Super Study God

Chapter 2352: Yuan Ling's calculation!

"Thank you very much this time, and saved my gang of disciples, the gold and silver two immortals are full of evil, if my petite disciples and disciples fall into their hands, I am afraid that the consequences will be unimaginable!"

In the Yuan Ling Hall of Zhong Yufeng Partial Hall, Yuan Ling real person once again received Su Hang, and Su Xi stood beside Yuan Ling real person.

Su Hang heard the words and said, "I just saved my sister. As for the others, it's all right, no need to thank!"

Yuan Ling lively smiled faintly, and then the words turned, "I heard, have you met Destiny Bee?"

Su Hang smiled, "Real people are really well-informed, nothing can hide from you!"

Yuan Ling is really humane, "You really are a blessing, and I think I have traveled to the Yeye for several times to find the destiny bee, but unfortunately I have not harvested it once. When we come to a state like ours, we want to improve our skills, except for the endless After practicing, he will rely on spirits like Destiny Honey..."

In saying this, Suhang feels that Yuan Ling's eyes have changed when he sees him, as if he is saying, you must have gained a lot of benefits. You should be able to understand me and give me some?

This woman is interesting.

Although Su Hang could hear the subtext in her words, she only pretended not to understand, saying, "Don't hide the real person, this time I went to the hive of Destiny Bee and saw the Queen of Destiny. I thought I could get it. Little benefit, no one knows that the strength of the destiny queen is extraordinary. If Tu Liugong was with him, the Tujia ancestors had some friendship with the destiny queen. I am afraid that I am already a sheep and I will never return..."

"Oh?" Yuan Ling really frowned slightly, "How have you seen the Queen of Destiny?"

Su Hangdao, "Naturally is glamorous and incomprehensible. Although I haven't dealt with her, I can feel that its strength will never be lower than Zunzun!"

Yuan Ling stayed for a while, then immediately withdrew his gaze and took a deep breath, "She is like a bite of Zun, bred in chaos, the innate life of the ancient times, the strength is naturally not low..."

"What do real people ask about this?" Su Hang looked at Yuan Ling real person with some surprise. Why was she curious about the destiny queen, could it be that she thought that she could still use destiny honey based on her ability?

Yuan Ling real person shook his head, "At that time, the Wa Emperor was in a deal with the Queen of Destiny. The Queen of Destiny borrowed something from Dao Zong from the Emperor Wa, and now the Emperor Wa is gone. I naturally want to get her back It is a pity that I have never been able to find the whereabouts of the Queen of Destiny!"

"Oh?" Su Hang paused. "Could I ask, what is it?"

Yuan Ling really smiled bitterly, "There is nothing to say, she borrowed it is one of the four great holy artifacts of my ancestral furnace!"

"Synthetic furnace?" Su Hang chewed a bit, but hadn't heard of this thing. "What's so strange?"

Yuan Ling is really humane, "This treasure is as famous as Heavenly Sin!"

Upon hearing this, Su Hang understood, what is the sin of heaven, Su Hang knew nothing but, what kind of treasure is the same as the sin of heaven, Su Hang has already estimated.

Yuan Ling Zhenren then said, "Unlike the sin of heaven, the forging furnace is the treasure bred in the chaotic world. In a sense, it is more precious. It was always in charge of the Emperor Wa, and later lent to the Queen of Destiny. I heard that It's for refining Destiny Royal Jelly..."

Looking at the expression of Yuan Ling’s real person, it should not be a lie. Immediately, “Since it’s borrowed, it should naturally be paid back. Unfortunately, I didn’t know it. If I knew it earlier, I could help you.”

Su Hang’s words were completely empty. Even if he knew it earlier, he wouldn’t help asking. After all, debt is actually a cause and effect. After borrowing the thing for so long, he didn’t say it back. This means it’s obvious. Su Hang will not help people get debts, just touch these bad things.

Yuanling is really humane, "If the Emperor Wa is still there, everything is naturally not a problem. Unfortunately, now Emperor Wa..."

After a pause, Yuanling real person continued, "After the Emperor Wa, this has become a bad debt. I have traveled to the Yeye several times, but unfortunately I got nothing. Later, I thought about asking Zunzun to come forward, but pity Zunzun I don’t know what the reasons are, so I don’t want to do it, so after so many years, the chemical furnace has been left outside..."

Su Hang heard the words and thought not to say that you are looking for Zunzun. Even if you find a real person in the sky, I am afraid that it is difficult to get that thing back. Why does Zunzun refuse to come forward? That must know the relationship between Heaven and the Destiny Queen.

It's weird to get back!

At this time, Yuan Ling's real eyes fell on Su Hang, "I don't know if you are interested, help me Zong to return this treasure?"

"This one……"

Su Hang heard that his face twitched slightly. Sure enough, it was still time to come. She shouldn't have taken her word just now. Sure enough, she threw the question to herself so rudely.

"Real person, I'm afraid it's not very good!" Su Hang laughed dryly. The other party was the master of Su Xi, and he was not good enough to refuse directly.

Yuan Ling real person took a deep breath and said, "It's not bad, you are young, you have extraordinary strength, and, after the reincarnation of the Emperor Wa, you came under your door, and she left the cause and effect to be inherited by you, No word, and Xi'er and I are very optimistic about you!"

gosh! Su Hang heard the words and rolled her eyes in your heart. You are yours. Are you okay with Su Xi?

Could it be that I want to threaten me, if I don't help you to rebuild the furnace today, wouldn't I let Su Xi go?

I have to say that these old monsters who have been famous for a long time are very familiar, but Su Hang is not a fool.

Su Hang smiled and said, "First of all, the furnace is Daozongzong's thing, it has nothing to do with me. Secondly, although Nuwa came into my door after reincarnation, but other people owe her debts, I am a master. , There is no reason to help her, unless she speaks to me. Third, I just came back from the Queen of Destiny, knowing that she is so powerful, it is impossible to run to touch this mold..."

After a whole lot of long speeches, Su Hang looked up and looked at Yuan Ling real person, "So, forgive me for this matter!"

You have made it so clear that if you make it clear, you want to pit me. Of course, I am also straightforward.

Yuan Ling really heard the The brow was lightly frowned, obviously it was a little unpleasant. He looked at Su Xi first, and then turned to Su Hangdao, "I know, This makes you embarrassed, but you have seen the Destiny Queen naturally speak better than others. You are Xi'er's brother, so Xi'er begs you..."

What reason is Nima? Su Hang couldn't help crying or laughing!

Su Hangdao, "If it is Xi'er's thing, even if she does not speak, I will help her to discuss it, but unfortunately not, this is Daozongzong's thing, real people, I don't think so..."

Yuan Ling's real frowned eyebrows spread out slightly, "Oh? How?"

Su Hangdao, "After the Wanjie Conference, I will ascend to the throne of the suzerain, and the things of the sect will be my things.

Yuan Ling listened, and his face was a bit dark!

Obviously, the so-called reclaiming furnace of Yuanling Real People should actually want to take possession of it. Su Hang said that in the future, something will come and become a sect, so why does she still bother?

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