Super Study God

Chapter 2469: Xuan Huang!

Yin Yuer paused, "What now?"

Su Hang shook his head, one head and two big, only a long time before speaking, "I don’t have any other ideas now, the Wanjie Conference has ended, it can be regarded as a mixed head, it’s good to pass the sky, not to pass the position, just come out. For so long, I want to go back to Xuanhuangjie Earth..."

Yin Yu'er hesitated for a while, "The so-called riches do not return home, such as Jinyi Yexing, Brother Su, it's not too late to wait for you to take over the position!"

"I'm not very interested in that position, and that Chen Xiaoli is still on the mountain. In this situation, I can still avoid it, just hide it for a while..." Su Hangdao.

Yin Yuer smiled bitterly, "Where can I hide and hide? In fact, Panyu is also very good, and the family is thick, and it is still the marriage of the grandfather and grandfather, which is good for your future development, and offends the two big planes. , Brother Su, why not..."

Su Hang shook his head and interrupted Yin Yu'er's words, "I don't know the personality of this person? They play with me, and I can only promise to blame it. I don't care what plane master I love. , I don’t want to eat soft rice, rely on anyone..."

Yin Yuer smiled bitterly, "Brother Su, why not!"

Su Hang reached out and grabbed Yin Yu'er's hand and said, "I have already planned it. When the Wanjie Conference is over, I will go to Xueer. When Xueer is retrieved, we will get married. In these years, I owe you too much. You can’t do what you owe you anymore!

Yin Yuer stared at Su Hang for a long time, silently feeling in his heart, and said after a while, "However, Grandpa Shizu has said, let you stay in Chuangjie Mountain these days, don't go anywhere!"

Su Hang smiled, "He is not my lao, I have to listen to whatever he says, legs are on me, wherever I want to go, just go!"

Yin Yu'er couldn't take him, "Take me back with you and I haven't seen him in a long time!"

Su Hang nodded and the two went out together.

However, as soon as he went out, he saw a figure standing outside the yard. Su Hang saw it, and frowned.

"Uncle Zhu'er?" Yin Yuer's face also changed, and the little fat man standing outside the courtyard was Chang Tian's baby boy.

With a smile on his face, Zhu'er looked at Su Hang and Yin Yu'er. "Feng Chen is servant, is this going to elope or something?"

Su Hang turned black and walked over, kicking directly on the pig's ass.

"Why did you kick me?" Pig did not hide.

"Return your foot that night!" Su Hang glared at him. That night, the sky summoned him. Outside the Earth Spirit Hall, the younger than not only kicked him, but also scolded him.

Zhu Er was speechless for a while, "I am your elder, can't I still teach you?"

"Elder, isn't it?"

Su Hang grabbed Pig's collar and lifted him up directly.

"Brother Su, don't... this is Uncle Zhu'er!" Yin Yuer persuaded, but it seemed to no avail.

After that night, Su Hang looked at the little boy very unhappy.

"Boy, you let me down!" Pig's face was black, grabbing Su Hang's wrist, "Don't force me to do it!"

Su Hang chuckled, "Then you do it!"

"Su Hang is about to run, come soon, Su Hang is going to elope..." Zhu'er heard the words and shouted directly with his throat.


Su Hang quickly threw him to the ground, "Try again?"

Zhu'er patted his **** and stood up, "Huh, don't think I can't beat you, just don't want to know you in general..."

Su Hang chuckled. This little boy may have some skill. After all, he followed the sky for so many years, but Su Hang did not think he would be strong enough. At most, it was just a bluff!

"It's okay to run me here to do?" Su Hang didn't want to talk nonsense with him and asked directly.

Zhu'er said, "The old man said, let me follow you. I will follow you wherever you go."


Su Hang heard that, frowning, "Are you kidding me?"

"What a joke?" Zhu'er snorted. "Do you think I really want to follow you? Or else the master told me that I don't want to see your ugly face. Are you going back to Xuanhuang Realm, take me all the way!"

The expression on Su Hang's face was slightly dignified. "He knows I'm going?"

"Oh! I'm afraid?" Zhu'er chuckled lightly. "Tangled by Chen Xiaoli, it would be strange if you didn't leave!"

Su Hang's complexion changed slightly. So, Cangtian knew he wanted to run? He didn't come out to stop himself, but let the pig follow, what does that mean?

Zhu'er said, "The lord said, wherever you are going, I have to follow wherever I go. I won't let you out of my sight for a minute and a second!"

Su Hang was a little bit unhappy. "Can you make me eat and sleep, you have to follow the toilet?"

"It's all yours, you still need to eat and sleep in the bathroom?" Zhu'er asked back.

"Are you in charge?" Su Hang gave him a blank look.

Zhu'er said, "Master has orders, don't say you eat and sleep in the latrine, even if you and Xiaoyu'er do things, I have to stare beside them!"

"Uncle Zhu'er!" Yin Yu'er said, his face flushed!

Su Hang slapped in the past, "I stare at your sister!"

A slap in the face smacked all the pigs, "Dare you dare to beat me?"

"What's wrong with you? Don't follow me if you have the ability!" Su Hang smiled and walked away with Yin Yuer.



"Old Hu!"

On the Earth Spirit Peak, the Houshan Bamboo Forest trembled, and a large group of birds flew out.

In the elegant little courtyard, a little old man with his head shrunk, his neck shrunk a little, and he quickly trot towards a bamboo house.

Before approaching, the door opened, and a woman ran out in is Panyu.

After the game, Pan Yudu and Nan Yusheng were together and changed back to women's clothing. They wore a goose-yellow gauze skirt, and they looked beautiful and beautiful. Not bad at all!

"Small...Miss..." Hu Bugui shook his skin, and his heart was trembling, feeling abnormally uneasy, not knowing what crazy this little ancestor had done.

According to past experience, this little ancestor will suffer when he is in a bad mood!

Pan Yu panicked and ran down the bamboo steps with her skirt. "Lao Hu, aunt is here, isn't it?"

Hu Bugui's face changed slightly, "No, I haven't heard of it..."

"Did you lie to me?" Pan Yufeng's eyes glared, and he was so scared that he didn't return to liver tremor!

Hu Bugui laughed aloud, "I just heard that this is not going to report to you, Miss Auntie is in the Heavenly Temple at this moment, and she is talking to the real person in the Heaven, don't worry, Miss Auntie will come to you in a while! "

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