Super Study God

Chapter 2593: See the previous life!

? "Brother, this little girl, is not simple!"

After the banquet, back to the residence, She Xiaoman asked Su Hang and Yangliu a lot and asked a lot about it, basically it was about the bird magic lamp.

She didn't know anything about this thing, and was inexplicably recognized by the Sparrow Lamp, but she still had some anxiety and panic in her heart.

The two told her a lot, and She Xiaoman solved her doubts, and then went back to her room with peace of mind.

In the room, Yang Liuzhen and Su Hang were left. Yang Liuzheng sighed, the expression on his face looked very serious, and he was close to Su Hang intentionally or unintentionally.

"Why do you see it?" Su Hang drank a cup of tea to understand the greasyness of the dinner party. To be honest, this meal of the Black Raven House really didn't suit his appetite.

Yang Liuzheng also gargleed his mouth, "Will such a god-like lamp as a fateful weapon choose any individual to recognize the Lord? It doesn't even recognize you and I, but he found such a little girl, enough to see the extraordinary of this little girl. !"

Su Hang took a deep breath, and he naturally understood the truth. This She Xiaoman, who can be selected by the Sparrow Lamp, must be deeply blessed, and his own protagonist halo is not low.

If you don't have a halo on your body, how can you get a sparrow lamp?

In fact, Yang Liuzhen did not say a word, that the girl's protagonist halo may not be worse than them. You know, Bao Xun is destined, what is destiny? Who is more destiny, who is more destiny, who is destined.

Sparrow Lamp did not choose him, nor did he choose Su Hang, but she chose She Xiaoman, what can this mean? It can only be explained that the three people stood at one place, the bird magic lamp regarded She Xiaoman as the protagonist, and both of them became foils.

It's just that this idea is a little weird, and I can't believe it, so Yang Liuzheng didn't say it. However, in fact, both of them were distracted.

In the past, Yangliu was a little sure that Suhang was regarded as the reincarnation of destiny, but now, Yangliu has almost broken the idea. If Suhang is a reincarnation of destiny, wouldn't it be reasonable for the bird to choose him?


Back in the room, Su Hang thought about today and sat on the bed and shook his head again and again. If he was not a reincarnation of destiny, who would be his previous life?

The so-called curiosity killed the cat. At the moment, the night was quiet. Su Hang was completely sleepless. His curiosity about his previous life reached an unprecedented peak.

Today, he has already reached the peak of the avenue of realm, the realm of the quasi-kingdom, and there is no sign of loosening and awakening in Tibetan knowledge. This makes him very distressed. Is it really only through the realm of the realm that he can awaken his previous life? ?

If you don’t know your past life or where you came from, it’s as if you were covered in a big drum. In the face of the holiness of the sky, you can’t be sure that those are enemies and those are friends!

I already knew that when I was on the bank of the Forgotten River, I should have listened to the words of Stygian River, swallowed the two flowers, and awakened the Tibetan knowledge.

Now Stygian has been harvested by the sky, and the two-life flower has also been harvested. It is useless to regret it now.

Except for the two-life flower, is there no other way?

For others, there may be no solution, but for Su Hang, it is not too simple.

If you can’t figure out what to do, just ask for help from the gods system!

At the moment, Su Hang closed his eyes, went into the consciousness of Xinghai, and pulled out the Xueshen system!

"Help me choose some information that can awaken the past life, or see the immortality of the past life, Tao Qi!" Su Hang said directly to Xueshen!

"Please wait!"

It was still the cold sound of some machinery. The search interface of the Xueshen system appeared in my mind. Soon, a lot of immortality medicine and Taoist information were sorted out.

Too many, Su Hang looked at it, an interface could not be displayed, changed a lot of tabs, there are more than 180 pages.

Dazzling, full of dazzling, where did Suhang look over here?

"Remove the Elixir and Dao of Heaven Rank and below!" Su Hang said directly.

Heaven Rank is already super product, Taoist level medicine medicine device, even if it is rotten, can let all monks break the head!

According to the screening conditions of Su Hang, soon, there are only more than 180 pages, only two pages are left, one page lists the elixir, and the other page lists the Taoist.

Unexpectedly, there are quite a few awakening treasures of the previous life. There are twenty or thirty kinds of gods and immortals.

Liang Sheng Dan, Hui Sheng Wan, Xing Shen Ye...

First look at the elixirs, all kinds, have the effect of awakening previous life, or awakening previous generations.

Suhang looked very serious looking at the effects of panacea ingredients or side effects one by one.

At the beginning, Su Hang was very excited about the so-called third drug poison. However, most of this panacea has side effects, and few have stable drug effects. Moreover, people with high strength take it, the smaller the effect, once Awakening and hiding knowledge is even more unpredictable.

Because Tibetan consciousness itself is a kind of protection for the souls of heaven and earth, its existence must have its meaning. It is like a scab on the wound. You don’t need to wait for him to fall off, forcibly peel it off, it will definitely hurt. , May also be purulent!

Su Hang hesitated, and Hong Jun also reminded him that the awakening of Tibetan consciousness should be natural, otherwise it would be harmful and unprofitable!

But Su Hang’s curiosity in her mind is difficult to contain. Thinking about it, although taking the Elixir is a bit risky, should it be okay to use Taoism?

At the moment, Suhang opened the paging device., rebirth table......

There was another pile, full of dazzling eyes, Su Hang was busy looking at the information one by one, and many of them were as simple and crude as the panacea. They directly pryed away the Tibetan knowledge and released all the memories of the previous world...

This kind of undesirable, if the memory of the world is too vast, it is easy to support the true spirits!

However, there is also a class of gentle ones, such as mirrors, Shengshengjing, etc., which just look at the previous life, let you take a look at the pictures of the world, and know the past information.

These treasures are not for you to awaken and hide, but for you to see. Compared with the panacea, one is in it, and the other is from the perspective of bystanders, which is relatively safe.

Su Hang thought about it, in order to be foolproof, this kind of Tao Qi is undoubtedly the first choice, you can get the information of the previous life without awakening the knowledge!

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