Super Study God

Chapter 2595: Unexpected joy!


Su Hang's eyes widened, did he finally respond? Different from the last time, this time, the chaos on the mirror surface finally reacted. The chaotic gas boiled like a pot of boiling water, as if there was a fierce beast coming out of it.

Looking closely at the mirror, Su Hang's eyes did not dare to blink, for fear of missing any details.


Suddenly, the boiling chaos was torn apart, and a huge axe from top to bottom instantly split the mirror in half.


Su Hang was taken aback. The sudden feeling was as if you were seriously looking at the animal world, and suddenly a terrible grimace appeared on TV.

Suddenly the heartbeat accelerated, Su Hang jumped a few steps behind him, almost unconsciously smashed Yuan Zu Jing.

Only then did Su Hang respond, Yuan Zujing showed only a picture, because it was too clear and realistic, and almost thought someone was attacking!

Suddenly frightened by a picture, Su Hang wanted to laugh at herself, and then looked at the mirror, and saw that the chaos was split in half by the giant axe, revealing a figure holding an axe.

It was a young man with a naked upper body, long hair shawl, like a savage, with muscle knots, bronze skin, and a giant axe, like a **** of war!

Between the eyebrows, the heroic spirit is full, Su Hang's heart is tight, is this person his own past life?

But I saw this man pointing at the mirror and didn't know what to say. Then, the chaos separated by him slowly closed again. Then, the chaos returned to calm!

"Hey!" Su Hang shouted, and that's it?


Su Hang was trying to come again, however, the door behind him was suddenly pushed open!

Looking back, Yangliu and She Xiaoman stood at the door, and Su Hang's face changed a little. This willow, the more he released, did not knock on the door!

Seeing Su Hang frowning, Yang Liu was also a little embarrassed. His face shook and he smiled, "Sister Su, should we go today? Depart for Ziyang Palace?"

Su Hang glared at him, didn't say much, then turned around, ready to put away the mirror!

"Oh, Brother Su is really a wonderful person, when did he get such a big mirror!"

But Yangliu entered the house without the permission of Su Hang. He came to Su Hang with his staff and looked directly at the mirror!

Yuan Zu Jing is still in the open state, and the effectiveness has not been completely closed. However, when Yangliu came over, Yuan Zu Jing only took his own look, only as a normal mirror.

I can't see it. Su Hang is still a stinky person. He is getting better in the day and actually hiding in the room and looking in the mirror!

Where does Su Hang do not know what this old guy is thinking, this old guy is the ancient **** of chaos, innate spirit, without reincarnated body, according to the previous life, of course, is his own appearance.

"Go to Tu Jiuya and say goodbye, we will leave the Black Crow City and go to the Ziyang Palace in a moment!" Su Hang said directly.

Seeing Su Hang glaring at him unpleasantly, Yang Liu nodded quickly, and walked out of the door, and turned around with She Xiaoman.

Su Hang watched Yangliu leave. This old guy seems to be a little ill-educated and a little unclear about his current status as a prisoner!

He cursed a few words in his heart, turned around, and once again prepared to collect Yuan Zujing.

However, when Su Hang's eyes fell on Yuan Zu's mirror, the whole person was stunned instantly.

From the perspective of Suhang's present view, the reflection on the mirror surface is the willow that is going away at the door.

What Su Hang froze was not the mirror image of the willow, but the woman who was next to the willow in the mirror.

Sheng Xue in white, Ping Ting and Nao, just turned around and put Su Hang on the spot. The picture flashed and the mirror disappeared, but it was already out of the area that the mirror could reach.

Su Hang opened his mouth slightly, finally recovered, and hurriedly rushed out of the door, only to see She Xiaoman followed Yangliu, and had already turned the corner of the corridor. The air was still there in Tsing Yi.

Su Hang raised his hand and wanted to stop, but he still put his hand down again, the expression on his face was changeable, and I wondered whether it was crying or laughing.


Phoenix city!

A giant city under Ziyang Mountain is only three to five hundred miles away from Ziyang Mountain. The three came to Phoenix to take a break. At the moment, Su Hang seemed to be away from Ziyang Mountain!

Yang Liu was a little puzzled, wasn't Su Hang eager to find the King of Chu Realm, so that King Chu could show the way and hurry to go outside? How come Ziyang Mountain is close by, and I didn't hurry up the mountain. I ran to Phoenix and found an inn to live in.

The inn is called the Supreme Restaurant, and listening to the name alone, it is domineering enough. Supreme, the hotel owner is afraid that he is not a leisurely character. He dares to get this name in the Phoenix Mountain and the Phoenix!

But I have to say that the accommodation here is much better than that of Black Crow City, and the food has changed qualitatively.



In the room, Suhang and Yangliu, Yangliu, after listening to Suhang's messy talk, made a big fuss, and seemed to understand why Suhang was so absent on this journey!

Twisted his beard, Yang Liudao said, "This is not unexplainable. At that time, the battle of the Realm King, the Nuwa family became a victim, and they were tragically destroyed. But, destiny Zhao Zhao, Brother Su, don't you say that, you know that one person has escaped, who can guarantee that there is no second and third person?"

Su Hang couldn't restrain her excitement, "I used Yuan Zu Jing and really saw her, shouldn't it be fake?"

Yang Liuzheng laughed aloud, "Brother Su, the Yuanzu mirror is your treasure. Is it fake? You know the best. However, I heard from Brother Su that you want to come, it should be when the Nuwa family was in trouble. Madam must have used a special method to escape the soul, or perhaps the broken soul reincarnation!"

"Break down the true spirits, reincarnate?" Su Hang was stunned, and he was very excited to see it.

Yang Liuzhen nodded his head, "Brothers Su, you think, although the battle of the Realm King was fierce, but the thunder was heavy and the rain was small, and finally ended in a hurry, Nu Wa became the only victim, with the existence of Realm Realm Even if they can’t save the Nuwa clan, but they want to save one or two, I don’t believe they can’t!”

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