Super Study God

Chapter 2616: It turned out to be a dream!


Hongjun had been crying for a long time, and then flew an object from "Su Hang". After flying to Hongjun, Hongjun took it with both hands. It was originally a jade dish!

"This jade dish was a coincidence when I traveled through the chaos of that year. The connotation of infinite destiny, I had a long glance, I thought I could use this to break the way, but the destiny is obvious, and I can’t bear me. To be able to complete, Hong Jun, I will give you the jade dish made today. I must be well informed. In the future, I will not take my old path and follow the rules of the world to be the right way. When you become the king of the world, you and my brother may see you again!"

"Brother, I hurt you!"

"Today I am here to open up this world, and in the future will certainly be able to prosper countless sentient beings, which can also add some color to the chaotic world, virtuous brother, in the future, please take care of one or two..."

Hongjun, holding a jade dish made of chemicals, nodded again and again, crying into a tearful man!

After the "Su Hang" account was finished, he didn't say much, and he focused on the great cause of the anti-sky. When the sky was one foot high, he would grow one foot high, and the sky high, he would grow tall, and his body was huge. Boundless, upright, not to mention!

So I don’t know how long it has been. I have been watching Suhang from the perspective of bystanders, and I can clearly feel that this body has reached the limit!

Heaven and earth have been finalized, and this world has been established. There is no danger of merging again. Su Hang feels that his body is empty, and his power is completely exhausted. He only feels that his eyes are black, and then the whole person falls backward.


Hongjun's shouting came from his ears, so miserable, so sad.

"Alas, Brother Pan, why is this so painful!"

Cang Tian sighed a long time, and didn't know how it felt. If it wasn't for "Su Hang", it would be him who opened the sky with the axe, and it should be him who died.

In other words, it was the "Su Air" who took this killing robbery for him, but the cause and effect of this flight was too big. How can we pay it back in the future!

"Brother, it seems that the act of opening the sky really doesn't work!" Huang Tian said.

Cang Tian sighed and nodded slightly. Pangu's skill was even deeper and deeper than him, but even so, it was still dead. If it was him, I am afraid that the result will not be better!

Opening the heavens in the later generations is a very simple matter for Dadao Realm, but it is different now. The realm king is not out, and the destiny is not allowed. To be the first person to open the sky and pioneer, the destiny and prestige Pressure is completely beyond imagination!

"Pangu Daoyou warned me with his life. Such a fearless spirit is really admirable..." Xuan Tian also said, not convinced!

Huang Tiandao, "Brother, he said that someone counts us, in chaos, who can have such a skill?"

Cang Tian thought that he was not here. After listening to Huang Tian's words, he exhaled for a long time without replying.

Xuan Tian answered, "Pangu Taoist friends fell, and now there are only a few of them who can compare with the elder brother in chaos. It must be one of these people!"

"The hatefulness of the end just hurts us, and even harms Pangu Taoist friends and elder brother, this hatred must be reported!" Huang Tiandao.

"Revenge, count me!" Hong Jun wiped tears from his face hard.

Cangtian looked to Hongjun, and said for a long time, "Daoyou's mourning, Brother Pan's revenge, must be reported, but it is imperative to find the destiny first, please seal the king, otherwise..."




In the forest at night, it was dark, and only sporadic moonlight leaked through the gaps between the leaves, making the forest not so dark.

Beside the stone, the snoring calmed down. Su Hang gradually opened his eyes and saw the surrounding scene, feeling a bit sleepy.

Was it just a dream? Is it too true?

Pulling his face hard, the pain made Su Hang confirm that this is the real world.

There was a fresh breeze blowing in the forest, with a little coolness, so Su Hang instantly awake a lot, and the alcoholism went to the majority!

Was that really a dream just now? Su Hang can't tell the difference between reality and dream, because it is too real for Su Hang.

Hong Jun, Cang Huang Xuan? They are still so young in their dreams, and even Cangtian has not yet achieved the Realm King, should it be the thing when Chaos was too early?

Could it be the memory of my previous life? My Tibetan knowledge has been loosened? So dreamed about something about the previous life?

Thinking of this, Su Hang couldn't help but feel a little excited. He was 80% sure that what he had just seen in his dream was his previous life experience.

Sure enough, he will not forget, there must be repercussions. During this time, he has been thinking about the things of his previous life. Now, has Tibetan knowledge finally been loosened?

If the Tibetan knowledge is loose, then it should not take long to fully remember the previous life.

Su Hang couldn't help but think of this, but when he thought about himself in his dream, how did his previous life feel a little tiger, why should he stop the disaster for the sky, is it too nice?

Also, Kaitian Axe is actually a treasure refined by Cang Huangxuan together? He was still brought back by Hong Jun. This Hong Jun is even better than his dream!


Su Hang exhaled for a long time. This time it is considered to be loose. Why do you say it is temporarily? Because Su Hang does not know whether his Tibetan knowledge is really loose, also Perhaps all that was just a dream.

Su Hang wondered if this experience would be related to the wine that Xiao Jingchen asked him to drink. Perhaps it was a treasure that could open up Tibetan knowledge, and he wanted to go back and ask, but Su Hang was hesitant for a while. Well, after all, Xiao Jingchen didn't say that on the spot, and he went back to ask himself, just because he wouldn't admit it.

A few footsteps came from the edge of the forest. Su Hang took a look at it, and came alone under the moon, strolling into the forest!

At first glance, Su Hang was She Xiaoman. At first glance, She Xiaoman saw Su Hang sitting by the stone!

"Xiaoman girl, why are you here?" Su Hang was a little puzzled. She Xiaoman didn't sleep in the middle of the night. What did you do in this mountain?

She Xiaoman hurried over, "Senior ancestor Xiao came to the newspaper and said that Brother Su is drunk, so I will take a look. Brother Su, are you okay?"

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