Super Study God

Chapter 2445: Final 4!

?This woman is free and easy. Su Hang was still thinking of fighting her, but she didn't expect that she would take the initiative to quit at this moment, but it didn't happen to anyone!

Chen Qing'er didn't fight for the first thought. She participated in the Wanjie Conference, one was for fun, and the other was just to see the world's strong.

It was indeed a loss of face in the previous battle. With her arrogance, she could not sit here anymore, so she chose to exit!

Everyone has their own ideas. Chen Qing'er chose to leave, but the stone armor Tektronix did not mean to leave. Although the defense failed, it does not mean that there is no chance.

"It's okay now, there are five of us!" Su Hang said flatly.

Lin Xuan glanced at Tektronix, "Can't stay, can't stay, but sitting steadily, ridiculous!"

This is ironic, who can bear it after hearing it? Tek has a bad temper, and he feels like he is going to blow up!

Teng stood up at the moment, and Tek pointed to Lin Xuan, "Boy, this time I come to guard, I have the ability to come on stage and fight me!"

"Please do it!"

Lin Xuanxu deliberately excited him and said directly.

Tek snorted, looked around the crowd, and said, "You said, fair fight, all group attacks, I don't accept him!"

Su Hang and others had nothing to say, and they saw Tektronix stomping, and the whole person rose like a cannonball and once again entered the ring.

"Click to stop, don't hurt people!"

Su Hang said.

Lin Xuan glanced at Su Hang, his eyes stayed on Su Hang for a moment, then his sleeve robe was shocked, and he dashed onto the ring.

Su Hang shook his head again and again, this Tektronix, who challenged badly, but challenged Lin Xuan, Lin Xuan's industry fire, but not ordinary people can bear.

Unless he has great merits, he will not be injured by karma fire. I don’t know whether this thing can hurt the realm of the realm of kings. However, the flesh of Dadao Realm can definitely not withstand the burning of karma fire, but only the spirit of skill. Yes, you have to burn some!

Above the ring!

As soon as Lin Xuan came to power, he saw Tektronix growled and turned into a horrendous stone man, rolling towards Lin Xuan. That momentum was really terrible.

This person is able to fight Chen Qing'er, it is indeed a bit capable!

Lin Xuan wasn't panic. Perhaps he didn't take Tek in his eyes and immediately extended his right hand to call out the fire.

The horrible flame twined between his fingers and instantly shot at Tektronix, just like a string of fire, tying Tek, and then the black flame ignited the original, Tek's huge body, and he was instantly in the sea of ​​fire.

It's a fresh trick, eat all over the sky!

Under the audience, Su Hang smiled bitterly. This guy, Lin Xuan, can go to the present. This industry fire can help a lot!

Next to it, Nan Yusheng said, "Lin Xuan's industry fire is indeed overbearing, but industry fire may not have any effect for Tektronix!"

"Oh?" Su Hang froze for a moment and turned to look at Nan Yusheng.

Beside it, Pan Yudao said, "Tike’s stone statues can be transformed into stone. Stones have no life, no cause and effect, and merits and karma are even more difficult to talk about, so karma has little effect under Tektronix’s stone statues!"

It seems that this Tektronix really has such a way. Su Hang's eyes looked at the ring, puncturing tens of thousands of light years, and he could clearly see the battlefield of the two.

Sure enough, the karma fire was fierce, but soon the flames weakened, as if the fuel was depleted, and Natek only had a darkened stone skin and did not want to be injured.

"If Lin Xuan is only relying on the strength of karma, then his way should stop here!" Pan Yu added.

Su Hang smiled. He didn't believe that Lin Xuan was capable of this. If Lin Xuan had only this means, it was not enough to be his opponent.

"Oh, Yehuo? Extremely ridiculous!"

At this time, Tektronix roared, the skill was pushed to the extreme, and the fist fell like a bamboo to the small Lin Xuan.

Lin Xuan saw that Yehuo did not work for Tektronix, but he was amazed at the moment, but he did not panic. Instead, he snorted coldly, his body filled with black air, and his body suddenly burst into length.


The whole body exploded, directly punching, and blasted towards Tektronix.


The fist intersects, the space is broken into slag, the chaotic storm is tumbling, and the entire ring space shield is covered with cracks, as if it is about to collapse.

The confrontation of pure power, without any fancy.

The peak strength of Tektronix is ​​slightly weaker than that of Chen Qing'er, but it is not so weak. It should be up and down in the 30,000 world. It can be said that such a power has already caught many people!

But, still in that sentence, he chose the wrong opponent.

After Lin Xuan came out of the Heaven Sin Pool, his strength has not been the same as before. At least, the information scanned by the Su Shen system using the Xueshen system, Lin Xuan's value is much higher than that of Tektronix.

When the powers collided, both of them exploded. Lin Xuan used his karma. When he was fisting, he directly invaded Tek's right hand and detonated instantly. With the power collision that did not lose to Tek, he directly gave Tek's right arm. It exploded, and the whole person flew out of control.

Lin Xuan received the anti-shock but did not lose control. After standing thousands of light years away, he suddenly disappeared and appeared again. He has already caught up with Tektronix, raised his foot directly, and stepped on Tektronix’s chest. , With a loud bang.


The chaotic ring was almost struck, and Tektronix landed on the ground with a loud bang, Lin Xuan's heavy foot stepped on his chest, and the stone armor on the chest instantly showed a silk crack.

"Concession!" Lin Xuan stepped Tektronix on his feet and said lightly.


Tek snorted, wanting to resist, however, the force on Lin Xuan's feet was a bit heavier, and he suppressed Tek's death.

Majestic and majestic, quite a bit temperament.

The two are obviously better than others, and the incense stick in front of the Cangtian Temple has not yet burned half.

The ring space shield Lin Xuan kicked Tek off the stage directly.

He didn't give any face at all, but Lin Xuan didn't actually kill him, which was a bit unexpected.

Lin Xuan stood on the stage and received the attention of everyone. That feeling should be really cool.

However, Lin Xuan's eyes looked directly at Su Hang, "Brother, would you like to go to war?"

With a lot of eagerness and longing in his eyes, he really wanted to fight with Su Hang, and played a fair and fair game.

Above the stands, everyone was in an uproar. Was this Lin Xuan stunned?

Pan Yu and others on the field also looked at Su Hang, but Su Hang shook his head very calmly. "Now we have four of us on the court. This round is over. If you really want to fight me, Then wait for the next game!"


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