Super Study God

Chapter 2411: 4 Elephant holding!

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"Let's go together!"

Everyone was frightened and inexplicable. The Nanggua Man shouted. Lin Xuan had already made a killing intent on them. He wouldn't resist, would he be killed?


As soon as the voice fell, everyone should make a sound, and all of them stood up. However, the naogua man directly turned his direction and escaped into the distance.

Special code, this person is also absolutely, just called so loudly, but did not hesitate to choose to escape, clearly want to take advantage of other people and Lin Xuan desperately, for some escape time.

I have to say, this guy is so bad, it can be called a chicken thief!

However, just two steps away, Wo Gua Man flew into front of him, startled him, and thought Lin Xuan was catching up. Looking closely, it turned out to be his companion who had just shouted together.

Nima, just shouted, there was no one at all, all chose to turn around and fled. There is no doubt that they are the same thoughts as Woguanan, let others die, and escape by themselves!

I didn’t expect that all of them thought that everyone was running away. The scene was once very spectacular!

"Huh, it's a group of people!"

Lin Xuan snorted again. Since he had moved to kill, would he stop there? With a big sleeve waving at the moment, dozens of black spirits chased towards the people who had escaped.

The ring is a space of its own, and the battles of the quasi-kingdom are not necessarily able to break open, unless the winners and losers are divided, the ring space will be opened after the competition is confirmed, these dozen people want to escape from the ring, simply impossible.

Above the stands, the seven elders were so shocked that they could not speak, and the void quickly cast a spell, opened the ring space, and gave the escaped people a way out.

The ring space faded quickly, revealing that the ring was no more than a few feet wide. Woguaan and others saw the ring opening of the ring, and they were overjoyed and jumped to the stage.

As long as he got out of the ring, Lin Xuan would not dare to attack them for any reason.

However, just when they were about to land, the black air shot by Lin Xuan had already chased them, quickly wrapped up, and instantly enveloped the whole body.

Only a few screams were heard. When they fell on the ground one by one, the black qi burst into nothingness, as if the bubbles filled with black qi burst.

Everyone looked at the figure on the ring and shuddered involuntarily. Many people were curious about what had happened on the ring and why Lin Xuan would kill him.

However, those who knew it were shocked and undecided. This Lin Xuan was crazy and could not even kill himself.

Above that ring, only Lin Xuan was alone, and 15 opponents were wiped out with a wave of hands. Lin Xuan seemed to have done a trivial thing, and slowly walked down the ring.

No one should say that this is a fake fight? After all, how can a fake fight kill the opponent directly?

Seven Elders stood up in shock. At this time, they fell back and fell back. Lin Xuan was very happy, but how many allies could be offended?

Lin Xuan's actions were really beyond their expectations. In case allies turned against water, then...

Not afraid, there is the Chen family!

Sanxu and others looked at Chen Jie and saw that Chen Jie was still calm and relieved a little.

Indeed, as long as there is the support of the Chen family, what other allies are nothing more than to gather momentum, even if you do not give up?

Dare these powerful families dare to oppose them, and dare to oppose the Chen family?

"Ring 52, Lin Xuansheng!"

With a voice, the first 64 of the conference appeared!

"Luo 43, Luo Qiusheng wins!"

"In the ring 25, Chen Qing'er wins!"

"The 31st ring, Li Shansheng!"


After Lin Xuan's victory, other platforms also slowly determined the victory and defeat, from the top 1000, directly to the top 64, this final is nothing short of cruel, if you want to go down the ring as a winner, you are likely You need to defeat the siege of 15 opponents.

The wisdom and strength will not be low if you can fight like this!

Compared to the match three days ago, this big mess is obviously much more exciting, and many people who watch it are bloody.

On the 18th ring, Qin Dongbei took a breath, and also joined the array, and everyone's skills poured into the Four Elephant Array crazy.

The five brothers and sisters of the Qin family share the skills, and all have the power of five or six thousand circles. Together with the remaining people, the four elephant ancestors have their strength, at least 30,000.

"Northeast, join the battle!"

Qin Xi's eyes were red, drunk!

Although Qin Dongbei was injured by Su Hang first, it was not fatal. The formation was up and the time had come. He flew into the formation immediately.


During the battle, the white tiger ancestor grabbed the Chilin gun from Su Hang and threw it away.

A piece of blue light fell from the air, but it was a person, reaching out and copying the Chilin gun into his hands.

Su Hang took a closer look, but it was Northeast Qin!

"Oh, dare to go into battle and die?"

Su Hang frowned lightly. This person's strength is not his enemy at all. If he used a little more energy before, it was enough to kill this guy with one shot!

"Huh, Su Hang, Mo should be rampant, let you see, my Qin family array!"

In the midair, a roar came from Northeast Qin, with a powerful momentum.

I saw Qin Dongbei suspended in mid-air, looking down at Suhang, holding a spear in one hand, like a **** of war, covered in golden light, and majestic!

"What kind of tricks to play?" Su Hang frowned. This person had been seriously injured by him once. He dared to enter the battle at this time.

"Qinglong, come to my left!"

At this time, Qin Dongbei suddenly roared.


The green dragon ancestor roared, chased away from the chaos, and soared to the northeast of Qin, passing by a huge body, and pressing the four sides.

Qinglonghua made a green air, directly submerged into the left arm of Northeast Qin.

"White Tiger, come to my right!"

"Suzaku, come before me!"

" Come to Juwu!"

Along with Qin Dongbei's mantra-like sound, the four elephant ancestors roared into the sky, turned into four rays of light, divided into four directions, and merged into Qin Dongbei's body.

In an instant, the light of Qin Dongbei was even worse, dazzling like a sun, making people dare not look directly!

At this time, Su Hang felt the momentum of Qin Dongbei suddenly increased, and still suddenly increased sharply, the pressure of the chaotic squares was crowded out, and the air waves blew Su Hang's face.


Outside the ring, the people in the stands didn’t even know what was happening in the four-element array. As far as their eyes were concerned, they could only see the fifteen people who were in the array. As for the Su Hang trapped in the array, they could not see outside To.

At this time, Di Zun pointed out and drew a circle in the void, and the Diyuan mirror became large and flew out, submerged in the circle and suspended in mid-air.

The mirror rippled like a lake, and a picture appeared, just like that in the four-image array!

М. ③③χs.cóм worth collecting

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