Super Study God

Chapter 2396: Heaven's fifth son!

Su Hang looked at him, and felt that this person was somewhat familiar with his eyebrows. At the moment, his eyebrows were slightly wrinkled, and he quickly pulled out the Xueshen system and scanned it.

Chen Jie! Heaven's fifth son!

The expression on Su Hang's face changed slightly, "Chen's people? Did you come from Lin's platform?"

The middle-aged man did not respond to Su Hang. Instead, Lin Shouye was a little bolder next to him. "Boy, you have some insight. This is my fifth brother Chen Jie. I came here today, not for my Lin family platform. And arrest the thieves for my Lin family and get justice!"

In a word, he was very full of indignation.

Su Hang stared at Lin Shouye for a while, and his eyes fell on that Chen Jie. "The Chen family is going to help the Lin family to find the murderer. That's your two business. Don't pull it on me. Still, that sentence, If you think I attacked Tianxuan Mountain, then please take out the evidence. If there is no evidence, I don’t care what Chen family or Lin family you are. I have to find a place for my breath!"

Actually invited the Chen family to come, no wonder Lin Shouye and the Seven Elders would be so bold, they would find themselves without evidence, and they would indiscriminately identify themselves as murderers, so they really thought they had the Chen family backing Can you do whatever you want?

Su Hang didn't eat this set and irritated himself, but he didn't care whether he was the Chen family or the Lin family.

"Huh, you said it was not you, is it really you?" Someone in Lin Shouye's back, and his courage grew up. He didn't think that Su Hang dared to deal with the Chen family. "Let's talk about it. Where? Who can prove it?"

Looking directly at Su Hang, Su Hang will not give him a statement today, I am afraid that I will not let it go!


Before waiting for Su Hang to speak, Zun Zun said, "Three days ago, Su Hang has been retreating at my thumb peak, and has been on my thumb peak after going out. He listened to my sermon and never left for a moment. One point, I can prove it!"


Lin Shouye and others heard the words, but his face changed, and Bit Zun actually spoke at this time, and he was actually talking to Su Hang and helping him prove it!

The elders of the seven elders were unbalanced. When they were humiliated by Su Hang just now, they had never seen these gangsters come out to stop them, but now they stand up to help Su Hang? What is the reason?

However, the Seven Elders can only talk about it in their hearts. They dare not reveal their status and majesty, which is not something they can offend.

There are many mistakes at this time. The seven elders chose to shut up. Yuan Ling and Hong Meng watched with cold eyes. Only Lin Shouye performed. With the support of the Chen family, perhaps Lin Shouye could still compete.

Lin Shouye took a deep breath, "Swallow the unfair!"

Zun Zunwen said, frowning gently, "What are you saying? How can I be unfair?"

Although Lin Shouye was a little afraid, but Yi Zhengzheng said, "Who doesn’t know that this surnamed Su has a good relationship with Wuliangcheng, and even he still respects your grandson-in-law and protects him, which is a matter of course, but My Lin family has suffered so much and will never allow..."

"shut up!"

At this moment, a loud drink came from, Lin Shouye looked aside, but it was Chen Jie!

Chen Jie said with a black face, "What kind of identity does Zun Zun have for favoritism? Since Zun Zun testifies, it is enough to prove Su Hang's innocence..."

"Five brothers!" Lin Shouye was shocked, and was stupid for a while.

Chen Jie reached out to stop Lin Shouye, "You don't need to say more, with the respect of bitterness, I will never make up lies to scam you..."

Who is Zu Zun Although he is called the master and servant of Cangtian, he actually has a life-long relationship. Zunzun is not only Zongzong’s Zunzun, but also an elder who is respected by the Chen family. Chen Jie can be said to have grown up, Lin Shouye cannot understand this feeling.

At this time, Lin Shouye actually slandered and devoured favoritism, and Chen Jie would naturally not sit back and watch!

At this time, Zun Zun waved his hand, "Well, since the Lord Lin family can't believe in the old, then the old dead shut..."

After talking, Zunzun shook his head, closed his mouth, and looked as if it was about my fart.

Lin Shouye seemed a bit embarrassed. He seemed to offend Zun Zun, but he didn't think he was wrong. Indeed, Su Hang was the most suspected. He not only had this motive, but also this strength. In addition to Su Hang, Lin Shouye Can't think of a second person.

Su Hang took a deep breath, "Yun Zun has testified, are you still prepared to be unwilling?"

Lin Shouye gritted his teeth, "Is it you, you know it in your heart, no matter how you do it, you can't clear your suspicion!"

Su Hang was very speechless and said, "The presence of the road is all in the presence of the road. The deduction technique must be more proficient than me. Why don't you deduce it, or who has the magic weapon to return to the light, although it is used, let's take a look What happened on Tianxuan Mountain that day is naturally clear!"


Lin Shouye snorted coldly, "If it can be deduced, I can still sit here and you talk to you, there is already strong evidence, please ask your seniors to take you!"

"What do you mean?" Su Hang frowned.

Lin Shouye sneered, "How can you do this kind of bad thing without using some means to cover up the heavens and erase the traces of your day?"

The implication is that the deduction is useless, and Su Hang also tried to make a calculation. That day, there was indeed a blank on the Tianxuan Mountain, and there was no reason for it.

Lin Shouye looked at Su Hang's pretense and said coldly, "Why? Have nothing to say?"

Su Hangdao, "I'm really not good at deduction, but there are people who are good at it, why don't you ask for it!"

Lin Shouye paused, and like everyone else, almost invariably looked in the same Daozu!

Hongjun Taozu's deduction technique is unparalleled in all realms, and his attainments are extremely high. This is completely a fact recognized by the monastic community.

If others can't figure it out, Hongjun Taoist may not be able to figure it out!

However, in the face of everyone's eyes, Hong Jun shook his head gently, "After the poor reincarnation and reinvention, the strength training has been not as good as before. The Tao naturally cannot be calculated."

Lin Shouye heard a word of disappointment in his eyes. Although he did not know whether Hongjun was telling the truth, he could feel that Hongjun was not willing to help him.

At this moment, Di Zun opened his mouth, "I have a Yuan Yuan Mirror here, wait for it to be seen, if the Yuan Yuan Mirror can't see it, then the Venerable is helpless!"

After speaking, Di Zun's right hand flicked gently, and a bronze mirror flew out of his cuff, directly attached to the ground in front of everyone, blending with the whole ground, the smooth mirror surface printed the dome of the hall, just Like a water hole!

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