Super Study God

Chapter 2437: wait!

Cangtian's fingers jumped on his knees, with a smile on his face, "I waited and said, I all understand that within the Zongmen, there are many factions, and it is no longer the Daozong when it was first built, some old Guy, it's true that he jumps too high, but why don't you stop it when you wait as a senior?"

Several people couldn't help crying and laughing, but they even blamed us!

Hong Jun said, "Although I waited for the name of the sect door, you are the sect master, let alone say, the ten elders are in charge of the sect master seal. I can think of it, but the name is not correct, and the words are not correct..."

Cang Tian raised his hand and interrupted Hong Jun’s words, “This matter, I don’t have to say anything more. I won’t care about the matter of the sect, this mess, it’s a headache to watch, or wait for the new lord to take office, let The new Sovereign is here to clean up!"

When several people didn’t speak, they could see the thoughts of the heart and the elders’ ten things. He didn’t know about it or couldn’t control it. The reason was ignored. First, because elder ten had so many years of devotion to the sect, He was inconvenient to shoot, the second one, and the most important one, these ten elders, Cang Tian wanted to be a gift to the successor.

The new official has three more fires when he takes office. After the successor takes over the position of the suzerain, he will deal with these people in person to show the best results. One can clean up the door and remove the dirt, and the other can deter the eight parties.

Therefore, since Cangtian has decided to pass the position, it must be considered for his successor.

Chaos said, "Now there are only 16 people in the finals, but I don't know who Brother Dao is paying attention to?"

Hearing this, Cangtian hesitated for a moment, "Whoever I choose is not important, what matters is who wins, and the position of the Sovereign, which is related to the heavens and the heavens and the world, cannot be handed to a loser. !"

Everyone heard that there was nothing to say. The first place in the contest was the successor of the suzerain. This matter is understandable, and it is impossible for the heavens to forcefully change the rules. This matter is well known in all walks of life, and is not a trifling matter.

"There have been rumors in the world that Brother Chen's intention is nothing more than two people, one is your grandson Sun Linxuan, and the other is Xuanhuangjie Suhang..." Yang Mei slowly opened her mouth and asked a sensitive question, "Now these two people They both made it into the round of 16 but don’t know who is bullish?"

This question is indeed somewhat sensitive, because among them, Lin Xuan is a descendant of Cang Tian, ​​and he is also a grandson. According to common sense, Cang Tian will definitely choose Lin Xuan, and Cang Tian once handed Xuan Huang Realm to Lin Xuan, enough for Cang Tian to Lin Xuan has high hopes!

Cang Tian heard the words and waved his hand. "You said it too. That's a rumor. It's not enough to believe. I don't like to look at the process, only the results. It's the same sentence, whoever comes first, who cares..."

After a pause, the sky continued, "Do you know why I refused to show up, because there are too many old guys like you, and you all ask who you want, and you are bothered and annoyed, it is better to wait until there is a result Show up, save a lot of trouble..."

Everyone accuses you, you are the suzerain, it is you who pass the throne, everyone is curious about your opinion, that is also human nature!



Heaven returned, quietly, maybe as he said, it would be troublesome to appear as soon as he appeared, so until the semi-finals opened, the throne in front of the Heaven Hall was still empty, except for Di Zun and others, I am afraid there is no People know that he has returned, and he is in Chuangjie Mountain now.

Today, the semi-finals will be decided. At the foot of the mountain, there is only one ring left. A circle of chairs is placed around the ring. Sixteen masters have been seated.

In the stands, the atmosphere is relatively tense. Sixteen masters on the field, all of whom are tough and match-up, should be even more tragic than the previous group battle.

In this scene, it is no longer necessary to invite Qin Tian Bao Jian!

Seeing that everyone had arrived in the void, the hour was just right. After saluting with everyone, they stood in front of the stage.

With a flicker of dust, he said with a loud voice, "The battle of today, for the battle of defense, from the hour of the hour to the sunset, six hours, you can guard the battle and attack, first grab the monk in the ring, announce to everyone After the contest, you will become the defender. If the defender occupies the contest for more than one incense time, you will be promoted to the semifinals!"

Speaking of which, Void's gaze swept around, "Although the battle of the ring, regardless of life and death, you are still up to date. It is rare to see blood. What else do you do not understand the rules, you can come up with it now!"

The sixteen people on the field were speechless, staring at the ring in front of them one by one, their eyes showing the firmness that was determined.

No one answered for a long time, and said in a void, "Since there is no objection, then this propaganda, this competition, start now!"

The voice fell, and Void retreated a few steps, and sat back in his seat.

Everyone's eyes gathered in the field at the moment, but the field was silent. Sixteen people sat steadily on the seats, and no one had moved for a long time!

Su Hang looked at the left and right sides, two men, a cow on the right, a tall man with a muscular body, covered with scars, and a huge stone sword inserted next to it, it was very powerful at first glance .

The one on the left is wearing a red robe with a feather crown on his head, and he has a goose feather fan in his hand. He is also very handsome, fanning the fan while humming the little song, a very calm and casual look. .

At this time, there is definitely no one to play, the ring is in front of you, unless you have absolute confidence, otherwise, no one will be the first bird at this time.

Sticking to Yizhuxiang's time seems to be easy. As long as it is not a disparity in strength, it will be no problem to meet evenly matched opponents and play for 10 days and a half months. Yizhuxiang's time is too short. Confident, you can stand up.

But is it really that simple?

The competition does not require one-to-one, even if you are strong? As long as you dare to go up, it will be the target of all the all, there are only four places. If you are allowed to stand on the top of the incense for a long time, and you will be successful, you will lose one place. It's harder to compete, so one person can't kill you, what about those two? How about ten? What about fifteen?

Unless you can guarantee that you can stand firm under the siege of fifteen masters, otherwise, the first step is to find death!

This is the reason why some people choose the league. Anyway, there are four places, four people team up to defend the ring, it is better than one person, as long as four people will defend the ring to death!

Everyone understands this truth, so they dare not act rashly one by one.

There are even a few chatters who have begun to calm down and are waiting for others to act, and no one wants to go up to be a defender.

To be a defender is too bad. It is better to be an attacker and wait for the opportunity. Sixteen people were present. No one dared to say that he could hold the ring with one person!


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