Super Study God

Chapter 2525: Meet 2 Saints!

"At least, he still can't be recognized by six relatives, even though his father can see nothing in his eyes, but he still can't let my mother..." Chen Yaner said.

Su Hang interrupted Chen Yan'er's words, "I'm not interested in Lin Xuan's past, Mrs. Lin should focus on it!"

Chen Yan'er smiled bitterly, "After this war, Grandpa Xuan'er helped him to heal his wounds, but he was able to repair his behavior. Although the injury is not serious, the practice has almost fallen back to the starting point. He is awakening. After that, he was hopeless, but the appearance of Xi'er made him regain confidence and full of hope..."

"I’m glad that he was able to come back again this time and everything started over again, but I don’t want him to go the old way again, mercilessly undesirable. He had walked on the road before and had no choice but this time it was optional, if Xi'er is here, he certainly won't walk ruthlessly, so..."

At this time, Su Hang interrupted Chen Yan'er, "Mrs. Lin, and live, which way Lin Xuan wants to go is his own choice. It has nothing to do with others, and I don't want my sister to be involved. Mrs. Lin's move , Quite suspected of using my sister!"

"Do not!"

Chen Yan'er shook his head, "No one used anyone, and I didn't want to guide anything deliberately. Xuan'er's thoughts on Xi'er, I can see, are sincere, and only this sincerity can support Xuan'er. There is a right way!"

Speaking of this, Chen Yan'er looked at Su Hang, "I know, Xi'er is your sister, your brothers and sisters are very affectionate, you take her very seriously, and you want to maintain it, but Xuan'er is my son, I also hope you can understand the pains of being a mother..."

Su Hang took a deep breath, "Mrs. Lin, I think you should be able to understand that I don't want my sister to be used by anyone!"

"I can reiterate again that this is not an exploit!" Chen Yaner shook his head and said, "I just hope that the matter between them will be handled by the two of them, and neither you nor I should interfere..."

Su Hangdao, "I am not afraid of Mrs. Lin being angry. In my opinion, Lin Xuan is not a person that Xi'er can trust for life..."

Chen Yan'er said, "That was before, Xuan'er had no choice, but now, he can choose to be a good person!"

This sounds familiar.

Chen Yan'er continued, "If Xuan'er is hurt at this time, I can't imagine the consequences. I know that Xuan'er and you have a brotherhood. I think, at this critical time, you don't want to look at him Can't you fall into a catastrophe again?"

Su Hang was silent for a while, "I still wouldn't make a joke about my sister's lifelong happiness. If Xi'er is willing to stay in Xuan Huangfeng, I won't stop it. Xi'er is still young. Find an opportunity to explain to her, as to how to choose, I will not listen to the opinions of others, how to choose Xier, I support..."

Chen Yaner heard the words and paused, with a slight smile on his face, "It's fine to do so. The matter between the two of us, one of us is a mother and the other is really not suitable for meddling. It’s better to let it happen!"

Su Hang waved his hand, "If Mrs. Lin keeps me down, just for this matter, then I should also say goodbye, and I am anxious to go to Earth Peak!"

If I say a few more words, I am afraid I have to talk about the marriage. Su Hang does not want to continue to talk about it, but just wants to leave quickly.

Chen Yaner sighed, "It can be seen that you have something to worry about, let's look for opportunities later to talk about it!"

Su Hang smiled lightly, got up, and just before leaving, said, "There is a word, Su wants to remind Mrs. Lin!"

Chen Yaner looked up at Su Hang, "Please speak!"

Su Hangdao, "Instead of caring about Linglang, my wife might as well care about herself. Lin Shouye and Tujia are not easy. Please take care of your wife!"

Chen Yan'er was stale, and the expression on her face slightly changed. When she looked back, Su Hang had left. There was only a bit of bitter smile on her face. Some things, why didn't she understand?

Who is Lin Shouye, and what idea is Tu Liugong, her heart is like a mirror, but for these two men, after all, she has ever given up feelings, now she only wants to dedicate everything As for her own son, as for others, she has already been somewhat bearish!



Su Hang's mood has always been very bad. It seems that during the recent period of time, it seems to be very depressed. Fate seems to be joking with himself. Finally, Ao Xue's news is received, but the news of death is waiting for him to be hit. At this time, his sister's affairs also troubled him, and it seemed that there was a fire in his heart, and I didn't know how to vent.

Su Xi's matter is not really a big deal. As long as Su Xi can clearly understand who Lin Xuan is, Su Hang believes she should know how to choose.

Lin Xuan is affectionate to Su Xi, but what attitude Su Xi has to Lin Xuan is still unknown. If Su Xi believes that Lin Xuan is worthy of a lifetime commitment in the future, then Su Hang will not stop as a villain.

Between brothers and sisters, I haven't had a good chat in a long time. Su Hang has now discovered that he doesn't even know what Su Xi has in mind. It seems that it is indeed time to find an opportunity to talk to her.


Unconsciously, he has arrived at Di Ling Feng, Le Zun and Di Zun, sitting in the courtyard without knowing what to talk about. Di Zun's disciple Nan Yusheng is standing beside him to serve tea.

When Su Hang arrived, Di Zun made a gesture to Nan Yusheng, and then Nan Yusheng retreated consciously, leaving a scent of fragrance.

Di Zun turned to look at Su Hang, "I'm not well prepared for the succession ceremony, what do I always do for the Spirit Peak of my place?"

Su Hang smiled Di Zun scorn me like this? This is my second time! "

Di Zun smiled, gestured to Su Hang, and motioned him to sit down and talk.

Su Hang was not polite. He sat directly at the stone table, looked up at the two seniors in front of him, opened his mouth, and stopped talking.

Di Zun said, "If you have anything, say it!"

Su Hang hesitated for a moment. The two of them were in a state of affairs. Can they not know what he was doing?

Su Hang looked at Lezun, "It happened that both of my seniors were there. I didn't invite you today. I actually wanted to ask about the Nuwa family!"

Le Zun heard that the expression on his face changed slightly, and the hand holding the tea cup trembled slightly. Obviously, Su Hang's words made him confused.

Di Zun opened his mouth and wanted to say something. Su Hang first said, "I have heard from the mouth of Sect Master Cangtian and Chen Xiaoli. At this time, it is related to my wife. For me, it is very important. !"

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