Super Study God

Chapter 2459: Talking about the plane!

The ending is unexpected, but it seems that many people expect that Su Hang won, but it is a bit dangerous to win.

This battle is enough to load into the history books of the heavenly realm and refresh the record of Daozongzong.

Chuangjie Mountain also moved away from the chaos at this moment and appeared in the heaven again!


After Cangtian entered the Cangtian Temple, the door behind him closed with a loud bang, and the entire hall was composed of Su Hang and Cangtian.

To be honest, Su Hang felt a little uneasy in his heart. The last thing he could understand was the person in the sky. Sometimes he felt close, sometimes he felt alienated.

He was left alone at this time, but he didn't know what he wanted to play!

Cang Tian slowly walked to a higher level, sat down on the throne of the Sect Master, and the domineering side leaked.

That seat is supreme. For this seat, I don’t know how many people broke his head for it, and even took his life.

Cang Tian has been missing for so many years, this throne has been hanging high, swelled like three voids, and he has never dared to sit up.

Su Hang stood below the high-level, looked up at the sky above, "What do seniors have to explain?"

"Sit down and say!" Cang Tian raised his hand gently.

Su Hang heard the words and looked around. There was no stool in the hall. Can't you let me sit on the ground?

At the moment, Su Hang took a chair from the storage space and sat down swaying, said lightly, "What do seniors want to say, let's just say, do you want me to abandon this lordship? Actually... "

Cangtian raised his hand to interrupt Su Hang's words, frowning slightly, "Who will inherit the suzerain's place, this is a trivial matter, since you have the first place, the suzerain has the word first, and the suzerain's place is naturally yours!"

Su Hang shook his head, "But now I suddenly don't want this guy!"

"This can't help you!" Cang Tian laughed softly, "I don't want this man, but what can I do? I can only find someone to throw this baggage away, and now someone is making up, I am exactly Whatever you want, since you have already won the first place, this one is yours, and now I want to lose it, nowhere!"

Su Hang heard that the forehead is covered with black lines. Is this true? Why does it sound so strange?

I didn’t wait for Su Hang to ask again, Cang Tian Dao, "I have to discuss with Di Zun about the preaching of the throne. After a few days, some of my friends, Pan Sheng, Le Zun, will come to Chuangjie Mountain. At that time, they all want to see you, so don’t run away, stay on the mountain honestly..."

Su Hang paused, "Senior..."

Cangtian raised his hand and interrupted Su Hang. "Xuan'er is okay, but he is devoured by all kinds of sins, and he will be punished. You still have a little bit of loyalty. I'm afraid Xuan'er is gone!"

Su Hang rolled his eyes. "If the senior can shoot early, why should this be?"

The expression on Cang Tian's face was positive, "The competition in the ring is unmatched. How can I intervene!"

Su Hang looked up directly at the sky and said, "Now it seems that the senior handed over the sin of the day to Lin Xuan. It was clearly premeditated. I just want to ask, what is the heart of the senior?"

The sky paused, "Dare to question me like this, you are the first one!"

I changed my personal words, and my legs might have flashed at this moment. Suhang heard this, but avoided the gaze of the sky. "Someone has to do something that others dare not do!"

Cangtian Dao, "Although I am a heaven, it is impossible to say that I have no selfishness. However, my selfishness lies in the sect. Daozongzong is created by me with one hand, and it moves the whole body, let alone choose The successor, or that sentence, neither you nor Xuan'er are the people who keep their own lives and are not the best choices of the suzerain. I gave Xuan'er the heavenly sin. One is to explore your bottom and see how much you have. Strength, the second is this selfishness, I want you to lose both sides, so that the people I like can pick up a bargain."

Speaking of which, the sky paused, and the body leaned forward slightly, "I said, won't it hurt your heart?"

Su Hang shrugged. "It's good. It just responded to the old saying. The sky is ruthless. I'm not qualified to be sad. It's just that if Lin Xuan hears this, I don't know what mood it will be!"

Cang Tian waved his hand, "He is a descendant of my Chen family, and he is not qualified to be sad. He is defeated by you. This is a fact. I have helped him to the fullest extent, but he still lost. This is no blame!"

Su Hang shook his head, "If you really want to help him, I don't believe he will lose!"

Cang Tian sighed, "You are still young, don't understand, there are many things, I have no choice!"

Su Hang looked up at him, "The Lord of the Worlds, the supreme, absolutely invincible existence, I really can't imagine, what else can make you feel helpless!"

"So, you are still too young!" Cang Tian smiled bitterly. "What does invincibility mean? Born to be human, as long as you are in this world, you will be entangled by cause and effect. If you are strong enough, you can ignore evil causes and consequences. , Just like you and the Tujia kid who blew up Tianxuan Mountain, you are strong enough, they can do nothing but fear you..."

"Senior!" Su Hang interrupted Chang Tian's words quickly. "The matter of Tian Xuan Mountain has nothing to do with me!"

Cang Tian shook his head, "It has nothing to do with you, it doesn't matter. The important thing is, I want to tell you a reason, don't think you are strong, without opponents, you can ignore cause and effect, you ignore him, it does not mean does not exist!"

Su Hang paused, looked up at Cangtian, and didn't say much. It seemed that Cangtian was going to tell him the truth.

At this time, Cang Tiandao said, "I should have understood my previous experience?"

"Slightly heard!" Su Hang replied.

Cangtian shook his said slowly, "If you don't blush, I am the entire chaotic world, the first person to open the world, above the world, I call it the plane, the chaotic world The first plane in the world, which is Tian Tian Tian, ​​was created by me!"

Su Hang nodded, there was an urge to tell him, you are so good.

Cang Tiandao, "But what can this do? It has not been betrayed by the purest brother. If it is not destiny, I am afraid that it has already disappeared. Now, this heaven may be still surnamed Xuan Huang. Speaking of it, I am still lucky. Under the cover of destiny, from the summit, the old brothers were knocked down to the altar..."

Speaking of this, the sky paused and said, "So, I also have evil causes and consequences in my body, I can ignore them, but they always exist, there is a reincarnation in the world, maybe one day, Xuan Huang will come back and come again. My place..."

Su Hang waved his hand, "Xuan Huang can't be your opponent, you don't have to worry at all!"


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