Super Study God

Chapter 2348: Cheat!

The queen turned her face and looked at Chaos.

Chaos said again, "You are not asking for a seal today, but deceiving a seal. If you are made to be a blame for the future, I'm afraid you can't afford it!"

The Queen heard the words and paused for a long time, then sat back directly on the seat, as if exhausting every effort, "So what do you say, how do I stay? After waiting for so many years, isn't it the day to wait?"

Chaos said, "Girl Lan is a little restless, I want to go to that state sooner than you, but old age is very clear, this matter can't be impatient, all we can do is wait..."

"Wait?" The Queen smiled bitterly and shook her head. "When will that have to wait?"

Chaos said, "I believe, almost..."

"Oh, soon?" The queen smiled bitterly, her expression on her face was not fierce, only bitter, "I only know that the opportunity is not lost, and the loss will not come again!"

Chaos said, "Everything is justified, and it has been waiting for trillions of years. Isn't it nearly this time, not to mention, now in these days, except for the existence of the realms of the realm, can you know how to achieve In the realm of the realm of the realm, I am afraid that there are only you and me. What else do you have to worry about?"

The Queen pondered for a moment, her face was still helpless and bitter, "If I would go all alone today, would you stop me?"

Chaos shook his head, "I have blocked you once, and I can't stop you a second time. If you are alone, you can only say goodbye to the old one!"

"You allow me to think about it!" The queen fell silent, but didn't know what to think about!



In a hive deep in the hive, two drone men sent Su Hang here, and the door left as soon as the door was closed, leaving nothing left, and there was a table, a stool, and a small bed in the room. The small space seemed a bit depressed, and it felt like it was imprisoned.

However, even if the Queen of Destiny had that heart, Su Hang would dare to guarantee that he could not be trapped here. He wanted to see what idea the Queen of Destiny was playing.

The thousandth destined person, to say that she is qualified to become a realm king, can she achieve realm realm? How silly is this to believe this?

This sky is really deceiving too much, and actually used such nonsense to deceive the once innocent ignorant girl.

But the Queen of Destiny really believed it, which made Su Hang feel amused and funny, and it was not true at all.

There is this chaos, how come suddenly came here?

The two separated themselves and did not know what they were plotting. What is certain is that they must not want him to hear.

The benefits that the Queen of Destiny gave to Su Hang just now, the Royal Jelly of Destiny, really made Su Hang heart-pounding, but the power of the two thousand worlds seems to be insufficient for Su Hang.

When you reach the Nine Realm, under normal circumstances, if you can’t break through the Realm of King Realm, then you can only continue to accumulate, just like the Queen of Life, the bite of the Devouring Lord, and the power can grow infinitely. .

It can be said that the Great Nine Realm is a huge watershed, some on the mountainside, some on the bottom of the mountain, and the mountain is covered with mist. No one dares to say that he has climbed to the top of the mountain.

However, the existence on the mountainside must be made to be looked up by the people at the bottom of the mountain. The existence of the likes of Tu Liugong is also a little famous in the realm of Da Jiu, but it can only be regarded as just reaching the bottom of the mountain. Said that he had just set foot on the mountain road.

After all, the strength that is not reached by the two thousand worlds, although strong, is still in the pediatrics in front of these ancient powerful people who move the worlds!

In the past, Su Hang was still full of confidence, but now, with the power of all realms, he dare not say that he is halfway up the mountain.

Compared with the existence of Ke Zun, Su Hang still thinks that he is still far away. Previously, he and Zun Zun have worked, and the power shown by Zun Zun has at least 30,000 realms, but Su Hang is very clear, that It is definitely not the limit of Zun Zun. After all, Zun Zun's ability has crushed him. For a person with lower strength than himself, no one will use all his strength.

The existence of the ancients, for Su Hang, is only four words, unfathomable!

Another example is the Queen of Destiny. The Destiny Honey brewed by itself is the best in the eyes of practitioners of the Nine Realm. How strong is its strength?

Drinking a bottle of royal jelly a day is the power of a thousand worlds. How much power should there be in trillions of years?

Of course, this is a bit exaggerated. Any elixir, even if it is powerful, there is definitely a saturation. It is impossible to let your power grow endlessly. Just like antibiotics, if you use more, the effect will naturally weaken. .

But there is no doubt that the strength of this Queen of Destiny is absolutely unfathomable, so in the face of such an existence, can the growth of the power of two or three thousand circles be counted as growth?

It's not that Su Hang looks down on these two or three thousand worlds, but it's still far worse than his appetite for an urgent need to become stronger.

On the way to here just now, I saw a lot of bee pupa. I don’t know how it tastes. Is there any magic effect of increasing skill?

Su Hang thought a little evil in his heart. He walked to the bed and sat down cross-legged. After all, other people's things belonged to others. Others refused to give them. They couldn't grab it, not to mention grab it.

Instead of thinking about others, it is better to think of reality. Without destiny honey, he is not unable to find a way to become stronger.

Pulling out the Xueshen system, Su Hang directly transferred the information of Zun Zun and looked at it. Although the information is not particularly detailed, Su Hang can understand that after all, Zun Zun is already a top-notch existence in this realm.

He wanted to directly pass on the power of Zun Zun, but after looking at the required energy points, Su Hang’s face twitched a little, and the long series of numbers behind the “Body of the Realm of Kings” alone had made him dazzled. Now!

Although Suhang has already become the king of the and is still developing towards a more advanced level, but the degree of physical training, compared with super masters like Zunzun, there is definitely a big gap. The body of the world king who can inherit the respect will definitely have a great help in the development of Su Hang's physical body.

Su Hang hesitated and chose to give up temporarily, not because he couldn't afford this energy point, but because he didn't have the time.

At this level of biting respect, once he started to learn about inheritance, he was afraid that he would have to say a few months without saying anything. He also promised to go to Chuangjie Mountain to pick up Su Xi without saying that the World Assembly was approaching and time was no longer allowed.

Of course, if he can inherit the power of biting Zun, and look at the entire outer realm of heaven and earth, except for those world kings, I am afraid that it is already difficult to find an opponent, but his only thing is time.

It's really good to eat a big fat man at one bite, but if you miss the Wanjie Conference because of this, you won't be worth the loss. After all, his current efforts are for this conference.


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