Super Study God

Chapter 2632: The bound old man!

After being reminded by Yangliu, Su Hang pressed the urge to go to Wuxiang Mountain to find Wuxiangding. He would say it later, and God knew if Yangliu would tell the truth, after all, this character full of lies, Suhang is not do not know.

Meeting the realm of the realm is a windfall. The seven treasures of destiny are already a lot of money.

It’s time to go back to heaven and earth. This time after coming out for so long, Daozong Zong didn’t have his own chair, so don’t mess up.

After staying in the Ziyang Palace for a few days, Su Hang resigned to Xiao Jingchen. With the efforts of Yang Liu, She Xiaoman also agreed to leave the barren ancient world and follow Su Hang to a strange heaven and earth!

Tian Waitian is a completely unknown and unfamiliar world for She Xiaoman. It takes courage to let her leave the deserted world and go to that unknown world. She Xiaoman doesn’t know why she should follow Su Hang away, maybe, I think there is nothing left in this world!

After all, Master is gone, is it not the same everywhere?


"Senior Brother Su, I heard that there is still a treasure of destiny in the ancient world, and Chu Tiankuo left the Royal Sword. Let's just go? Isn't it a bit of a loss?" At the mountain gate, Yangliu joined Su Hang's He whispered in his ear.

Su Hang shook his head and smiled, "You should only take it, you shouldn't take it. Don't stretch your hand, you old bone, don't you understand this?"

"It's a pity!" Yang Liu looked sad.

"Anyway, let's leave some to the barren ancient world, or wait for the king of Chu kingdom to come back, can you have good fruit to eat?" Su Hang said directly, so Yangliu said nothing.

This has already taken away the bird magic lamp and the dragon bone. The dragon dragon bone was returned to Tai Ao by Xiao Jingchen who asked Su Hang. The bird magic lamp recognizes his own. Both of them have reasons, but if he wants to fight the magic sword again Can the King of Chu Realm be happy? Bacheng will trouble them!

Although it is a pity not to have the Royal Excalibur, but Su Hang said, "Will Liu Yang dare to say half a word."

Previously, because of She Xiaoman's protection, the bold and courageous collided with Su Hang. As a result, he was killed by Su Hang for a thousand years. He almost didn't want his old life. Yang Liu was afraid to provoke Su Hang again.

Again, if his strength returns to its peak, he can still compare with Su Hang and fight for it. But now, Su Hang wants to play him, it is really the same as playing.

The point is, Su Hang **** him, he had no face to complain to She Xiaoman, after all, he could never shy an old face, tell She Xiaoman, Su Hang shamelessly poke his ass, even if it is true, he also lost I can't afford this face.


This time, with the guidance and coordinates given by Xiao Jingchen, Su Hang easily found the location of Tianwaitian. Xiao Jingchen not only gave him the compass guidance, but also gave him a jade slip, which was recorded as a jade slip. Chaos map manual, which records the location and specific coordinates of many famous places in Chaos.

With this thing, it will be much more convenient to walk in chaos in the future, and you can clearly know where you can go and where you can't.

Back in Tianwaitian, a familiar place, Su Hang felt that even breathing became more affectionate. However, the closer it was to Chuangjie Mountain, the more disturbed the willow, and even a little restless.

Su Hang knew what he was worried about, and said lightly, "Relax, Yang Mei is not in Tianwaitian, I am afraid to go to Wuji to participate in the Lingguo feast!"

Hearing this, Yang Liu smiled embarrassedly, but the expression on his face was obviously relaxed. It seemed that the old man was really afraid of meeting Yang Mei!

Obviously he was a brother, but he was so embarrassed. This willow is really a person with a story. However, Su Yang had no interest in asking Yang Liu’s privacy.


Chuangjie Mountain, in front of Cangtian Temple!

At this time, a lot of people gathered in front of the Cangtian Temple. Two super elders, Hongmeng and Yuanling, stood side by side. Several stone pillars stood in the middle of the square. Several huge iron chains extended from the pillars. The old man with pale hair is bound in the middle of those stone pillars!

The old man sat cross-legged, with ragged clothes and very messy hair, covering most of his face, with an iron chain wrapped around his hands, feet, neck, and waist. It looked pitiful, and he did not know what a sinner was.

"Your Excellency has been waiting here for five days, not to mention the purpose or the origin, what is your intention?"

Surrounded by a circle of Zongmen strongmen, all watched the restrained old man, Hongmen couldn't help but asked.

Five days ago, this man suddenly appeared in front of the Cangtian Temple. I am afraid that few people believed that the iron chains on his body, as well as the few stone pillars, were not done by the Daozong Clan, but by this person. , Has nothing to do with others.

So majestic, appearing in Chuangjie Mountain in this shape, naturally attracted attention and was expelled, but what is unexpected is that this person's surprisingly terrifying strength, Chuangjie Mountain masters came out, failed But because of this person's share, even Hongmeng Yuanling had taken care of himself, and he was not his opponent at all.

This time surprised everyone, but fortunately, this man did not die, and there were no casualties on the mountain, but such a existence, it is so blocked at the gate of the Heavenly Temple, who can bear it?

But this person has been here for so many He didn't say a word, he was just sitting there, and when someone drove him out, he managed to deal with it, making people suspect that he was dumb!

After listening to Hongmeng's words, the man still didn't say a word, so he sat quietly, without even looking up at Hongmeng.

Hongmeng was very helpless, and the Yuanling next to him was also terribly unhappy. "Your Excellency knows where this is. This is the Cangtian Temple of the Chuangjie Mountain, and the Dao Zong Zu Ting. Your move, but do not take my Dao Zong in your eyes... "

I was really annoyed that the old patriarch was not there, the new patriarch was not there, and there was no such place as an old monster that couldn't do it, couldn't roar and went away, it was really sturdy in the face of Daozong.

If the old sect master is on the mountain, he can still tolerate any arbitrary cats and dogs, but unfortunately, the old sect master has left a few days ago, and there are also high-end masters such as Dizun. Today, on the mountain of Chuangjie, the most powerful Strong, I am afraid it can only be these old guys.

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