Super Study God

Chapter 2331: 1 introduction!

To the west of Chuangjie Mountain, there are six positive peaks, and there are countless large and small peaks underneath. Where the female disciples under the gate of Xifeng Mountain, Tiandao Realm can occupy one peak and get a mountain of its own!

Zhong Yufeng is the master of Xifeng, the Taoist field of Yuanling Elders, and his status can be imagined on Chuangjie Mountain.

It is rumored that this primate elder has a strange temper. Any male animal, even a male mosquito, is not allowed to approach Xifeng. Therefore, Su Hang walked all the way and did not see the figure of half a male monk, even other super elders. She dare not easily provoke her, and she rarely manages the affairs of the sect, and rarely leaves Zhong Yufeng.


At the mountain gate of Zhong Yufeng, two female disciples in white successfully stopped Su Hang.

"You are the disciple of that peak, what are you doing here?" One of the round-faced girls stepped forward and directly took the sword out of his hand and pointed it at Su Hang.

"Which peak?" Su Hang froze for a moment, then said, "Two ladies, I come from Thumb Peak!"

"Thumb Peak?" Su Hang's words made these two women a little ignorant, and another woman who looked a little older came forward and said, "Nonsense, Thumb Peak is a place to live alone. Will there be disciples? Hurry up and say, who are you? Is it conspiracy to go to Zhong Yufeng!"

Are you so bad like yourself?

Su Hang reluctantly said, "The two girls asked me which peak I came from. I did come from Zhong Yufeng. Besides, if I had any wrongdoing schemes, would I just walk through the main entrance with fairness and integrity?"

The two women thought for a while, and it seemed to make sense. The round-faced girl said, "You have to be summoned, the male trainer is not allowed to enter Xifeng. You must first register and come to Zhong Yufeng to do something? If you can't tell the truth, I am the two You have to treat you with sin!"

Su Hang smiled and said, "Under the Su Hang, at the order of the Devourer, come to Zhong Yufeng and lead a disciple to see you at Thumb Summit!"

"Huh? The life of Zun Zun? Can you have your hand?" asked the round-faced woman.

Su Hang shook his head, "Just spoken!"

I have made up my own way, falsely preaching the will, where will there be a hand in hand?

The second woman was surprised, and the older woman asked, "Who does Zunzun want to see?"

"The disciple of Yuanling's elders, Su Xi!" Su Hang said directly.

The reason why he said this is just to worry that this elder spirit elder has a strange temper. If he doesn’t want to see Su Xi up on the mountain, he can at least know whether Su Xi is really on the mountain.

The second woman heard the words and was surprised. The round-faced girl said, "Zhou Zun summons Uncle Xi? What do you know?"

Su Hang heard that his heart was slightly relieved. In this way, Su Xi was indeed at Zhong Yufeng.

"I don't know what to do when I respect each other!" Su Hang replied, "Can the two fairies let me in, or call Su Xi out?"

At this time, the elder girl said, "You have come by accident, Uncle Xi is not on the mountain at the moment!"

"Oh? Where is she now?" Su Hang said, frowning slightly.

The elder girl said, "A year ago, Master Uncle and Uncle Xi took some new elite disciples in the door to go to Xiyeye for trial. I heard that they would come back before the Wanjie Conference. It was a coincidence, so leave quickly. If you let other uncles see you, I'm afraid that you will have to deal with the crime of running into the mountain gate!"

Did the trial go? Su Hang's brows stretched slightly, no wonder he didn't feel the slightest breath of Su Xi. Before, he thought that Zhong Yufeng's enchantment was too strong and shielded her breath.

"But I don't know where the wilderness is?" Su Hang immediately asked.

The second woman looked at Su Hang with surprise. "Are you a man in the heavens? Don't you even know the wilderness?"

Su Hang was a little embarrassed, as if despised by others, "I was originally from a farmhouse under the mountain, and I have a shallow knowledge. I have only entered the Thumb Peak in recent days and waited for the bite. I really know very little about the heavens and the four directions. Carefully, I can reply Zunzun!"

Blow, anyway, irresponsible nonsense!

The second woman looked at Su Hang because she couldn't see the realm of Su Hang, so she just regarded him as an ordinary person and put her down.

The girl with a round face said, "The wilderness of the evening, located in the extreme west of the sky, 33 days of bliss. Most of them are wilderness. There are many wild and fierce beasts. It is the most ideal place for Zongmen trial..."

"Thanks to the two fairies for telling us that Suhang is back!"

After listening to the words of the round-faced girl, Su Hang nodded slightly, already knowing her heart, and then retreated.


Just when Su Hang was about to leave, a faint voice came from afar, quite a bit majestic!

Su Hang looked back, but it was a woman wearing a black gold robe and a high crown, flashing immediately behind the two guarding women!

It is a woman who looks so luxurious and indifferent, just like a natural female emperor.


When the two Shoushan disciples saw it, they panicked and hurriedly bowed, without knowing where to put their hands and feet.

The woman didn't glance at the two Shoushan disciples. Her eyes were only to Suhang. The look seemed to show Suhang through.

"This is Elder Yuan Ling?" Su Hang was surprised and asked directly.

The Xueshen system shows that this person is the master of Zhong Yufeng, one of the nine super elders.

The woman was uncomfortable and said, "Since it's already here, why bother to leave? If you don't mind, let me enter the palace!"

"Huh?" Su Hang froze for a moment.

Women's Road, "Why? Just now at the foot of the mountain, they dare to fight with Zun Zun, don't they dare to enter my Zhongyu Palace?"

Su Hang heard this, paused, smiled, and said, "Elder Yuan Ling has a life, dare not Su Hang?"

Having finished Su Hang took care of his clothes and followed Yuan Ling into the Zhongyufeng Mountain Gate.

The only thing that made him afraid of the entire Chuangjie Mountain was Zun Zun. Where could he dare not go?

The two Shoushan disciples looked at each other, and there were some stuns on their faces. Only then did they realize that they seemed to have been deceived by Su Hang. This person must be an expert.



In Zhong Yu's hall, Yuan Ling lived on the throne. On the wall behind him was a calligraphy and painting on which a huge Tao character was written. I don't know who wrote it. One stroke at a time contains infinite Dao.

The whole hall was very empty, so Su Hang and Yuan Ling were sitting high, Yuan Ling was sitting tall, tasting tea slowly, but they didn’t say to Su Hang that they also had a drink, so Su Hang was sitting on the seat below , Very embarrassing!

Time passed by one minute and one second, the cup of tea was almost finished, the two were still speechless, Su Hang did not know what Yuan Ling real person is doing, told himself to come in, but did not talk to himself, is this funny?

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