Super Study God

Chapter 2385: Neptune,

Yin Wushang wanted to use this method to destroy the calculations of the seven old men. It can be said that it was too impulsive and completely dead!

Unless someone now comes out to abstain and the number of contestants becomes double again, it is possible to remove that bye quota, but even if someone is willing to stand up, I believe it is useless, because of these contestants, the seven elders There must be many more. If you abstain, he will abstain and will always keep the quota.

This play is to play the seven dead elders, but it is possible to play yourself dead.

It is almost foreseeable that if there is an even number of winners in the future, someone will certainly stand up and abstain.

Yin Wushang's face was a little pale, and he thought the winning ticket was in his hands, he played very slippery, but who could have thought that the bamboo basket would be empty!

The key is to abstain from the battle, but also afraid of humiliating the family, will eventually be punished by the father!

Originally he was still swaying in the direction of Yin Tianfeng and others, but this time he was a little timid.


As the wild bear abandoned the game, the void announced that there were 2047 contestants in the second competition.

There is no doubt that another person is in a bye, but the void has not pointed out this point. Immediately invited Qin Tian Bao Jian to distribute the remaining 2047 people with the battle name card.

No one went back to pay attention to this bye quota. They paid more attention to who their opponent was in this game. Perhaps, no one would investigate who had the opponent's brand name.

After all, when the famous brand is handed, that is a personal secret. If you don’t show it to you, can you still look at it? Regardless of who is bye, at least you have opponents.

Countless rays of light were shot from the Qin Tian Bao Jian and fell into the hands of everyone. The first time, everyone began to check the brand in their hands!

Su Hang picked it up and said, "152, Zhang Tianjie!"

Brow frowned gently. Su Hang had not heard of this name, but Yin Wuxing abstained. Otherwise, he might know some details!

Next to Xiao Yang, he also saw the brand in the hands of Su Hang, but he was an outsider. Su Hang didn't know him, and naturally he didn't know either.

"Maybe it's a disciple of Dao Zongzong!" Xiao Yang said!

Zhang Tianjie, there is a Tianzi in the middle of this name, it is easy to think of the disciples of Tianzi generation.

"Tianzi generation? That's not a young generation!" Su Hangdao.

Xiao Yang said, "If you are young enough, no more than 40 years old, you may not foul!"

Su Hang nodded slightly, if he is a disciple of Tianzi generation, it should be regarded as the existence of Yin Tianfeng's generation.

At this point, Su Hang does not care and can be selected by the Seven Elders. As his opponent in the second game, his strength should not be underestimated!

"How about you?" Su Hang looked at Xiao Yang.

Xiao Yang smiled, "Luck is better than you. I have seen this person in Cangyue City. The Big Five Realm is not a worry!"

At first glance, Su Hang was a monk named Luo Ling!

Su Hang did not know and was not interested. After all, he was just a monk in the Big Five realm. For Xiao Yang, it was too simple!

"I feel like I was targeted!"

Su Hang smiled bitterly, why Xiao Yang's opponent is so good, but he met a master like Chen Sen in the first game, and Zhang Tianjie in the second game is still unknown.

Xiao Yang shook his head without saying much. No matter how simple Su Su thought was, his identity is special. Daozong Zong must be worried. Even if he wants to eliminate him earlier, he will definitely not choose at this time, but only right Su Hang, they can be without scruple!


"Zhang Tianjie? Is it him?"

The second competition is about to begin. Yin Tianfeng let Yin Yuer understand Su Hang's opponents for the first time. After hearing Yin Yuer's report, Yin Tianfeng's face changed slightly!

"Zhang Tianjie? This name is a bit familiar, as if I have heard it!" Chen Yunna's brow flicked slightly. "Last Wanjie Conference, and Lin Xuan finally tested, it seems that this name?"

The time is a bit far away, and Chen Yunna has some memory problems. Besides, like this competition, everyone will only remember the first, who will remember the second?

The last World Realm Conference was when Lin Xuan won the championship, and the Sovereign Sovereign Joy, granted him the position of Xuanhuang Realm Lord, making Lin Xuan leap into one of the five major Sect Masters of Dao Zong!

Yin Tianfeng nodded, "Yes, Zhang Tianjie was defeated at the last Wanjie Conference!"

"What is the origin of this person?" Chen Yuna stayed in the universe for many years and rarely came to heaven to walk. She didn't know much about the forces on Chuangjie Mountain.

"In terms of origin, this person really has some origin!" Yin Tianfeng's gaze wandered in the array below, perhaps in search of a figure, "This man was born in the thirty-three days of Haihuangtian, but he was a disciple of Haihuangtianhaihai, After breaking through the Dadao realm, I went to Dao Zongzong for further study, and I was named under the gate of Elder Tianhe!"

"Hai Lao's disciple?" Chen Yuna frowned.

Sea Emperor Heaven is the only place where more than 95% of the territories are seas in the 33 days of the Celestial Realm. Most monks are also aquariums. For other heavens, Sea Emperor Heaven is mysterious!

Looking at Chen Yuna's complexion, the sea old man in Yin Tianfeng's mouth is obviously not a wait-and-see person.

Yin Tianfeng went on to say, "Last time, Zhang Tianjie missed the fire and was defeated by Lin Xuan. After that, he left Chuangjie Mountain and returned to Haihuangtian. This time it will come back, and the strength is certainly not to be underestimated. You and I Everyone knows the strength of Hai Lao, and the disciples he tuned out are definitely not easy!"

Chen Nina paused and said, "Last Xuan was not in the Big Five realm last time, and he won the first place. Since this man lost to Lin Xuan, he will certainly not be able to pass the Big Five, even if there is an old man Careful training, shouldn't it be able to surpass Brother Chen Sen?"

Yin Tianfeng shook his head, "It may not be possible to surpass the younger brother, but this person's strength is not about attacking, nor is it about defense, but about being difficult Moreover, this time is different from last time There are so many masters, and the injured children are also seniors. If you don’t abstain, I’m afraid that you can enter the top 500 at most. Besides, the last time there was a Master, who could not give this Master a little face?"

"That is to say, this may be a tough opponent for Su Hang?" Chen Nuona said.

Yin Tianfeng said, "The toughness is certain. Those old guys will definitely not allow Su Hang to easily advance. It will not pass a few games. I believe that the top-notch ones will also have to fight against each other, so that they can at least weaken them to the greatest extent. 'S combat power..."

Chen Yuna said, "It's ridiculous that they still want to win the Qin Dong from the Wang Teng Pavilion, but they are eliminated in the first game. Presumably the Seven Elders are a bit big now?"

"The girl who confronted Qin Dong was indeed of good strength. It was really a talented generation from the Jiangshan generation, and a new generation of new people replaced the old ones. These new people made our old people's faces blush!" Yin Tianfeng smiled bitterly. , "However, the Qin family is not that simple, and the Seven Elders must still have followers."


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