Super Study God

Chapter 2584: I am destiny?

The Sparrow Magic Lamp was enshrined in the Black Raven House. At the moment, Su Hang wanted to see the Sparrow Magic Lamp, but was stopped by Yang Liuzheng. The reason is that the man of fate has the weapon of destiny, and the device of destiny is spiritual. Yes, if you are in a hurry, maybe it is counterproductive, maybe you just run away, and you don’t know where to go when you want to find it!

In this way, Su Hang can only suppress his heart, and wait until tomorrow, let's talk about it, naturally, we can see it in the bird **** competition.

Coming out of the willow house, the cold wind was blowing outside, and it was exceptionally cool. She Xiaoman's room was quiet and without candlelight. She should have rested long ago.

Regarding the appearance of this girl, Su Hang always felt that something was not quite right, but there was nothing wrong with it, but Su Hang couldn't say it. It can only be said that the girl appeared too coincidentally.

It happened to soar and happened to be rescued by myself again!

Listening to her, she is a disciple of Ziyang Palace, an orthodox gatekeeper of the king of Chu Realm. With the status of Ziyang Palace, how could the disciples of the Lower Realm soar to such a remote place?

Not only is it remote, but it is also an almost abandoned flying platform. It is really difficult to understand the fact that the forces in the door are excluded from the battle.

Su Hang didn't know what was wrong with her. Now she has become afraid of wolves and tigers. She likes to think about many things, and she likes to doubt many things.

It’s not that he can’t believe anyone. It’s because in his realm, the higher he stands, the more he sees. The battle between forces and forces, and the calculations between people, he sees too much. It was no longer the furry kid at that time, nor was he so fierce. He didn't care about anything and rushed forward with his head buried.

Now if he still behaves like before, then he can only be said that he is really stupid. Now that he has risen, he has been able to pose a threat to many existences and take over the position of Dao Patriarch. Cangtian has pushed him above the cusp of the storm, so, Almost no doubt various calculations will follow.

Of course, some of these calculations do not rule out that some are in good faith, and they just want to use you to benefit each other, but Su Hang believes that it is more detrimental to others!

Su Hang doesn't like to be counted. The only thing he can do is to be careful. The appearance of this girl is indeed too strange. It is normal for Su Hang to be more careful.

Now in the courtyard, Su Hang looked up to the gray sky under the night, there was no moon, only a sparse star, the city was illuminated tonight, and the lights illuminated half of the night sky.

"I don't know, did Xiaoli break through the realm of the realm of kings at this moment?" Su Hang took a deep breath, and there was such a thought in his mind.

Now that Chen Xiaoli has obtained his life monument, shouldn't it be a breakthrough to break through the realm king?

During this trip to the Temple of Destiny of the Promise World, Su Hangchang had a long experience, but he also had some doubts in his heart, but this doubt made him feel unrealistic.

Because, he was wondering, would he be the so-called reincarnation of fate?

This idea is really bold, but Su Hang is so skeptical that it has his basis and is not unfounded speculation.

There are four reasons. First, according to Cang Tian and other experts, fate was born in Xuanhuang Realm, and he came out of Xuanhuang Realm.

Of course, there are countless sentient beings in Xuanhuang Realm. Why does Su Hang think of itself?

This involves the second reason, Xuanhuang Realm of All Saints Reincarnated, in order to touch that fate, and he does have contact with the body of All Saints Reincarnation.

Not to mention Hong Jun, Nu Wa, Dao San San Qing alone, the twelve Wuzu, and Fu Yaozi, all passing through the trajectory of his fate are countless.

Third, why did Cangtian and others choose to support him? In Su Hang's view, he is a little scum of Xuanhuang Realm, without any relatives and no reason, why can he be favored by these realm kings, and he still supports him all the way, Cangtian even gave up his grandsons and didn't want to do anything. Passed the seat to him, why?

There is also a fourth point, and the most important one, that is, the fact that the Realm King is banned, it should be said to be exact!

In the early days, when he met the Queen of Destiny in the wilderness of the evening, the Queen of Destiny pretended that Su Hang was a fate. She had allowed Su Hang to testify that she could be the King of the World, but was interrupted by Chaos halfway.

At that time, Su Hang didn't think anything, just thought that the Queen of Destiny was not swayed by the sky, and that method could be believed. If you find a thousand people who say you can become the Realm King, then you can become the Realm King, That realm of King Realm is too valuable.

Later, Su Hang did not take this matter to heart until this time what happened in the Temple of Destiny.

First, I asked myself to help me write the name on the Mingbei. They said that they couldn’t write it. They needed him to try it. As a result, Su Hang was afraid of being pitted. Chen Dasheng started. The name that originally said that it couldn’t be written was written magically. .

The explanation given by the two brothers and sisters is that it is not enough to try Su Hang, but this reason is not acceptable to Su Hang.

In hindsight, the two of them apparently concealed something, and what Su Hang could think of was that during this period, Chen Xiaoli had also turned around and asked him whether she should be the king of the world.

Reminiscent of the original Destiny Queen incident, Su Hang naturally thought of this. With this suspicion, assuming that if he is a reincarnation of destiny, all this seems to be explained.

Why are they close to Because they are destiny, why did Chen Dasheng's brother act like that because he is destiny!

Will my past life really be destiny?

Su Hang looked up at the sky, under the calm starlight, his heart was up and down, and it was difficult to contain the excitement.

Chaos world exists because of me?

Once, when the body became chaos, there was a scene in the mind, but there were a few figures who came to themselves and asked for themselves. Now I want to come, is it the memory of the previous life? That scene is the sky, how many of them come to find themselves, please seal the king?

Thinking of this, Su Hang is increasingly affirming its ideas!

If I am really destiny, then Cang Tian, ​​Chen Dasheng and others have said before that they want to testify to the realm of Dao Realm, but what they lack is self-confidence.

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