Ma'am, I'm going to Chuangjie Mountain, to talk to Elder Sanxu about something, and come back to accompany you later!"

After finishing speaking, Lin Shouye retired respectfully and was so polite to his wife. It is really rare in the monastic world!

"What's the matter, Aunt? What happened?" Lin Shouye said suspiciously after the woman left.

The woman pondered for a moment, the expression on her face became a little serious, "Ping'er, go inquire, what the **** happened!"

"Yes!" The maid answered, and quickly retreated.

The woman stood on the spot, unable to tell what kind of expression she had on her face, and she seemed a little Lin Shouye for so long, she had never seen Lin Shouye so panic.

This time Lin Shouye's trip to Cangyue City must have encountered an accident. Reminiscent of the death of his second brother Lin Hai in his home, what must have happened to Cangyue City!

The woman caressed her stomach, and there was a trace of worry on her face, but soon she was relieved again, and turned and walked over to the bed.

In her identity, what else do you need to worry about? Even the big thing is not a thing in front of her.


After a while, the maid walked in quickly, her expression also flustered.

This maid was a close-knit maid brought by Chen Yaner from Chen's family. The name was Ping'er. It has been so many years. Ping'er is also used to calling her young lady, Aunt Lin Shouye, not his old lady.

Although it's just a title, the difference is huge, at least it shows that the little maid didn't think of herself as the Lin family. After all, although the Lin family is big enough, compared with the Chen family, it's not comparable!

(=one second to remember)

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