Super Study God

Chapter 2299: Suppress people!

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Sure enough, it still came, and clearly knew it was the Chen family, or it came, and it was so rushing as soon as it appeared. Ye Tiannan could not describe this Suhang!

"You are Su Hang?" The woman's face suddenly turned black. Su Hang's words just stimulated her deeply.

His eyes were fixed on Su Hang, as if to see the difference between Su Hang.

Su Hang walked into the hall and looked up at the woman in front of her. "Yes, I am Su Hang. What can you tell me?"

This attitude is really uncomfortable. The woman looked at Su Hang with a black face, and said threateningly, "Dare you repeat what you just said?"

Just before entering the palace, what Su Hang said, she is still holding her arms!

"What's the matter?" Su Hang froze for a moment, thinking for a while, and said, "A little maid can also represent the Chen family?"

"Indiscriminate!" Su Hang's words just fell, and the woman slapped directly on the throne of the city's throne, almost smashing Ye Tiannan's throne.

The woman's face was fierce, and a pair of eyes seemed to burst into flames, "Since I know that I am a member of the Chen family, I dare to be so arrogant, do not put me in the eyes, do not put the Chen family in the eyes..."

"Wait a minute!"

Su Hang hurriedly interrupted the woman's words and said, "Could I be wrong? A maid can represent the Chen family? Can you represent the Chen family?"

"You..." The woman was furious, but she was stagnant and could not refute Su Hang. Indeed, how could a maid represent the Chen family? If she answered yes, she was undoubtedly guilty of going against the Lord!

"I was ordered by my young lady to come to you..." said the woman.

Su Hang interrupted, "I haven't consulted yet, your lady is..."

The woman's face was black, "Mrs. Lin's wife, Chen Yan'er!"

"Oh!" Su Hang uttered.

Oh? That's it? Hearing this name, shouldn’t you tremble and just kneel down and beg for mercy? What is this attitude?

"Hum!" The woman sneered coldly, contemptuously, "Your earth buns from the lower realm, I don't know the identity of my young lady, I don't blame you, I'm not afraid to tell you, my young lady comes from the Chen family of Langhuan Mountain Miss, the daughter-in-law of the real patriarch of the Dao Avenue, the sister of the Chen family, the boy, I will ask you, are you afraid?"

The woman's eyes were fixed on Su Hang. She understood the weight of her words, and no one would not be afraid.

"Hahahaha..." Su Hang suddenly smiled, and the woman's brows grew deeper and deeper.

"What are you laughing, could it be that you have lost your mind?" The woman said with a black face, should this guy be scared?

Su Hang stopped his laughter and said, "It's really a big start. I'm terrified of death. So, why is your lady sending you to visit me?"

"Visit you?" The woman sniffed and snorted softly, "I'm dying, I don't know, I was ordered by my young lady to come and treat you!"

"Oh? What is my guilt?" Su Hang asked.

"Humph!" the woman sneered, "offended my aunt, death!"

"Your grandpa?"

Su Hang looked at the woman with surprise. "You mean Lin Shouye? Your lady didn't come to me in person, but she only sent you such a little maid. It seems that your lady is not very kind to your aunt. !"

"Indiscriminate!" The woman patted heavily on the throne of the city host. "I'm Ping'er, my daughter-in-law's personal maid. Everything I said is representative of my girl, the boy named Su. You talk more nonsense, wise, hand over the God of War tower, follow me back to Tianxuan Mountain, kowtow to my aunt and admit mistakes, let me deal with it, maybe you will still be killed, otherwise words..."

"How about it?" Su Hang took a step forward. "With your little weight, you can still take me away. Your grandfather has been cleaned up by me like a cat or a dog, so you are not afraid of me taking you Annoying?

"You, look for death!" Ping'er was furious and his face was trembling. No one except the Chen family dared to talk to him in this attitude. "Don't think that you have some skill, you can do whatever you want, you This ability is not enough at the bottom of our Chen family. Today, if you offend our Chen family, just wait to bear the anger of the Chen family..."

Su Hang frowned, "The first family in the heavenly realm, just so powerful?"

"Huh, what about you, what ants are not as good as!" Ping'er yelled angrily. "On your own, dare to hurt my aunt, and dare to compete with my little master for suzerainship. It's ridiculous. There should also be an ideal, but I tell you, salted fish is salted fish, and it can’t be changed in a lifetime, like you, the lower bound garbage, where is the best way to roll back and where to go, when my young lady invites a family master, you even choose to die Have no rights!"

This mouth is really too tricky and too poisonous!

Su Hang was scolded by her insults!


There was a loud drink next to him, but Chen Sen jumped out. He couldn't stand it. How could there be such, such annoying girl.

"You come down to me!" Chen Sen held a blush and pointed at the woman sitting on the throne of the city's throne.

Suddenly a curse came out, the sound was still so loud, Ping'er was startled, and almost fell off the throne.

"What kind of thing are you?" Ping'er looked at Chen Sen, and when he saw this kid, he wore so ordinary clothes, and looked down upon him.

"Humph!" Chen Sen's **** face, where he can't bear to be taken lightly, he immediately scolded, "A little maidservant is so arrogant, it seems that this Chen family is really like the brother Su said, it is not a good bird, if it is in me There are such arrogant maid slaves in the city of God Bow. I’ve made people beat her, and you will come down to me. A servant slave is also suitable for that seat!"

Such words came out from Chen Sen's mouth. Su Hang was dumb. There is no doubt that Su Hang had set him up before. At this time, he saw the evil of this majesty with his own eyes. He was really uncomfortable!


Ping'er was stood up suddenly, "It's the opposite, you dare to scold me for being a servant slave?"

"I'm sorry, I'm not scolding you, I'm just stating a fact!" Chen Sen said directly, "What's so great about your Chen family, and I'm also surnamed Chen, but I'm not as bad as you, real family clan, that would do There is not even a minimum of self-cultivation in bullying and weakening. Are you worthy to be called a big door?

"You, you wanton!"

Ping'er was furious, "Is the Chen family like you, a small family on the edge of a small town, small to small? Can you compare it? With your surname Chen?"

"What do you say? Have you the ability to say it again?" Chen Sen exploded directly, as if to rush up to hit someone.

Su Hang was seeing a terrible cold beside him. Why is this scene so cursing?

After all, the maidservant is just a maidservant, and she will never be able to compare with her master. She is only cultivated. This gap will come out at once. If she is replaced by her lady, Suhang believes that this will not happen at all.

(=one second to remember)

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