Super Study God

Chapter 2487: Own claim!

Duan Lin took out the ghost teeth, "Tell the ghost teeth is the proof, this is the aunt's personal belongings..."

Su Hang couldn't help crying, "What kind of certificate is this, I remember, you showed me this thing under the Phoenix Mountain in Shuzhong a year ago, and now you use it to talk about things and treat me like a fool?"

Duan Lin heard the words, his face changed a lot, just like eating some kind of excrement, holding the truth to listen to the ghost teeth for a long time, very embarrassed.

"Is there any other evidence? For example, the emperor's hand oracle!" Su Hangdao.

Duan Lin is extremely nervous, this kid's psychological quality is really not good.

Suddenly, Duan Linteng stood up at once, listening to the ghost teeth in his hand suddenly burst into a black awn, and instantly turned into a half-moon-shaped long knife.


The Ten Palace Yanlu's face changed a lot, and the Ting Ting Ghost Teeth were refined by the Ting Emperor's Ting Ting Teeth, and they had great coercion to all ghost repairs. Including the Ten Dian Yan Luo, as soon as the knife came out, they immediately made them feel fear.

Looking at Duan Lin's appearance, it was obvious that he was in a hurry, and he was about to break the wreck and dry it. I really didn't know the courage he had come from.

"Come, come..."

Duan Lin held a long knife and swept the sky. The look of a bluff was almost crazy.


Haotian drank, his figure flashed, and came to Duan Lin. With a big wave of his hand, Duan Lin was too late to respond, and the long knife had fallen into Haotian's hand.

You know, Haotian is a monk in Tianzun Realm, grabbing a knife from the hand of a small soul in a congenital realm, it is not as simple as drinking water, although this knife is quite extraordinary.

For a moment, the long knife had been put into the hands of Su Hang. At this time, Duan Lin was able to react, and his hands were empty.

That long knife, when he was in the hands of Su Hang, still wanted to struggle. When Su Hang was grasped, he was honest and instantly restored to the appearance of ghost teeth.

Looking up at Duan Lin and Su Hangdao, "What are you doing so excited? Finally, I'll ask you again, how did you come to the underworld? Anyone instructed from behind, say it, I can do everything that hasn't happened, and I can let you go Go back to the sun, otherwise, break into the eighteenth level of hell, eternal life must not be born!"

Duan Lin was terrified, shivering all over, kneeling down again with a thump, "I said, I said..."

That whispering ghost tooth was already his last reliance, and now he was snatched away, and he was still mad there.

The reason why he dared to use the body of the soul, the innate realm, to walk in this underworld, Duan Lin relied on this to listen to ghost teeth.

"Not yet!" Haotian drank, "Is it personally instructed?"

"Yes, it's a monk!" Duan Lin replied in horror.

Monk? Another monk, Su Hang frowned slightly.

Duan Lindao, "I was practicing in Kunlun Mountain that day, and a monk found me. He said that he was called the Six Desire Venerables. He came from the underworld, and now the land has no master. Promised him, and then he helped me out of my soul. He listened to the ghost teeth and opened the door of the underworld, and sent me to the earth..."

Listening to this, everyone in the house frowned.

"When is it?" Su Hang asked.

"It should be two days ago!" Duan Lin did not dare to hide, he quickly said, "He told me about the aunt, said that the emperor's place should be mine, and said that as long as I hold the truth to listen to the ghost teeth, the underworld I will listen to my orders, and the Emperor of the Underworld is none other than me. I was confused for a while, and I believed him..."

Su Hang was speechless and should say whether this kid is stupid or naive. With such a skill, he dared to come to the prefecture to wander around and covet the position of the emperor. Isn’t this funny?

At this time, Duan Lin went on to say, "After he took me to the prefecture, he asked me to take the exam. I thought it would be a contest. If it was a contest, I would listen to ghost teeth. It may be my opponent, but I didn’t expect that the prefecture was uncharacteristically, even Biwen..."

In a word, everyone was crying and laughing. The kid didn't even reflect on himself. He blamed the local government for not coming. The local government didn't play cards according to the routines.

"So, before you took the exam, did you still see the Six Desire Venerables?" Su Hang asked!

Duan Lin nodded hurriedly, "Just before the exam, he came to see me early this morning!"

Su Hang looked at the Ten Temple next to Yan Luo.

Qin Guangwang and others are all serious, Chujiang King said, "Emperor Master, it seems that someone really killed the Six Desire Venerables, and used his name to commit this matter..."

Hao Tian said beside him, "Uncle Shi, in this way, it is unlikely that the Buddha will do anything!"

If it was Buddhism, how could the Six Desires be destroyed without hurting the enemy and hurting yourself first.

Su Hang did not speak.

Qin Guangwang said, "It is difficult to say that the suspicion of Buddhism cannot be ruled out before the investigation is cleared. The Emperor and Meng Po have a mirror to see the cause and effect and take a picture with the little king. Where are the forces!"

Su Hang waved his hand and said, "No need, I probably know who is making fun!"

"Oh?" Several people looked at Suhang with doubt.

This emperor's master has a lot of magical powers, and it is said that he is the brother of Hongjun Taoist ancestor.

Everyone wants to listen to Su Hang's opinion, telling them who is fooling around, but Su Hang doesn't seem to mean it.

"Take him down, since you let him pass, then let him continue to take the exam. If he really has that patience, it would be fine for him to be the emperor!" Su Hang simply said.

Ten Hall Yan Luo was surprised. What kind of operation was this, and actually let this kid continue to take the exam, isn't it funny?

Before, because they put water, this kid would only enter the fifty. This kid is just a scum, and the word Xianneng can't touch it at all, let alone meritorious people!

But Su Hang has already spoken, and the Ten Palace Yan Luo did not dare to question, and quickly retreated with Duan Lin.

Outside the hotel.

The ten Yan Juns were all frowning, and Yan Luo said, "Brothers, do you know what this means? I am a little confused!"

Not only are you confused, everyone is confused!

King Chujiang said, "I think the Emperor Master wanted to be quiet, and lead the people behind this scene!"

"It's possible, but it shouldn't be!" King Biancheng shook his head. "Since the emperor master knows the identity of the person behind the scene, with the power of the emperor master, is it not easy to catch him out? Hidden love!"

The rest of the people nodded their heads in agreement.

King Qin Guang said, "Don't wait and guess, we will do what the imperial master commands, everything our own imperial master advocates!"

Everyone feels reasonable, and there is an emperor teacher here, are you afraid that there will be any troubles?

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