Super Study God

Chapter 2559: Excellent taste!

Suhang was helpless and had to wait. After a while, Panshan really brought out a fruit.

It is also like a pear, but there is no crystal clear crystal that Wang fried to Su Hang, but the fragrance from the fruit is still tempting.


At Su Hang's residence, Pan Shan sat at the table, staring at the fruit on the plate on the table, his eyes straight, there was an urge to swallow.

"Just eat if you want to!" Su Hang was a little crying and laughing, so hot eyes, without concealing his inner hunger, Su Hang really embarrassed not to say this.

Pan Shangan laughed and rubbed his hands against each other. "Brother Su, you are a guest. This fruit is specially picked for you. I dare not eat it. You eat, you eat... I just smell it!"

Su Hang is speechless, just a fruit, as for this?

As soon as the plate was pushed in front of Panshan, Su Hang said, "If you want to eat, you can eat. Where is so much nonsense? Here you are!"

Still in his mind is the picture of Wang Zula pull fruit, the picture is really too beautiful, although the fruit is fragrant, but Su Hang still can not lift appetite!

Panshan froze, really for yourself?

To be honest, he was instructed to take Su Hang to pick the fruit. He was thinking of stealing a fruit to take advantage of this opportunity. Even if he was discovered afterwards, he could say that Su Hang liked to eat it, so he picked one more.

But I didn't expect to meet his San Niang outside the orchard, and warned him that stealing fruit was no more. He had just counted in the garden. There were indeed only 81 fruits on the tree, and Su Hang did not pick one.

Panshan was completely disappointed, so he had to pick one for Su Hang, but as a result, he had no appetite and could only have an eye addiction. It was also a pleasure to watch others eat.

What he didn't expect was that in the face of such a spiritual fruit, Su Hang seemed to have no desire at all, and even vaguely abandoned him, and wanted to give him the fruit.

Panshan was a bit puzzled. Do you know how many people are drooling about this fruit? Every time the result of the Jidao Tianzun fruit tree, in his identity, he can only eat so many three or five with many brothers and sisters.

Despite this, the deliciousness still makes him miss it, and the luck contained in the fruit is even more beneficial to his cultivation, so that the baby is in front of him, can't even look down on it?

Or is he polite to himself? Although Panshan coveted, but others were always guests, the guests gave the guests nothing to eat, and they ate it themselves. How disgraceful would it be if it spread out?

"Brother Su, you're welcome. This thing is extremely rare. Eat it while it's fresh. If it's too eye-catching for me, I'll go out and wait!" Panshan's eyes didn't leave the fruit when he was talking. Swallowed.

What are the wonderful things?

Su Hang smiled bitterly, "Is this fruit picked from the tree?"

Panshan was amazed and nodded quickly. "Yeah, is there any problem?"

Not picked from the tree, is it still not picked from the ground?

After repeated confirmation, Su Hang waved his hand, he had a shadow over the scene of Wang Zha La Guo.

"Want to eat if you want to eat, where is there so much nonsense?" Su Hang snorted and flicked his finger lightly, and the fruit instantly split into two halves.

Juice splashes, the fragrance is pungent!

"One half!" Su Hang said directly.

Panshan heard the words, his eyes lit up instantly, his tongue walked around his mouth, and he looked up at Su Hang, "Are you sure?"

"You come first!" Su Hang made a gesture of invitation, in fact, he also wanted to try the power of this extreme Tianzun Guo, but the psychological pressure was a bit big.

"That younger brother is welcome!" Pan Shan's calm face, arched his hand at Su Hang, very gracefully extended his hand, hesitated, picked a slightly larger one, and smiled at Su Hang, Start tasting slowly.

The surface was calm, but I didn't know what kind of underpants I was excited about. It was really amazing. Su Hang looked at Panshan's intoxicated look and shook his head straight, no matter where he went, he could meet such a person.


Panshan closed his eyes and tasted carefully. The expression was like tasting the lips of a lover. It seemed intoxicating at all, but the expression of Wangshan's ass, Panshan's expression was so insignificant!

"Is it so delicious?" Su Hang's eyebrows gently raised, his eyes fell on the half of the fruit on the table, hesitated, and reached out and grabbed it.


This fruit is not pulled out, shouldn't it be so resistant? Su Hang's brows stretched out, persuaded himself hard, and slowly put the fruit into his mouth.


It bites like Sydney, but the touch is better, the entrance melts, it is full of juice, fragrant and sweet, at that moment, Suhang feels opened a door to a new world, the tongue seems to melt, and every taste bud blooms Come, the whole person is sublimated.

Su Hang didn't know how he ate the half of the fruit. When he woke up completely from that empty state, it was almost an hour.

Beside, Panshan has also finished eating the fruit, and is vigorously licking his fingers, seeing Su Hang sober, Panshan feels a little embarrassed, and quickly put his hand under him.

"I haven't eaten this fruit for a long time, and I'm a little sick, so Brother Su laughed!" Pan Shan accosted, feeling that his old face was a little red.

Su Hang waved his hand, the fruit was indeed delicious, and he was not sure if he had just lost his gaze.

"Thanks to Pan Brothers today, I can taste such a rare fruit, Su Mou is grateful!" Su Hangdao.

Pan Shangan laughed a Su made a serious statement. This is the longest luck of Tianzun Guo. How does Su Hang feel after eating? "

Su Hang felt it, except that he felt lighter, more comfortable, and his brain was awake, there seemed to be no other difference!

"It's not bad!" Su Hang smiled. "This kind of luck is so illusory, you and I can't see it, how long or how long, you and I don't have to be entangled, anyway, just addicted!"

Panshan nodded happily, "Brother Su stayed in my Wuji Palace for a few more days, while waiting for the Lingguo feast, maybe he could get one..."

Su Hang quickly waved his hand, "Things are rare and expensive, this thing, occasionally try it, I eat one more bite, others will eat one bite less, forget alone, Lele is not as good as Lele, if Brother Pan has no other Words of something..."

This Nima is chasing people, Panshan sweats, "Brother Su is the master of a sect, and there are certainly many treasures I have seen, but I am embarrassed, let alone, I heard that Brother Su is going to the Temple of Destiny tomorrow, then Just wait for Brother Su to come back and harass again. It's not too early, and Brother Su will have a rest early!"

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