Super Study God

Chapter 2336: 2 cents of gold and silver!

"Yo, someone in front? Looks like Daozongzong's banner!"

"It must be a disciple of the trial, Daozong Zong, let's still be good!"

"What are we afraid of? We are also destined to meet each other for a long time. Since we met, we naturally have to know each other well. Let's go and see!"


The sound was loud, and everyone on the ship seemed to be in a tank, listening to the people outside the tank talking.

Tian Zhenju and Chu Tianyi stood on the bow of the ship, and the expression on their faces appeared very dignified.

"Sister, we seem to be stared at!" Tian Zhenju said lightly.

"Humph!" Chu Tianyi snorted coldly, "I want to see, where is the sacred!"

"Oh, I don't dare to be holy, just two old monsters!"

With a sharp smile, two figures appeared on the bow of the ship instantly.

The two celestial ancestors immediately guarded, and their eyes fell upon the two, and they looked up and down.

Two old men, the one on the left is taller and fatter, full of silver wire, and the mouth seems to have been punched by someone, the swollen red, like two sausages!

The other figure was slightly thinner, but covered with blonde hair. His eyes were bitten by something, red and swollen, and almost no eyes could be seen. It looked very funny.

"Poof..." Chu Tian didn't hold back and snickered.

"Huh, juniors are rude!" The silver-haired old man snorted coldly, obviously also knowing what Chu Tianyi was laughing.

Chu Tianyi quickly stopped the laughter. Although the two were embarrassed, Chu Tianyi couldn't see the realm of the two at all. That is to say, the strength of the two was above her, so much stronger ,unknown!

Tian Zhenju frowned slightly, and looked at the two old men in surprise, "Two seniors, are they two gold and silver cents?"

"Oh, Lao Jin, how long have we been out of the mountain, and some people know our name!" said the silver-haired old man.

"Gold and Silver Two Immortals?" Chu Tianyi took a step forward, and there was a terrified look on her face. Obviously she also knew the names of the two.

Tianzhen Jushi Road, "Jinxian Tuoqing Qingyun, Yinxian Tuoqing Aomu, comes from Huantian Tiantuoba family, self-titled Jinyin Erxian, often engaged in the robbery of the family clan, blackmail the Sifang School, ten million years ago, Was blacklisted by Daozong Zong, then escaped and disappeared!"

"Oh!" The silver-haired old man chuckled and said, "You can remember what happened ten million years ago. It's really hard for you. Look at you like this, in Daozongzong, should you also have a little identity?"

Tian Zhen's layman said, "Under Li Tianzhen, this is my sister and sister Chu Tianyi, and the teacher is the elder Dao Zongyuan Ling. Counting them, I am not the two younger generations!"

The two heard the words and frowned lightly, and the blonde old man said, "Yuan Ling real disciple? You are afraid that it is not funny, Yuan Ling real person is also the pinnacle of Da Jiu realm, will there be such a weak apprentice as you?"

This remark made Tian Zhenju and Chu Tianyi quite displeased, especially Chu Tianyi, who was so underestimated by people, really does not make sense!

"The two also asked to be cautious. My two were unlucky and embarrassed Master, but they could not tolerate outsiders!" Chu Tianyi said immediately.

"Oh, the temper is not small!" The blonde old man chuckled softly and glanced at the two of them, "The insult will be humiliated, what can you do?"

Chu Tianyi suffocated his blush, and next to the Tianzhen Buddhist priest said, "Two Taoist friends, I will wait for the order of the Master and lead my disciples to try. Bit, will not talk to outsiders!"

"Oh, it's ridiculous!" The blonde old man grinned. "They've already got on the boat, and they want us to go down, what kind of people are our gold and silver two cents? Let all of you come out!"

The two frowned, and Tian Zhen's layman said, "There are some little girls on the boat, and both are masters. Why bother with them?"

"Well, come out for me!"

The silver-haired old man snorted, his big sleeves waved, and the strong wind blew out. The disciples hiding in the cabin were swept out of the ship instantly, one after another, and fell to the ship's board crookedly.


Looking at the frightened face, the silver-haired old man laughed, "It seems that I am really blessed today!"


Both Tianzhenju and Chu Tianyi were flabbergasted and quickly pulled their swords out of their sheaths to protect them in front of the women.

"get out!"

The silver-haired old man flicked his hands and his body flickered. Tian Zhenju and Chu Tianyi didn't even realize what was happening. They were penetrated by their swords in their chests, followed by a palm print, and immediately vomited blood and flew away. Go out.

The realm gap is really too far. The two immortals of gold and silver have been famous for a long time. At least the quintessence of Dadao Realm is above five grades. Can two monks at the peak of Tiandao Realm match?



The women exclaimed again and again, even their biggest admiration, so unbearable that they were hit with a palm on the bow of the ship, and they fell heavily on the ground, blood spattered, and they were unable to get up. .

"Huh, two old women, I have no interest in you!" The silver-haired old man took a sip, didn't look at the two of them, "Dao Dao Zong chased us for so many years, and we were met by us today, blaming you for being unlucky ..."

After speaking, the silver-haired old man looked evilly at the girls, "I seem to have just heard who is calling Sister Sister?"

This is a group of little monks, and the highest is the Yuanying Realm. There are actually those called the two sisters, which is a bit strange.

Everyone's eyes focused on Su Xi.

Both Jin Yin Yin Xian also looked at Su Xi with their eyes, and looked up and down unscrupulously!

"She is a close disciple of Yuanling Patriarch, two seniors, you let us go, we are just young disciples, even if you kill us, there will be no harm to Daozongzong..." It was Xun Qiuyue. At this moment, she just wanted to save her life. She naturally betrayed Su Xi. What is the use of killing us? If you want to kill, you will kill a lot of people. They are the disciples of Yuanling Elder. .

Su Xi's face was covered with black lines. The woman was too bad. The feeling of being betrayed was really uncomfortable.

"Closed disciple?" The silver-haired old man looked at Su Xi unexpectedly, and his eyes became hot again. "It's a little interesting, Jinxian, we can have some fun today!"

There was also a wretched smile on the blonde old man's face!

"You dare to touch me, be careful..." Su Xi took a few steps back, terrified in his heart, a young monk in Jindan Facing two powerful people in Dadao Realm, one can imagine What a horror!

"Be careful?"

The silver-haired old man smiled evilly and slowly approached Su Xi. He liked this feeling very much. This kind of feeling that made prey fearless and helpless was really wonderful!


Just when Su Xi retreated to the side of the ship, and there was no retreat, suddenly, a white light appeared on his chest!


The hot white light dazzled the eyes, and the brows of the gold and silver two celestial bodies frowned. It seemed that something was wrong. Looking closely, a necklace flew out of Su Xi's chest, and the white light came from this.


The thought of Jin Yin Er Xian just started, and saw a figure walking slowly out of the white light!

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