Super Study God

Chapter 2388: Are you teaching the deity?

"Oh, I didn't see it!" Su Hang shook his head. "Your idea is too ideal, it can be said to be naive!"

"Let's talk nonsense, either admit defeat or kill me!" Zhang Tianjie shouted at Suhang without fear.

"Since you are so demanding, if I don't satisfy you, I'm really sorry!"

Su Hang didn't say a word, hit it with a stick, and hit it with a stick. Zhang Tianjie still did not shy away. It was entirely due to his own milk. You can't beat me, and I don't admit defeat. Who can consume energy?


Half of Zhang Tianjie's huge body disappeared under the stick of Su Hang.

At the same time, the light on Zhang Tianjie's remaining body rose.


Su Hang snorted and immediately used space-time capabilities to ban the entire ring space!

Time and space were completely frozen at this moment, and Zhang Tianjie's figure was completely sealed in place. However, to Su Hang's surprise, Zhang Tianjie's vitality of life was so powerful that time and space imprisonment only delayed Zhang Tianjie's life restoration.

In the case of time and space, his body is still recovering, and his speed is not slow.

This life mind technique has broken through the limitation of time and space rules!


Su Hang apparently would not give him the opportunity to repair, directly slamming Zhang Tianjie's body into debris.

The dots and dots in the surrounding space are all the source of life transformed by Zhang Tianjie’s flesh. At this time, Su Hang can use the Devouring God skill to devour him directly, but the World Assembly is not allowed to use this forbidden technique. A few old guys just waited to grab their handles, so Su Hang couldn’t be so stupid as to be banned in public.

The sky light, still in a tenacious gathering under the condition of time and space still, can imagine the power of this life mind is completely immortal.

However, does Su Hang really have no way to take him?

Under the sky, there is no magical power that is unbreakable. Su Hang instantly opened up millions of small spaces, including those life sources separately, and then countless seals were printed. The millions of small spaces are like It is a stack of thousands of layers of cakes, and each space is imprisoned and sealed by the powerful law of space and time.

Zhang Tianjie, who was just alive, was so confined in millions of different spaces.

Although Zhang Tianjie's source of life is unusually active, the rules of time and space can only slow him down, but Su Hang is so general, Zhang Tianjie wants to break through millions of spaces to regain his body, then I don't know how much time it will take!

Su Hang only needs to constantly strengthen the seal, so that Zhang Tianjie will never be born!

A little cold light appeared on Su Hang's face, and he was permanently sealed. This was not what Su Hang wanted. He was too lazy to pay attention to them, it would be better to destroy them directly.

Directly slamming into the overlapping millions of spaces, Su Hang has absolute confidence. These millions of spaces are broken, and the chaotic storms set off are enough to annihilate Zhang Tianjie's source of life.

This is what you are asking for. If it doesn't kill you, how can you be worthy of your hard work? Su Hang's killing has already begun. Zhang Tianjie naturally has no possibility of surviving.

A monk who is not in the realm of Quasi Realm, dare to arrogantly arrogant in front of himself, even if you are the strongest nanny in Wanjie, under the absolute strength of rolling, is it not to kill you to kill you?


Just when Su Hang's stick was about to smash the stacked space, suddenly, a voice started, and Su Hang felt a flower in front of him, a figure appeared in front of Su Hang, a fleshy palm , Directly caught the big fairy stick smashed by Su Hang!

Who is so fierce, dare to use the flesh to directly pick up Su Hang?

At this time, a lot of watching, all look here.

"Zhou Zun?" Su Hang was stunned for a while, frowning slightly, and the stick folded away, looking at Zun Zun, "Why did Zhan Zun stop me?"

Biting Zun retracted his right hand and placed it behind his back, trembling slightly, and said that the stick of the kid really was solid. After this retreat came out, the increase in strength was not half-hearted.

"Compete against one another, why kill them all, you have won, just stop!" Zun Zun said directly.

Su Hang stood up. "It's a bit of a competition here. Your old man suddenly rushed into it, but it was a bit unruly. Moreover, Zhang Tianjie wholeheartedly begged for death. If I don't satisfy him, I'm too humane!"

"Humph, nonsense!" Yan Zun looked serious and snorted coldly, "The boy doesn't know what to do, Zhang Tianjie is the descendant of the old man of the sea emperor Tianhai. You killed him. The old man is in trouble. I won't help you. !"

"Old man of the sea? What's the way? Can there be Zunqiang?" Su Hang asked.

Su Zunbai gave Su Hang a glance, "Anyway stronger than you, if you still cherish your life, just stop. The old man has some friendship with me, I will not sit by and watch you kill his descendants!"

Su Hang heard the words with a thoughtful expression, "After turning out to be a bitter old man, I will look at the bitter bitter and not kill him, but only if he admits defeat!"

Zun Zun didn't say much, just said, "Let him come out!"

Su Hang didn't say a word, with a big sleeve, the seal above the millions of spaces quickly dissipated, the innumerable sources of life turned into a little bit of light, quickly aggregated, and soon again revealed Zhang Tianjie's huge body of.

Suddenly seeing that there was one more person on the ring, Zhang Tianjie froze for a moment. Seeing that it was a bite, it seemed to understand something.

Su Hang's chin picked, "How? Do you still want to fight? If it wasn't just a bite, you're dead!"

Zhang Tianjie heard that the expression on the face of an octopus became very wonderful. At that moment, he did feel the death coming, the real death.

At this time, the elders such as Sanxu and the Seven Elders could not help but frown slightly, and the void figure flickered, appearing on the ring.

"Challenge competition, bite Zun intervene, it would be unfair!" The nihility is a gift to bite immediately.

The face of Zun Zun changed slightly, and said, "Void, are you teaching Zun?"

"Don't dare to nothingness!" The nothingness quickly shook his head and said, "It's just that the Wanjie Conference has the rules of the Wanjie Conference. They set foot on the ring, regardless of life and death. They have the right to admit defeat and leave the game, but the winner has no obligation to stop. If Su Zun had shot just now, Su Hang had already won, but now, it is unknown!"

After a pause, nothingness continued, "By biting Zun, it may have affected the result of this competition, so..."

Zun Zun listened and said, "Void, don't think that this Zun doesn't know what you're thinking about. Zhang Tianjie will die, and the old man will find Su Hang trouble, but you can't run away!"

There was nothing in the speech, and the expression on his face was awkward, but then he said calmly again, "Zhou Tianyan is heavier, Zhang Tianjie died because of his competition in the ring, how would Hailao find me Daozong?"


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