Super Study God

Chapter 2627: You are blackmail!

???????? Yang Liu heard the words, a hint of slyness appeared in the corner of his mouth, his nose sniffed towards the realm, "You are a smart person, I don't want to embarrass you, but you surprised my master, I am so filial, I can't let you off easily..."

???????? Yang Liu said with awe-inspiring words, and beside her, She Xiaoman was a little flushed.

???????? The face of the realm is covered with black lines, this old guy, the errant is so arrogant!

???????? At this time, Yang Liudao said, "I smell the breath of a destiny weapon on you, and it is still very thick. Realm, I know you are capable, treasure hunting is a good hand..."

?????? Hearing the words Destiny Tool, Realm's fists couldn't help but clenched up, that was a anger, and a guy who hit his baby's idea.

???????? Yangliu didn't care about the feelings of the realm, and shy his face directly, "So, I don't need much, you give me five treasures of destiny, and this matter is gone today, I'm not embarrassing you, let you go..."


?????? The realm almost vomited three liters of blood, **** it, you are really embarrassed to speak, there are five pieces in an opening, are you all picked up as my baby?

?????? "Five pieces? You might as well grab it!" Realm Demon exasperated.

??????Yangliu looked at the realm with a staff and looked at the realm with a bit of joking on his face. The eyes seemed to tell the realm, could not see it? I'm grabbing it!

???????? The world was shaking with anger, "Impossible, I don't have that much!"

???????? "Demon, please don't bend me around, there are not so many, you know it yourself!" Yang Liu ignored his anger at all and only said lightly, "Again, This is not what I want, my old bones, what's the use of these things, but you have disturbed my master, you have to give a statement!"

???????? Realm is finally depressed his anger, he is very clear, reasoning with an old monster like Yang Liu, it simply does not make sense!

?????????? "Three pieces, there is no more!" Realm decisively and Yangliu made a price.

???????? Yang Liu heard the words, coughing and laughing, "Jiemo, you haven't figured out where you are now, six!"

???????? Six pieces? Why are you talking more and more? The realm's face changed slightly, and he gritted his teeth and said, "Four pieces, at most four pieces, Willow Daxian, you should also know how rare the treasure of destiny is. If there are more, I really can't get it out!"

???????? At this time, the situation is weaker than people, the realm of the realm has to be softened, there is much to make the realm of pitiful pitiful look.

???????? Willow have compassion? Obviously impossible!

?????? "Demon, what do you have, I don’t know yet? Saying this treasure hunt may be difficult for others, but for you, is it not as easy as eating and drinking?" Willow Road.

?????????? The devil heard the word, almost vomiting blood, eating and drinking water is as easy as this, I am afraid only Yangliu can tell?

???????? Seeing Yang Liu again said, "So, seven pieces, seven treasures of destiny..."

?????? Realm felt a dizziness in his head, just returned six, and now it has risen to seven?

????Beeping a few more words with him, I'm afraid it's going to rise to ten. The realm endured the urge to vomit blood and interrupted Yangliu's words loudly, "Okay, Yangliu Daxian, five of them are five, right. I'll be your friend!"

???????? Yang Liu has scolded a dog **** in his heart, this old thing is too shameless, but he has no way to be ridiculed by Yang Liu, if there is no blood, I am only afraid today Want to leave.

?????????? A smile appeared on the corner of Yangliu's mouth. What six pieces and seven pieces are just to scare the world demons, he also knew that he could not make the world demons urgent. After all, the world demons are the deities. Although the original sin is in trouble, this sparrow has two or two flesh no matter how small it is. Who knows how much strength he has? Now Yangliu is seriously wounded. I really want to take him. Yangliu can’t guarantee to hold it, just let him give it. Run away, it's not a bamboo basket.

???????? So, everything has a degree, Yangliu is an elder elite, and will grasp this degree!

???????? Nodded slightly, Yang Liu sighed, "Well, five pieces are just five pieces, but the Master has been aggrieved..."

?????? The world demons can't laugh or cry. What are you doing to rob and rob me of my treasures?

???????? Helpless, because of fear of willow, the realm had to admit it, obediently took out five treasures, and handed over to willow!

?????? He did not dare to take out a few more pieces for Yangliu to choose as he did for Suhang. After all, Yangliu is not as good as Suhang. Suhang has any status as a suzerain. He can speak well and be fair and can’t do it. Breaching the villain, saying that five are selected, five more, and the other one is the one who lost the Dao Daozong, and Yangliu is different. This fellow is a loose repair, not bound by any forces, if he takes a few more, I'm afraid Yangliu will rob him together, and he won't know where to go.

?????????? Yang Liu simply looked at it, and then put away the five boxes, and he couldn't see whether he was satisfied or dissatisfied on his face. In turn, the world demons apologized to She Xiaoman, The realm has no choice but to follow suit. At the moment, the only thing he can do is to bear the burden.


???????? Watching Yangliu and She Xiaoman leave, the demon scolded Yangliu's eight generations of ancestors, but after cursing, think about it, Yangliu is an innate spirit, an ancient **** of chaos, where is there eight Ancestral ancestors, scolded for a long time, all scolded!

???????? Really fell blood mold, blood loss! After the evil spirits of the realm, I dare not stop in the ancient world. I must have not looked at the Huang Li today. I have encountered such a bad thing. This special ancient world must have committed a rush with myself!

?????????? It stands to reason that he has so many treasures of destiny in his body, he should be lucky, and good luck again and again, how can it be unlucky?

???????? Come to this ancient baby was not found, but instead lost ten pieces one after another, a full ten pieces, how many planes he traveled these days before collecting To so many dozens of treasures of destiny, most of these two went to the half, dare to love themselves for a long time, all help others make wedding dress?

This desolate ancient world can't stay. At this time, the realm of the realm doesn't want to find any Chu Tiankuo's treasure of destiny anymore. It just wants to leave the realm quickly. As for the ten treasures, the realm bite his teeth and humiliated today. For me, when I will destroy Dizun in the future, I will be asked to wait a hundred times to return it!

"Sin obstacles, where to go!"

Just as the realm was about to leave the ancient world, suddenly, there was a deep drink in the sky, just like a thunder burst, and the four wild shivering!


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