Super Study God

Chapter 2623: Realm's plot!

"Do you really think that I really have no way to take you?" Su Hang snorted. "Although I can't kill you, but it's enough to trap you. When I seal you up, it's no different than killing you." !"

"You..." Realm Mo Yan said, his face changed.

Su Hang said with a smile, "How is it? Are you afraid? With your current strength, without the real spirit of the realm, at most you can go to Dadao Realm, and it is very weak in front of me. Seal you, it should be more than enough, I I believe no one will come to save you!"

The realm demon gritted his teeth, "Why do you rush to kill, Su Hang, I am the original sin of the realm anyway, if you really fight, even if I am not your opponent, I dare to guarantee that you can not get much benefit!"

"Oh, are you threatening me?" Su Hang smiled!

The realm said, "I am not threatening you, but I am stating a fact. You walk your Yangguan Road. I cross my single-wood bridge. You and I are better to keep our waters free of rivers. That's good for everyone!"

"Don't bluff here!" Su Hang shook his head, interrupting the words of the realm, "You tell me first, why did you come to the Ziyang Palace in the barren ancient world, what is the plot!"

"What do I want to do, it is necessary to explain to you?"

Realm snorted softly, looking very arrogant.

Su Hang's voice became cold and faint, "You can leave it alone, I will seal you now!"

Jie Mo's cheek slightly twitched. Obviously, he felt a little dazed with Su Hang in his heart. The words just now were nothing more than bluffs.

Taking a deep breath, the realm said directly, "In order to get something!"

The tone is equally faint, as if impatient!

"What?" Su Hang asked directly, his voice even more impatient.

Jiemo frowned, and originally wanted to say why she told you, but looking at Su Hang’s face is not good, Jiemo still counseled and snorted, saying, "You ruined my heart, I am not a healthy body, It is never possible to fight with Di Zun. For me now, there is only one way to improve my skills and overcome Di Zun, that is to borrow my life!"

"Borrowing life? What life is borrowing?" Su Hang raised an eyebrow and asked.

"Huh, I'm afraid I don't understand!" The demon on the face of the realm seemed to encounter a dirt bun that didn't understand anything. "The so-called borrowing life is destiny, you certainly don't know what is destiny? Realm? When Wang fell, there was a weapon of destiny left. The weapon of destiny contained the power of destiny. The so-called borrowing of life means borrowing the gas of destiny..."

Su Hang listened to this, and his face was not very good-looking. Does this man really consider himself a bun?

If this fellow met himself a few days earlier, I was afraid that he was really a bun, and he was stunned by him.

"So, you came to the ancient world of wasteland, just to find the weapon of destiny?" Su Hang asked.

Jie Mo smiled contemptuously, "It's not just the ancient world. Before I came here, I have been to eight planes. I didn't expect to meet you when I first came to the ancient world. It was really unlucky..."

Seeing Su Hang's face is not good, the realm demolished the contempt, changed his attitude, and said, "In addition to the realm king falling, there will be a weapon of destiny, and some powerful quasi realm kings will fall, and there will also be fatalism. I’m not afraid to tell you that the device is falling. As far as I know, there are at least three weapons of destiny in this deserted ancient world, one for Fuyaozi, two for Lu Taiao, and three for Chu Tiankuo. They were all first-in-class quasi-kings in chaos..."

Su Hang interrupted the words of the realm, "So, you are attached to Lu Li's body just to penetrate the Shenlong Palace and steal the destiny of Tai Ao?"

"It's unpleasant to say, for my generation, it can only be borrowed!" The realm is a little shameless, "If you get the weapon of destiny, you can borrow your destiny, you can encourage your own luck, and be loved by fate, although only The power of destiny left by the quasi-king, but the accumulation of less and more, I don’t believe in the deity, there is always a time when I turn over and counterattack!"

Su Hang looked at the realm quietly, looking at the clown expression!

The realm was completely unaware and said excitedly, "I followed the breath of landing Tai Ao that day, and I met this kid at Wanshou Mountain. I thought Tai Aozhu was what I was looking for, but I didn't expect it to be, too Ao Zhu is nothing more than the inner Dan Dragon Ball left by Tai Ao, without the destiny of the slightest destiny. Moreover, after the use of the younger disciples of the Shenlong Hall for many years, the power in Tai Ao Zhu has already been left. Below, I can only borrow this kid's body and say to help him revenge snow and hate, want to mix into the Shenlong Palace, looking for Lu Tai'ao's destiny, but I didn't expect to meet you, it was unlucky..."

At the end of each sentence, there is a bad luck. Su Hang is a little depressed. Will this guy talk?

However, listening to the realm of the world, said that Su Hang understood the ins and outs of this man.

"Okay, I have said everything I can!" The realm snorted. "You and I don't make any mistakes in river water. When I find these three treasures, maybe I can give you one!"

"No!" Su Hang directly interrupted the realm's words!

Really cut the nails, the realm frowned, "Su Hang, you can't be too greedy as a man. Do you know how rare a destiny is? At most, if you and I can cooperate, you can help me, I can divide you into two, I only take one!"

Su Hang shook his head directly, "No!"

The realm's complexion became extremely ugly, "Su Hang, you are too greedy. If all three treasures are taken by you, then I still play with an egg?"

Su Hang gave a faint There was something in his hand, but it was the wooden box that Xiao Jingchen gave him.

Opening the wooden box gently, Su Hang took out the dragon bone inside, "What are you looking for, but this thing?"


His eyes fell on the dragon bone, and the whole person seemed to be petrified. "Why, why is it in your hands?"

Although the realm didn't know the shape of Lu Tai'ao's destiny, but the breath from this jade bone was too familiar, but it was the breath of destiny!

"This is called the dragon bone!" Su Hang smiled lightly and put away the dragon bone again. He looked at the realm a little narrowly. "As for how to get it, I'm simpler than you. It's all others. Sent!"

"Sent it?" The realm does not believe that who will give the weapon of destiny unless he is a fool!

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