Super Study God

Chapter 2473: 3 people in the courtyard!

Pig looked closely at the domain beast carp leopard from a year ago, and was a little surprised, "You are not a holy beast under the seat of Xuan Er, how could you be reduced to this?"

Leopard was a little displeased, "What is called fall? Am I miserable now? I just want to follow my little master."

"Little Master?" Zhu'er approached, somewhat surprised, "Xuan Er reborn?"

This guy, the news is a bit behind!

At this time, Leopard said, "The old master is reborn, and it is in this Feixia palace, but I have no relationship with Xuanhuang, my current master, and other people!"

"Oh?" Pig is more surprised.

While waiting to ask, Su Hang said, "You two, have a chat while chatting, Leopard, I will see Linger first!"

Leopard heard the words and gave way, "The two existences are in Feixia Palace. You need to be more careful not to offend!"

Su Hang nodded slightly, with some doubts, and lifted his legs into the Feixia Palace.

A few laughs came from the courtyard, accompanied by a pleasing sound of music. As soon as Su Hang walked in, he felt his ears melted.

Yeh was sitting by the yard, doing needlework, and two two or three year olds were chasing and playing in the yard.

The little girl wore a braided braid and held something like a music box in her hand. The pleasant sound came from the music box.

The little boy was obviously also very interested in the box. He walked on the back of the little girl with his short legs and kept chasing behind the little girl. The two children ran around the yard, very happy.

"Ye Dasao!"

Su Hang entered the door and yelled. Ye Shi heard the words and looked up. When Su Hang came, he was shocked first, and then he was happy.

Quickly put down the needle in his hand, Ye Shi got up, his hands and feet were nowhere to be placed, "Brother, are you back?"

Su Hang walked over and looked at it. The needles made by Ye's were all children's clothes, there were men and women, obviously for the two little guys running in the courtyard.

Ye's shy, indeed a good wife and mother!

The two children stopped and played, and both ran over. The little girl hugged Ye's leg and looked up at Su Hang with some ignorance and doubt.

The little boy, whose attention was not at all on Su Hang, only stared at the music box in the little girl's hand, and had the urge to grab it.

"Ling'er, Master is back, kneel down and call Master!"

Yip reacted, and quickly took the little girl to her knees, and was in a hurry.

The little girl didn't know what was going on at all, and she was even more dazed.

"Sister Ye, it doesn't have to be this way!"

Su Hang quickly waved his hand and squatted in front of the little girl.

I am a master, but I am really not competent at all. The children have grown up so much that they have never seen a few faces, so that these two children do not know themselves.

Especially the son of Shuaiyu, who had to call himself a godfather anyway, just threw it to Ye's to take care of him, and turned himself into a cashier.

Stretching his hand and touching it on the braid on Ye Ling's head, Su Hang could already see the shadow of her granddaughter Wa, between her expressions.

Especially those eyes, so pure and flawless, like two gems!

My sister, I owed you a lot in the past life. I entered my door in this life and still owe you for my brother!

Looking at Ye Ling, Su Hang was a little distracted. Ye Ling looked at Su Hang, and there seemed to be some fear in curiosity.

Su Hang showed a self-righteous smile, and looked at the music box Ye Ling was holding. "Little girl, where did the music box come from, how can it be so nice? Can you show it to the teacher?"

Although Ye Ling was a little bit timid, it seemed to be infected by Su Hang’s smile, or she had an innate affection for Su Hang in the depths of her soul. She timidly moved her music box to Su. The airline delivered it.

Su Hang smiled happily and reached for the music box.

The box is boxy and slap-sized, with an octagonal pavilion above it, and a little girl dancing gracefully with the music.

However, what surprised Su Hang was that as soon as the music box entered Su Hang's hands, the pleasant music sound came to an abrupt end.

Su Hang looked at it, but didn't see any switch on the box, "Huh? Why didn't it ring?"

Ye Ling reached out and took the music box, but she didn't see any movement. As soon as the box entered her hand, it immediately rang again, and the crisp music sounded like a children's song. He kept humming.

Ah? Su Hang was a little surprised. He still thought the box was an ordinary plaything. Is it still a treasure? Can he recognize people?

Su Hang was a little stunned, it seems that he has gone away!

At this time, Ye Shidao said, "This is a gift from Mr. Xiao to Ling'er. He said it is called Tianyin Box for Linger's enlightenment. I don't know what the enlightenment is, but this box is really strange, only in Only Linger and Mr. Xiao will ring in the hands, they will not ring in the hands of others!"

"Enlightenment?" Su Hang froze for a moment, then looked up to Ye Shi, "Mr. Xiao you said, is in the inner courtyard!"

Ye's nodded, "The three of them are chatting in the inner courtyard for a while!"

"I went to see!"

Su Hang nodded slightly, and kissed the two little guys with a dead face, and immediately sat up contentedly and went to the inner courtyard!

After passing through the two lanes, we came to the inner courtyard!

Earlier he heard that it was two people, and he could only get a few points vaguely, but why did he run out of the third person?

The inner courtyard is also a courtyard. A sweet-scented osmanthus tree in the courtyard is filled with small flowers. The smell is fragrant and the breeze is gentle.

A leaf shook on the branch, and the branch that left reluctantly drifted down with the wind.

Hovering in the Turned around in a circle and fell into a tea cup on the stone table. A black-faced man beside the table, very dashing, flicked the osmanthus leaves.

The leaves fluttered and shouted directly on the face of a strong young man across the street.

The young man reached out and pulled the tea-leaved leaves from his face, and looked at the black-faced man opposite him with a bit of discomfort. "Daoyou, are you dissatisfied with me?"

"Sorry, sorry!" The black-faced man shook his head quickly. "Habits, didn't hold it!"

The strong young man rolled his eyes, and with a slight luck in his hand, a touch of scorching fire instantly turned the leaf into ashes.

Seeing this scene, the elegant young man in white next to him didn't know what he was thinking.

"Di Zun, Huang San?"

At this time, Su Hang happened to enter the door. Although he was expecting it, he was not expecting it. He thought it would be Di Zun, and he didn't think that Huang Tian was here!

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