Super Study God

Chapter 2344: Fireflies are better than Haoyue!

"Uh..." Tuliu Gong said, "I wasn't trying to save you, expedient measures, casually say so?"

Su Hang shook his head, "You said casually, but let us all enter Longtan Tiger's Cave, if something happens in a moment, if you want to go, you might not be able to go!"

Tu Liugong laughed, "It shouldn't be that serious. After listening to the man who just said, the queen bee and my ancestor are old acquaintances, and should not embarrass us!"

Su Hang glanced at Tu Liugong, "I hope so, now you are the protagonist, I will see you for a while!"

"Me?" Tu Liugong stayed!

At this time, the door opened again, and the man came out of the door just now, "You come in with me, Your Majesty is waiting for you, but don't blame me for not reminding you that Her Majesty likes cleanliness, noisiness, nor likes. Others stare at her. If you don’t want to die, it’s best to remember!"

"Yes Yes Yes……"

The two only promised to nod, and nodded again and again, and did not know if they heard the drone man's words clearly.

Don't like being stared at, is this queen ugly? Su Hang whispered in his heart, followed Tuguliong, and entered the gate with the man.


In the eyes of Su Hang, Su Hang can only think of two words, that is, gorgeous, vast space, just like a grand hall, magnificent gold, twelve golden pillars towering towering!

On the smooth ground paved by Lingyu, a red carpet spread from the door to the stone steps of the throne.

Dozens of handsome men stood on either side, neatly arranged, above the throne, a woman sat on the side with an elegant posture, leaning on the throne with one hand, her fist resting on her head, exposing two snow-white legs and a red body His clothes, unusually luxurious, long skirts, dragged under the stone steps.

Su Hang only looked up and saw a pair of legs, then quickly lowered her head, did not see the woman's appearance, but the appearance should be very young, although the age may be very old.

Tu Liugong buried his head so low that he didn't dare even look at the woman's legs. He remembered the reminder of the drone just now.

Su Hang pulled out the system and took a look. He couldn't help but be surprised. In addition to the queen, there were seventy-three beautiful men in the honeycomb hall, all of them were in the avenue.

Except for the 22 people who did not reach the Ninth Avenue of Dadao Realm, all the others were all in the Nine Realm Realm. Among them, those with deep skills were not a few. The previous drone man who brought in the two of them was only in the queue at the moment. At the end of the big eight realm, among these handsome men, only equipped with shoes.

Obviously, these people are all drone, the most elite power in the hive, Su Hang couldn’t help but feel lucky, just fortunately there was no strong attack, otherwise, so many big nine masters, with an unfathomable queen, just afraid It will be you who is done.

"Look up, let me see!" A clear voice sounded, very Wennon, listening to his ears, it felt like everyone should be turned away.

"Did you hear Her Majesty's words, raise your head!" A man stood beside the Queen, and when they saw that Su Hang and the two did not respond, they immediately snorted.

The voice is as if the criminal is being tried.

Now it's difficult to do this. The queen doesn't like others to see her. Wouldn't she see this as she looked up?

Tu Liugong looked at Su Hang, but he saw that Su Hang had raised his head.

Even if you can't even see it, there is such a reason that Su Hang can't bear it. He hasn't dared to dare to take a glance at it.

Beauty, only one word, beauty!

It didn't look like it was in his early twenties, in a red dress, embroidered with luxurious patterns, a high bun, and a delicate face, even if Su Hang was firm enough, it was a slight loss!

Seeing Su Hang's head up next to Tu Liugong, he quickly raised his head, but he was even more embarrassed than Su Hang. He looked at him for a while, and then he recovered after a while. It was really vain to spend so many years in the flowers.

"Careless, dare to look directly at the queen, disrespecting the queen!" The man immediately snorted again.

really! Su Hang couldn't help but cry and laugh, didn't the queen make us look up? Now I say disrespect again, what kind of trouble is this?

At this time, the queen waved her hand, "The two don't have to be ceremonial, come here, give seats!"

The drone males had some accidents, but the accidents were unexpected. The Queen’s order represented absolute authority. Soon, a few bee soldiers came in with two chairs and placed them behind the two of them.

"The two came from afar, you don't have to be polite, sit down!" The queen glanced gently, Zhu lips lightly opened, her manners were extremely elegant.

Tu Liugong looked at Su Hang and saw that under Su Hang, he sat down in embarrassment. So many masters were standing around, but only two of them were sitting. It was difficult to be at ease.

The Queen looked lazily at the two of them, "Who are the descendants of the jade in the earth?"

Tuliugong heard the word and quickly stood up again, bowing and said, "The younger generation of Liuliu is the third generation of the Tu family, and the jade of the Tugong is the ancestor!"

"Oh!" The Queen heard the words and looked up and down at Tu Liugong. "You look like you, they are far worse than your ancestors!"

"Uh... hehe..." Tu Liugong smiled embarrassingly. He was a little old, but after a little bit of it, he was still a middle-aged handsome uncle. It was a bit embarrassing to be questioned by the queen.

"Compared with the ancestors of juniors, it is natural that fireflies are better than Haoyue, just in case..."

"It's okay, it's okay, compared to the one next to you, it looks like Zhou Zheng!" said the Queen again.

Su Hang was shocked, is this talking about me? Call me ugly?

Su Hang couldn't bear to say this. He immediately coughed and said, "Your Majesty, how do you say this?"

There is a smile all looks ugly, you are not allowed to say? You are still not convinced, want to point out where you are ugly?

To be honest, Su Hang is not ugly, but in front of this bunch of handsome guys, it really seems a bit that.

It is said that flowers need green leaves to set off, but now there is a green leaf in the thousands of flowers, which is indeed a bit dazzling!

The Queen looked at Su Hang and smiled indifferently, "Your Excellency doesn't need to be mindful. The appearance is just an external appearance. No matter how beautiful the skin is, there is a mess in the heart. What's the point? My concubine in this room looks good. It’s very beautiful, so what, I watched all day and I’ve been bored for a long time, but it’s your look that made me feel comfortable!"

Su Hang's face twitched slightly, so I have to thank you? But listening to this, why is it a bit tasteless.

After getting used to the taste of Shanzhen and Haiwei, it is inevitable to get tired of it, and suddenly a plate of coarse grains of wild vegetables appears, maybe you can also decorate your appetite, the table full of delicacies, maybe there is no humble appetizer of kimchi.

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