Super Study God

Chapter 2295: Misfortune leads eastward!

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Chen Sen smiled embarrassedly, "What else can I do? I can't fight but I won't go back?"

"Is the flower world outside good? Why do you want to go back?" Su Hang asked.

"I miss my mother!" Chen Sen said.

puff! Everyone heard it and almost bleed blood. Chen Sen's words were really stunned.

Su Hang can't find anything to refute. How old are they, so naive and simple?

It is also a wonderful flower!

"That won't work!" Su Hang shook his head. "Your dad asked you to compare with me, I won't let you, and, I'm not just anyone who can compare with me, even if it's Daguai upgrade , There is a low to high, you can not simply skip the challenge to **** mode before playing in simple mode, right?"

Chen Sen paused. "How can I compare with you?"

Su Hang thought about it and said, "Your father gave you ten people, and you came to me for the first one, making me really lose face, and I don't ask for more. Of the remaining nine people, if you There are only two left, and it’s not too late to find me again, or you can enter the finals. I am waiting for you in the Chuangjie Mountain finals, provided that you are not eliminated by others before you meet me!"

Chen Sen was stagnant and said, "I don't believe you are so powerful, eat me first and then talk!"

Before the words fell, Chen Sen directly raised the iron bow, and he shot at Su Hang with an arrow.

Yin Yu'er and others all had their pupils shrunk, and it was too late to respond. The movement speed of Da Jiu masters has completely exceeded their imagination.

The power of the horrible arrow is completely condensed on the body of the arrow, and the power of the body of the arrow is completely concentrated on the tip of the arrow. The spirit of the fairy is concentrated to the extreme. The big nine arrow is enough to destroy the world, but Chen Sen has already used the arrow Cultivating to the extreme, it will not dissipate the least amount of energy, and outsiders see it, it is completely an ordinary arrow, so ordinary it can no longer be ordinary.


The arrow of the fairy shoots Su Hang in front of him, Chen Sen is not stupid. He is trying to test the strength of Su Hang. If Su Hang can’t even hide his piece, then it seems that there is no need to fight Su Hang again. Now!

However, in the face of Chen Sen’s arrow, Su Hang did not dodge. Seeing that arrow fluttered towards the door, Chen Sen was hesitant to close the arrow, but saw Su Hang suddenly opened his mouth, one A black hole suddenly formed in his mouth. The arrow shot out and went directly into the mouth of Su Hang. After being buried in the black hole, it instantly became invisible!

Everything was in a blink of an eye, and everyone had no time to respond. When he came back to the gods, Su Hang had already closed his mouth.

Yin Wushang and others looked at this scene, and a heart was lifted, put down again, and it was really distracting.

Chen Sen was completely dumbfounded!

Su Hang smiled, "This arrow has been eaten, can you still be satisfied?"

Chen Sen carried the iron bow, and it took a long time to come back to him, "You, how can you know this skill?"

Su Hang smiled, "Did your father not tell you?"

Chen Sen had a meal, suddenly his eyes lit up, "Don't you"

Su Hang waved his hand and interrupted, "Don't think about it, my surname is Su, not Chen!"

Chen Sen heard the words, his eyes dimmed, but then he regained some brilliance, "It seems that you really have some skills, wait, I will really fight you!"

The corner of Su Hang's mouth curved a little, "Look forward to that day!"

"Chapter 51, Xiao Yangsheng!"

At this time, a voice suddenly sounded, rolling through the entire stadium!

"Xiao Yang?"

Chen Sen was stunned for a moment, his ears stood up suddenly, and he looked directly back, "I am not wrong, are you talking about Xiao Yang?"

"You heard correctly, if there is no accident, he should be the Xiao Yang you are looking for!" Su Hang said directly.

Chen Sen paused, his eyes became a little bit hot, "Then I have to get to know!"

After he finished speaking, he left, and he looked like he was rushing to a blind date.

Seeing Chen Sen walking away, Yin Yuer leaned on Suhang, "Brother Su knows this person?"

Su Hang shook his head, "See you for the first time, but it's a funny kid!"

"Brother should know his origins?" Yin Wu hurt asked.

Su Hangdao, "It's just a little speculation, there should be no mistakes, don't ask me anymore, this person has a good background, and you will encounter conflicts in the future."

Everyone heard that although they were curious in their hearts, they didn't ask any more. Ye Wuji next to him secretly remembered this in his heart, and listed that Chen Sen as an inexistent existence.

"Interesting, this World Congress is really wonderful!" Su Hang suddenly said a word, his eyes glowed with a strange look.

Su Hang also secretly remembered the names in Chen Sen's mouth. In addition to Su Hang, there were nine other people, Lin Xuan and Xiao Yangzhi among the opponents that person selected for Chen Sen.

That is to say, if there are no surprises at this World Conference, these ten people will be able to take the top ten.

Many of these people have never heard of Suhang, but eventually they will all meet and become their opponents.

This Chen Sen, a tiger with a head and a brain, obviously has insufficient social experience. Although he had had short contact with Su Hang during the day, and Su Hang also used Tian Tian Baodian to easily dissolve his arrow, but Su Hang knew that the arrow was not All of Chen Sen, Chen Sen still has many reservations.

In the identity of Chen Sen, Su Hang believes that since his dad dare to let him come out and experience, he is absolutely capable.

I have to say, I don’t see it, I’m shocked to see it. There are a lot of people in this world, there are a lot of people who have the ability, this Chen Sen can guess the origin, but others, such as Xiao Yangliu Until now, mystery remains in the eyes of Su Hang.

In the evening, Xiao Yang found Su Hang and complained to Su Hang. That Chen Sen had been entangled with him all day long. He wanted to have a test with him. At first, he still felt enthusiastic. However, after entangled for a long time, he compare something, Xiao Yang doesn't like it, he is not a belligerent person, if for some reason let him come to the Wanjie Conference, he will not easily do it with others, compared Up, he prefers to play Xiao Nongqin.

Chen Sen's entanglement made him very upset, and even entangled in the inn where he lived. There is a lot of you who do not compare with me. I will stay here tonight.

Xiao Yang finally pulled a gap, ran out to the hut, took the opportunity to quickly find Su Hang, wanted Su Hang to think of a way, first get rid of this trouble!

"Brother Su, help!" In the room, Xiao Yang made a series of face-to-face expressions against Su Hang, his voice still low, and he was afraid of being heard by Chen Sen.

Su Hang couldn't help laughing and crying. He could force him like this, and Chen Sen was capable enough.

"Why should Brother Xiao be like this? He wants to fight with you. When you fight with him, he will go away naturally, and he won't bother you again!" Su Hang led Xiao Yang to sit down.

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