Super Study God

Chapter 2620: So arrogant!

Because this is a world where the strong man is respected, Lu Yuan is not only the strong man, but also the future heir to the Shenlong Temple, and Lu Li is just a pitiful worm.

Who would be so stupid to help a poor worm to do justice?

Lu Li's face turned black, "Why?"

"Humph!" Lu Yuan snorted softly, "I am the Prince of the Dragon Palace, Tai Aozhu is the token of the Dragon Prince, why do you say that I? Give you one last chance, give Tai Aozhu to me, I can go without blame, let You can walk down the ring alive today!"


Lu Li heard the words and suddenly laughed aloud, as if he heard the most laughable joke in the world, "Tai Aozhu is left to me by my mother, I will not give it to anyone, and Tai Aozhu is in In my hand, I am Prince Long, Lu Yuan, you are a feather!"

Wow! Everyone was shocked when they heard this. Did Lu Li swell so much that he thought that if he had done Lu Xun, he wouldn’t have regard the Crown Prince Lu Yuan in his eyes?

Is this looking for smoking? A monk in Tianzun Realm and a monk in Tiandao Realm bid against it? Who gives you courage?

"court death!"

How could Lu Yuan be faced by Lu Li? Immediately with a cold drink, he flew directly towards the landing, and grabbed a palm towards Luli's door.

The momentum is as strong as if he wanted to grab Lu Li's head directly to kick the ball. Everyone saw his head shaking. The realm was so wide that Lu Li couldn't be Lu Yuan's opponent at all!


Lu Li burst into a roar, Tai Aozhu shined, covered his body, and then flew back a step back, even escaping Lu Yuan's momentum lock!

"Lu Yuan, you are too arrogant!" Lu Liteng was in the air, and a dark bead appeared in his hand. Without a word, he threw it directly at Landing Yuan, "Tao Aozhu you want, here you are!"

As soon as Lu Yuan heard Tai Aozhu, he subconsciously reached out and grabbed the bead in his hand, but then he felt wrong. How could Tai Aozhu be black, and the feeling of holding it in his hand was also wrong, which made him kind of Feeling dangerous!

Immediately wanted to throw away the bead, but just after the bead got off his hand, he heard a loud explosion!


The ring shakes, a black mushroom cloud rises, Lu Yuan's figure is instantly submerged, everyone is dumbfounded, Lu Xun, who was seriously injured on the edge of the ring, was shaken up, flew off the ring, and rolled a few times. Circle, coincidentally, just fell at the foot of Su Hang!

However, Su Hang did not control him, his eyes only fell on the stage, the black smoke dispersed, Lu Yuan was blown into black, his arms were cut off, he did not know where he was flying, his clothes Being blown up like a beggar, only two **** eyes could be seen on a black face!


Lu Yuan wailed loudly, and the tragic appearance was really shocking!

"Lu Li, do you dare to calculate me?" Lu Yuan roared loudly, where there is a little bit of grace just now, that looks even worse than Lu Xun.

That explosion not only hurt his body, but also his soul. Under this severe injury, how angry was Lu Yuan, it is conceivable that if there was no ring guard, I was afraid that Lu Yuan’s momentum would be Frighten people who have been watching the lively people for more than half of them.


Lu Li laughed and looked at Lu Yuan with a mischievous face in front of him, "You are really stupid, really when I will give you Tai Aozhu? If you don't see clearly, you reach out and pick up , As your IQ, also deserve to be the crown prince?"

"What evil thing are you throwing?" Lu Yuan couldn't contain his anger. At this moment, he could feel an invisible force corroding his skill and eroding his body.

Lu Li’s slightly sly face showed a smile on his face, “This is called a meteor dragon bomb, which specifically hurts the dragon physique. My good brother, this meteor dragon bomb is specially prepared for you, and its residual poison will Stay in your body, slowly corroding your skills, enjoy it, brother, I hope you will like this gift from your brother!"

"You..." Lu Yuan was so angry that he wanted to vomit blood. "Where do you get these evil things from, you are not afraid to break the rules of the ring, Zongmen trouble you?"

"Haha!" Lu Li laughed, "Who is breaking the rules? Today is Lu Xun and I contest, you go to power without permission, I have the right to kill you!"


Lu Yuan was so furious that he immediately rushed up to kill Lu Li, but at the moment he was seriously injured, and the meteorite bomb did not know what the way was, so that his body could not move, even a little bit of pain was unbearable!

"go to hell!"

Lu Li is a ruthless person, and he doesn't want to talk nonsense at all, just go straight up and kick Lu Yuan down!


He fell heavily on Lu Xun's side. The two brothers and brothers got together, and Lu Yuan's injury was even heavier than Lu Xun.

Lu Li jumped down, directly caught a pair of beast claws, and grabbed the two. One grabbed the neck of the two, and lifted it up like two dead dogs.

Everyone around was frightened by Lu Li's momentum, and backed away one after another. Lu Li laughed and laughed wildly.

"Two local chickens and tile dogs, why don't you see the elders of the Shenlong Palace come to wait for you? It seems that your status in the Shenlong Temple is nothing more than that, what is the Crown Prince, but it is so!"

Lu Li laughed loudly and used his hands hard to directly pinch the two of At this time, these two people did not have the slightest effort to fight back, Lu Li had a bit of a cat and a mouse meaning!


Just when Lu Li laughed wildly, a voice suddenly came from the side.

Lu Li whispered, turned his face, and stood next to a man in white. The people on the side were hiding far away, but the man remained in place, as if not afraid at all.

This person is no one else, it is precisely here to watch the lively Su Hang!

"Bang..." Lu Li threw the dead dog-like two directly on the ground, and turned his eyes to Suhang's body. Looking up and down, Lu Li's face became chilly. "Are you also the Dragon Palace?" What do you mean? Want to challenge me?"

Su Hang shook his head, "Don't get me wrong, I'm not in the Dragon Palace, but you just stepped on my foot..."

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