Super Study God

Chapter 2425: Please enlighten me!

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Several people thought about each other, no longer speak, all looked down on the ring.

Among them, a few are very conspicuous, and there is no suspense, one is the No. 8 ring platform where Panyu is located, the other is the No. 12 ring platform where Lin Xuan is located, and the No. 5 ring platform where Chen Qinger is located, Di Zun Di Nan Platform No. 15 where Yusheng is located...

Of the three people who met Lin Xuan, two were almost inconspicuous. Only one seemed to be threatening, that is Yang Mei's disciple, Qingque!

But there are only some threats. At the moment in the stands, the most worried thing is probably Yang Mei. In the last game, Lin Xuan’s strength has been shown. His disciple has little chance of winning against Lin Xuan. He I don’t ask my disciples to win, I just hope that Lin Xuan will not fight hard.

After all, the fifteen people who played against Lin Xuan in the last game, but none of them ended well, were all wiped out by Lin Xuan.

Lin Xuan’s karma is too overbearing. He has to open his eyes wide. If the apprentice is defeated, he will take action immediately. After all, it is not easy to train a disciple. In case Lin Xuan is destroyed, he will get it. Distressed to death.

Relatively speaking, this competition is much fairer than before. In the four-player match, they are divided into two groups on their own.

But there are exceptions, such as Panyu at the moment.

Panyu’s opponents are also three big nine masters, but they all enter the realm of the big nine at the beginning, with a power of less than two thousand realms. Perhaps they all feel that there is no chance to be in a group with Panyu, so the first player to play In time, the three had already formed a malicious team, and the three-to-one tricks were the first to attack Panyu.

However, these three people are really not a dish for Panyu. Panyu doesn’t even use magic weapons. They deal directly with the three people with bare hands, no matter what magic tricks, rules, magic weapons or flying swords of the other party are all solved with fists. , Very easy and freehand!

People have to marvel, this woman is simply strange!


Let’s talk about the 6th ring, Xiao Yang solved the black-faced man with little suspense. Su Hang only listened to the music in the distance, and they knew that the two had already started. This brother Xiao, really a man with bgm.

"Please give me your enlightenment!"

Regardless of others, Li Shan arched his hand at Su Hang!

Su Hang spread his hand to him, "Come on, let me see how strong the apprentice Hongjun teaches, don't embarrass you!"

"Disciples follow orders!"

Li Shan responded with a whine, and a golden sword appeared in his hand.

Su Hang looked familiar with the appearance of this sword. Isn't this Hongjun's heavenly sword?

This Hongjun is also funny, this sword seems to have been given to Haotian? It was impossible to come back and gave it to Li Shan.

But looking at this sword with golden light and powerful, it is obviously advanced, and it is far from the heavenly sword he saw earlier.

"Disciples offended!"

When Li Shan's voice fell, raising his hand was a sword, turning into countless rules of sword spirit, and was slaying towards Su Hang.

Frost, fire, poison, wind...

The various rules are intertwined, causing chaos and turbulence, and no rules wrapped in the sword gas are powerful and unmatched, enough to open the earth!

The power of a sword, the power of terror, changed a person, looked at the ice, magma that was sweeping towards me.

I'm afraid the urine will be scared?


Su Hang shook his head, the power of the Heavenly Sword was indeed powerful, and the rules evolved were extremely powerful. However, the meaning of Kendo lies in the front and the power!

Such overwhelming rules consume power, let alone spread the power, and greatly reduce its power.

After all, your opponent is so big, you use such a huge momentum to attack, this is not anti-aircraft artillery to fight mosquitoes, if you can focus on one point, for the Soviet Union, there may be a little threat.

Li Shan would not understand this truth, maybe it was just a temptation, or maybe he was pursuing this dazzling effect.

The Soviet Union did not move in place, wasn't it the rule? The Soviet Union directly used the space rule to instantly freeze the battle area between the two, and then madly compressed.

Almost silently, the magma and ice instantly shattered and shattered, reverting to chaos and disappearing.

But at this time, Li Shan had already brought his sword to kill. A sword smashed the space frozen by Su Hang, and he emptied into the air.

This sword, without any fancy, all the power is concentrated on the Heavenly Dao Sword, countless strength rules blessing, the Heavenly Dao sword shines golden light!

It turned out that the flashy things just now were just cover, just for this unexpected sword.

This Lishan still has some skills!

Su Hang did not retreat, only his right hand came out, and his **** were like iron tongs, gripping the blade of the Dao sword that day.

How powerful is Suhang? How can Li Shan, the strong sword, shake it? He can't make a half of it, and he can't retreat in the slightest. His face changed suddenly.

But seeing Su Hang's sword twisted and the sword's body shocked, Li Shan could not hold it anymore, the Heavenly Dao sword let go, and the whole person flew back suddenly.

Waiting for the standing shape, looking up, Tiandao sword is already in the hands of Su Hang.

Li Shan shook my own right hand that was almost injured. His face was full of horror. He knew that his teacher was very strong, but he never expected that he would be as strong as a man, and he would defeat him.

He thought he would lose, but he lost in one move, which was really difficult to accept. You know, for this game, his master Hong Jun specially gave him the sword.

Su Hang walked over and Tiandao Jian handed it to Li Shan.

Li Shan froze for a took the sword with both hands, and respected Su Hang with respect, "Master Uncle has a great skill, and the disciple loses his heart!"

Su Hang shook his head, "Your strength is not bad, at least it is solid. Unlike many foreign strongmen in this race, there are really better than you. There are not many of them. Your master is also a cattle man. It is also extraordinary, you are much stronger than your brother Haotian!"

Li Shan smiled bitterly and paid a respect to Su Hang again, "Master Uncle has praised and lost to Master Uncle's hands, the disciple was convinced, and the disciple retreated!"

Without saying anything, Li Shan turned around and left the ring.

The battle with Lishan ended as simple as this. Su Hang watched him leave. Lishan's strength was slightly stronger than that of Chen Sen. With Heavenly Dao Realm, he could surpass the power of Ten Thousand Realms. Cultivation is not as erratic as others, it is much calmer.

It can be said that many of the top 64 today are promoted using various magical tricks in a short time, just for the sake of a suzerain, they do not review and consequences at all. These people have unstable foundations, Su Hang can feel clearly in the battle.

М. ③③χs.cóм worth collecting

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