Super Study God

Chapter 2361: 10 phalanx!


Lin Langtian didn't want to follow in the footsteps of the Second Saint of Xuanhuang. He was not the Second Saint of Xuanhuang, and Su Hang was not a heaven. He could sneer immediately and something appeared in his palm.

But it was a small triangular flag, red, orange, yellow, green, and colorful. There were ten in total. Lin Langtian said nothing. With enough skill, he threw that flag directly.

It was only an instant that the ten flags suddenly became larger and turned into light and shadow. They surrounded the Su Hang regiment. Lin Langtian's long sword was thrown into the air and turned into a Xuanhuang Taiji figure again, covering the top of Su Hang.

Su Hang shot to the palm, Lin Lintian would be sucked in sight, but Lin Langtian's body suddenly disappeared in front of him, this man seemed to disappear suddenly.

The surrounding space changed instantaneously, like some kind of formation was awakened. Su Hang took the black hole in his palm and looked around. It already existed in a weird space.

No turmoil of chaos, nothingness, darkness, only a faint light, look down at the feet, the method is to stand on the mirror, there is a reflection of his own, the consciousness can't find out the edge of this world , And can't catch the space-time trajectory!

Su Hang knew that he was caught in the world of formation. The flag just thrown by Lin Langtian was strange!


Su Hang screamed and threw a stick directly into the void!


When the stick arrived, the space was rippling like water waves. After a while, it returned to its original state, and the surrounding silence was like a dead zone!

Su Hang couldn't help but be a little surprised. What kind of space is it so solid that it is stronger than the heavenly barriers?

You know, the power of his stick is almost 20,000. Even if it is placed in the heaven, this stick will be enough to break the barriers of the heaven, but here, it just makes the space rumble.

"Oh, cough, boy, don't you like to suck? After entering my ten square array, everything is taken by me. I think you still suck!"

At this time, Lin Langtian's voice came from the dark sky above Su Hang's head.

Enabling this method should consume a lot. Lin Langtian's voice is a little breathless, but this does not affect his arrogance!

Ten phalanx?

Su Hang frowned. He had never heard of this kind of formation, nor did he know its principle, but this formation could trap him, not by any means.

In the distance, when everyone saw the ten flags, the boiling chaotic world became quiet almost instantly.

It seemed that the fighting had stopped, and no further movement came forward.

"The ten square phalanx, which can be used to restrain the Heaven-Eating Treasure to a certain extent, although Su Hang has cultivated this skill, but has not yet reached the peak, it will be in trouble!" Chaos said.

Yang Mei said, "The Ten Square Banners are the gods bred in the chaotic world. If you and I are in the hands, the Realm King Realm will be able to trap him for ten days and a half months, not to mention Lin Langtian used the Xuanhuang sword to suppress, this kid has no future. Hand, you will lose!"

The other two didn't say anything. They naturally knew the power of the Ten Square Banners, but that was the thing bred in the Chaos World. Lin Langtian was relying on this treasure to trap Su Hang.


Su Hang didn't know what was happening outside. During the battle, Su Hang's brows were deep, and he performed the Divine Devouring Skills several times, all of which had no effect. There was nothing around him, even there was no air. What should he suck?

It seems unrealistic to want to destroy this space by suction. With nothing to suck, it is easy to defy the flesh and **** himself in. He is not heaven, the **** of biting the sky has not yet reached the peak. In this situation, this method seems to be There is no place for it.

The surroundings were terribly empty, and the sword rain harassed from time to time. Such an environment made Su Hang very uncomfortable!

"Lin Langtian, come and get killed!"

Su Hang directly pointed the big fairy stick into the air, but he used the law of a thousand years to kill, and wanted to let Lin Langtian show up!

The stick was empty, and after waiting for a long time, Lin Langtian did not come out. Su Hang frowned, not good, this space could isolate the power of the law!

"Boy, don’t waste your energy, enter my ten square array, even if you are strong, you have to lie down. This array has the chaos holy weapon ten square flag as the base, Xuanhuang sword as the suppression, double suppression. Next, even if you are ten, don’t even think about breaking through!"

Lin Langtian's voice came, and he even introduced Su Hang to the power of this formation. Hearing the voice was really ridiculous!

"Is this interesting? You can't hurt me, and I can't hurt you. Why don't you show up for a fight, but don't you dare?" Su Hang replied faintly.

Lin Langtian smiled and said, "Mo Yao wants to excite me, I don't eat this set, you and my strength are not much different, if you fight in this battle, you can't use the God of Heaven to eat, I have 60% assurance I will win you, but I will not take this risk. Now I can only trap you and wait for the Wanjie Conference to pass, and all your attempts will be in vain!"

"The abacus is good!" Su Hangdao.

"Overwhelming, overwhelming!" Lin Langtian smiled. "It is the wisest to do the biggest things with the least effort!"

Su Hang snorted, "Do you think that without me, your grandchildren will be able to become the first in the world? Ridiculous!"

"It's you who is ridiculous!" Lin Langtian smiled, "You are the biggest threat, as long as you are removed, other people are not a concern!"

"You can be confident, don't be slapped by the facts!" Su Hang sneered. "Only what I have seen, the strength above your grandchildren, there is more than one or two, you're welcome. Say, with your grandchildren's strength, you can squeeze into the top ten, it is already thankful!"

"Young people, before the end, the outcome is unknown. Since I dare to say this, I naturally have the confidence to let my grandson take his seat. Although the process may be very painful and very dangerous, there are If you fail, you will surely put all your opponents under your feet on top of the Universal Realm Conference to cheer me up, but it’s a pity you can’t see it..." Lin Lang said.

Su Hangdao, "You also said, the outcome is unknown before the end!"

Lin Lang said, "Ten phalanxes isolate everything, I really can't think of any other way you can escape!"

"Why don't you teach me?" Su Hang said indifferently.

"Hahahaha..." Lin Langtian laughed, "ridiculous, ridiculous, you let me teach you? Well, the old man kindly shows you a way to destroy the formation, this formation breaks itself!"

After talking, he laughed, Su Hang frowned, and his face was covered with black lines. This old guy said that he did not say, who can break the formation without knowing the formation.

The nonsense of Quan Te is completely teasing Su Hang!

Of course, Su Hang did not expect that the old man would really show himself the way.

"You are so confident that you can trap me?" Su Hang sneered, and there was an urge to rub Lin Langtian against the ground!

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