Super Study God

Chapter 2327: 30 thousand worlds!

Although Su Hang has also been confused with the physical chaos, there is still a gap in comparison with the characters like Zunzun in terms of the solidity of the physical body. However, they can be achieved through trillions of years of practice. It is like the difference between sugar water and sugar. Although they are both sweet, they are pure!

This point, Su Hang has to admit that, although his physical body is still half a rank higher than the realm of the realm of the realm, but it is still worse than the strength of the bite!

"You still have two chances!" At this time, Zun Zun and the stone slowly drifted down and stopped not far from Suhang.

"Su Hang, forget it!"

Tu Liugong persuaded far away, just that one move, the outcome was already known, Su Hang could not be the opponent of Zu Zun. A stone.

Su Hang heard it, but didn't say much, and didn't mean to retreat. Without saying anything, he directly took out the big fairy stick.

With the current power of Su Hang, Daxian stick can give him at least 50% of the strength, that is to say, with Daxian stick, his power can reach 15,000 world.

If this has nothing to do with biting respect, then he really has to consider whether to retreat temporarily!

"Huh? Daxian stick?" Zu Zun looked at the stick in Su Hang's hand, and the strangeness flashed through his eyes.

"Senior, the second move, here!"

Su Hang snorted suddenly, suddenly rose, accompanied by a burst of drink, the big fairy stick raised his head, hit the head towards Zun Zun.

This stick has exhausted all the power of Suhang. He no longer cares how strong this stick is, because no matter how strong it is, there are no more!

They were black for a while, and they couldn't feel the power of Su Hang. They thought that the punch just now was the limit of Su Hang. They never thought that there was still power.

The three of them couldn't help but wonder what would be the result if they faced this stick. I'm afraid that even the three virtual forces will become dust?

There is no change in the world, no change in the world, just such a simple stick, who can think of it containing such terrifying power?


Obviously, this time, it was not as easy as last time, biting Zun snorted, and in the face of the stick, he immediately pushed his hands up and formed a black ball between his palms.

The ball was almost black to the limit, and it looked like a black hole, only some purple electro-optics were winding around the edge.

Su Hang felt a little weird, but his stick had hit the ball.

A weird thing happened, the stick hit the black ball, and even fell into it directly. The place where it touched the black ball disappeared instantly.

This stick seemed to hit the air, the stick hit the black ball, and it didn't even hit the Zun Zun's body.

Su Hang was shocked in his heart, could it be that this Zun Zun, could even devour such things as the big fairy stick?

Holding a half stick at the moment, violently recovered, but saw that the disappeared part of the stick appeared again.

Looking up at Zun Zun, Su Hang stood up, "What is this trick for seniors?"

"Space fusion, worms and tricks!" The black ball disappeared, and Zun Zun said calmly.

Hearing this, Su Hang finally understood a little bit. The black ball is actually a black hole, which can be understood as a space portal, connecting the space here with other places. Su Hang beat this stick in the black hole On, but in fact hit elsewhere.

Just at that moment, a huge black hole appeared in the depths of the chaotic world. A stick was smashed out of the black hole. The chaotic atmosphere was raging wildly, tumbling up and down, and terrifying.

A space technique can easily dissolve his prestige. Suhang cannot believe it.

How much power is needed to maintain that the black hole is not broken under its own strength of 15,000 worlds?

Su Hang took a deep look at the still calm bite, and secretly estimated in his mind that to achieve this level, I was afraid that there would be at least 30,000 world strength.

"Young man, you have one last move!" At this time, Zun Zun spoke again, and he looked at him like he was asking Su Hang if he wanted to continue.

Su Hang heard a stagnation. The stick just now had exhausted his full strength. Even with another stick, I was afraid that it would be difficult to see the merits again, and after three strokes, it was Yan Zun's turn.

Although Su Hang is very confident, but at this moment, it is that confidence is not a rival that devours Zun. At that time, it was the moment Sanxu most wanted to see.

"Boy, wouldn't you dare to shoot?"

At this time, Sanxu floated up, and there was a bit of sarcasm in the void of the void. Obviously, this was to stimulate Su Hang.

Su Hang looked up at him and said, "Old stuff, hide behind to see the excitement. What's better than this last move, for three of you to pick up?"

Sanxu Yanyan, his face slightly convulsed, nothingness, "You are here, how can you not be so arrogant, because you also want to go to Chuangjie Mountain, and you don’t take my Daozong Sect in your eyes too much, it’s ridiculous. , Damn it!"

At this time, the void faced Zun Zun Road, "Zhou Zun, this kid can be your opponent, I will wait and see, this last move does not need to compare anymore, please Zeng Zun directly exterminate him to prevent future troubles! "

The black expression on Su Hang's face, these three old guys, really can't wait to get rid of themselves as soon as possible, and then they can't wait for a minute and a second!

Indeed, Sanxu is very urgent at the moment. To get rid of Suhang, they can only rely on Zun Zun.

Zu Zun waved his hand, "How can the Zun say nothing without words?"

Under the oppression of the powerful momentum, Sanxu suffocated his old face with redness. He didn't dare to say a word at all. He could only stare back at Su Hang fiercely, and wished to swallow Su Hang directly.

Zu Zun turned to Su Hang, "Young Let's fight fast!"

"Su Hang, withdraw!"

Tu Liugong shouted next to him. He believed that Zun Zun would do it. If Su Hang's three moves could not win, then Zu Zun would surely follow the meaning of San Xu and kill Su Hang.

Su Hang was standing in the same place, his heart was up and down, and Zun Zun was indeed very strong. Moreover, looking at the Yin family, he had been given three opportunities. However, it was not Su Hang who did not cherish it, but the stubbornness in his bones that made him not want Acknowledge.

"Senior, what do you think this is?"

At this time, Su Hang put the big fairy stick to the ground and took out a thing, spread it in the palm of his hand.


Everyone's eyes fell on Su Hang's hand, it was a square thing, white, like a pebble, not too big, you can grasp it with one hand!

Three virtual faces and one black face, but sneer in my heart, it seems that this kid is really right, this is to want to offer treasure, in exchange for bitterness and accommodation?

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