Super Study God

Chapter 2515: Heaven asked!

Hongjun said, "Stygian is capable of heaven. You want to seal him hard. Land pressure is willing to take risks for him. He will definitely come to harassment later. For today's sake, go back to Jieshan Mountain and hand him over to Heaven Heaven Daoyou. !"

Su Hang nodded slightly, this is a big hidden danger, since it is the original sin of the sky, then it should be handed over to the sky, only the sky can clean up him.

The two left the chaotic world and entered heaven!



Chongjie Mountain, Su Hang has been away for more than a month, and the guests on the mountain have not dispersed, all waiting to witness the grand event of passing on the heaven!

Su Hang didn't want to come back because of the chaotic order of mandarin ducks. However, he knew very well that the date of passing the position had been set, and the ceremony was coming. Even if he didn't want to come back, he would catch him back, regardless of hiding. It is impossible to hide anywhere.

Compared with Cangtian, his current strength is still too far apart, and it is not a magnitude at all.

Moreover, the Styx, which was sealed in his palm, urgently needed to be handed over to Cangtian for disposal. For various reasons, he had to come back.

To Chuangjie Mountain, it was already evening, and Su Hang was alone and went to Cangtianyuan, Zhufeng to meet Cangtian.


In the yard, Cangtian sat cross-legged on a futon, with five hearts towards the sky, meditating with his eyes closed, a censer in front of him, a column of fragrance in the furnace, just burned half.

Su Hang did not disturb him, but sat down on a futon next to it, waiting for the pillar of incense to burn out.

The futon still has some temperature. Someone should have just sat, and just left.

"Aren't you gone, how come back?"

A pillar of incense burned slowly, Cang Tian didn't open his eyes, just said slowly.

Su Hangdao, "Then I'm gone!"

The sky slowly opened his eyes and looked at Su Hang, "What do you do when you come back?"

Su Hang spread his right hand directly in front of the sky, "He!"

The sky looked at it, paused, and stroked the sky. The seal of Yin and Yang fish in the palm of Su Hang instantly detached into a stream of light and flew into the palm of only the sky.

Cang Tian spread his palms, the Yin Yang fish was already sealed in his palm.

That's it, it's over? Su Hang froze for a moment, but did not react too much.

It's simple, it's usually mediocre, Cangtian looked up at Su Hang, "If it's okay, let's go back, I want to be quiet, and have a good sense of life!"

Understanding Life? Su Hang was a little bit happy when she heard it, "When you reach the level of seniors, do you still appreciate life?"


Cang Tian sighed for a long time, "Born as a person, there is life, born in red dust, there is always joy and sorrow..."

"Then I don't know what the senior is mourning, what's the worry?" Su Hang asked a little curiously.

Cang Tian threw a glance at Su Hang, "I'm thinking, how to throw the baggage of Daozong Zong..."

Su Hang's face twitched slightly. "I heard that some of the Chen's wives have visited Chuangjie Mountain a few days ago. Senior, are you okay?"

Cang Tian heard that and took a deep breath, "Oh, woman!"

With a wry smile, he shook his head, "Su Hang, I tell you, the most terrifying thing in this world is a woman. I haven't been afraid of anyone in my life, but I just..."

"Afraid of wife?" Su Hang asked.

Cang Tianwen frowned and glared at Su Hang. "I just want to throw the baggage of Daozong Zong, and then I am at ease, so, Su Hang, you can't be happy for a few days!"

Su Hang paused, "You made up your mind to pass the position to me?"

"Every day is bright, all eyes are on you, you have to take the first, I don't want to give you!" Cangtian shook his head and sighed, "However, I can see that you and I are a kind of person, and sooner or later will take this avenue. When a burden is thrown out, so I hope you, when throwing this burden, choose a better successor, instead of choosing it like me, it is better not to choose."

There was a trace of sweat on Suhang's forehead. "Senior, what do you sound like it's calling me?"

Cang Tiandao, "Whether it's scolding you or inspiring you, my original intention is only one thing, that is, I hope you don't lose Daozongzong's family. Daozongzong was founded by me in that year, and I already have feelings..."

Su Hang's heart is slandering, since you have feelings, you still have to pick the pick and leave it, leaving this burden to me?

"In recent years, I have not been among the clan gates. The atmosphere of the clan gate is a little lively, and many people have become more inflated. I see these in my eyes, but I don’t want to take care of them and waste that mind. After you take over the clan master The position is clear, the lintel is clear, and the rectification is certain, but I want to remind you to do things with a certain degree, and all rewards and punishments must be convincing!" Cang Tiandao.

Su Hang nodded slightly, "I understand all this, the senior does not have to deliberately explain!"

Cang Tian shook his head and said, "I know, you are not stupid. Xuan'er is just a little benevolent compared with you. This child is too extreme. It is not a good thing for Zongmen to hand it to him. It’s you, but I’m relieved. You have to remember that after becoming a suzerain, your words and deeds represent the entire Daozong sect, no longer you, don’t abandon justice for private reasons, and don’t forget justice for private desires. ..."

Su Hang nodded, "I understand all the truths said by the predecessor, but did the predecessors do it before?"

It was also bold, and in turn questioned the sky!

Cang Tian heard the words, but shook his head, "I am willing to hate, naturally I can't do it!"

Su Hang had some embarrassment on his face, "Since you can't do it, why would you ask me again?"

"Because I can't do, I gave you the position of Sovereign, and I'm not asking you, but to tell you a reason!" Cangtian shook his head, Su Hang seemed to There is a trend towards Liao Jing.

Su Hang paused. "I can understand that the seniors wanted me to treat the seven elders lightly?"

Cang Tian shook his head, "I already said, it is up to you to make your own decisions in the future, everything can be dealt with impartially, as for never being light, you can do it yourself!"

Su Hang nodded slightly, "I'm back today to find you, in fact, there is something else!"

Cang Tian waved his hand, "Is it Panyu's business? That little girl stolen away after you left, but I didn't know how to hide from that while I was away, but there is something to remind you, Pansheng Soon, you will definitely see him before passing the ceremony, and then..."

Su Hang took a deep breath, and Cang Tian was very clear about what he wanted to ask, but he avoided answering, dragging the topic to Pan Yu's body, which made him very uncomfortable!

"Actually, I want to ask, something about you and me!" Su Hang asked straightforwardly.

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