Super Study God

Chapter 2635: Sovereign wise!

A glance, there are few familiar names, but to Su Hang's surprise, Yin Tianfeng's name is also among them!

Su Hang looked up at Hongmeng and Yuanling, "How did you choose this!"

Hongmeng quickly said, "These lords are not here these days, but the ancestors have already ordered the re-election of the ten elders. I will choose the elders from all walks of life in accordance with the process and conditions for selecting elders in the past. people!"

What's so special, first cut and then play!

Su Hang frowned slightly, "After half a month, after completing the election, you are very efficient!"

When they heard it, they realized what was in the conversation, and their face changed greatly. They knelt down on the ground quickly, Yuan Lingdao said, "If the Sect Master has any objections, you can cancel the previous election results and choose again!"

"Well wait for this to be done, let's get up!" Su Hang waved his hand, he just wanted to show the majesty to the two!

"Sect Master?" The two prostrate on the ground, looking up at Su Hang, and dare not get up!

The attitude shown by these two people made Suhang feel very satisfied!

"I have done a good job and saved me a lot of heart!" Su Hang smiled. "However, the elders are chosen, but the sect is a big deal, and you can't wait for it. So, the two elders, tell me in detail , The people on this list have anything extraordinary, so I have a trade-off!"


The duo responded and gave Suhang a detailed introduction to the candidate information on the list.


The time passed by one minute and one second, and the two of them were talking over. After a few hours, Suhang yawned!

It really can be said that Su Hang was a little impatient, interrupted the chatter, and the two bombed in turn, swiping a big stroke, striking off five names from the list, and immediately taking out the patriarch seal and stamped it. And then throw it to Hongmeng!

Hong Meng took a look, and his face showed a strange expression, "Sovereign, you, are you too casual?"

Five strokes are crossed out, and they are all five unlucky ghosts connected together. How can this be?

This is the election of super elders, not children's play, how can it be so casual?

Su Hang yawned and said carelessly, "Everyone can be an elder, as long as you don't want to be as arrogant as Sanxu!"

Both Hongmeng looked up at Su Hang, and they could all hear the meaning contained in Su Hang's words. It is not important for Su Hang to choose who is the elder. The important thing is that it is OK!

"But the sovereign..."

Hong Meng was a little speechless. Since Su Hang chose the suzerain so casually, he was also asked to waste so much tongue and give him the information of those candidates one by one. Isn't this a joke?

Su Hang raised his eyelids and looked at Hongmeng. "If you feel dissent, why not mark your two names and pick up the two again?"


The two heard the words, and the expression on their faces was sluggish, and they looked quite embarrassed. They crossed out their names. Isn't that just removing them from the position of super elders? This is a loss-making business!

"Sovereign wise!"

The two knelt down on the ground, Hongmeng raised the book in his hand high above his head, and respectfully received the will, not daring to have any nonsense and will!

This is the majesty of the patriarch. How can you accommodate a few of you when you speak the law?

"Get up, is there anything else?" Su Hang waved his hand, not giving these people this color, they really treated themselves as masters!

The two got up, Hong Meng wiped the sweat from his forehead, lowered his head and dared not stare at Su Hang, "The sect master, according to the rules set by the old sect master, the new sect master will have to patrol the heavens and observe all sentient beings. , So, Lord, look..."

Speaking of which, Hongmeng raised his head and secretly looked at Su Hang, waiting for Su Hang to give his opinion.

Su Hang took a deep breath. What kind of breaking rules do you have to inspect the heavens? The sky is so big, you have to go through it again, when must you go?

"Discuss this matter again, if there is nothing else, then let it go!" Su Hang waved his hand and got up to go!

"Sect Master!" Hong Meng stubbornly screamed, "Sect Master, this is the rule set by the old Sect Master, the Sect Master should not be slow..."

"Yeah!" Yuan Ling also echoed beside him, "Sovereign also invited dim sum..."

Su Hang was speechless for a while. The two were really like flies, babble, mother-in-law, babbling, unbearable!

"Well, let's start with Xuanhuang Realm first. Tomorrow, Xuanhuang Realm!" Su Hang took a deep breath, yawned, ignored the two, and left the hall directly!

Hongmeng and Yuanling looked at each other and smiled bitterly. This new patriarch was not as good as the old patriarch. The old patriarch’s attitude was to be free-range, and he didn’t care much at all. No matter how you toss about it, almost all of the rights come together in the top ten. Among the elders, the ten elders can be said to be the de facto rulers of Daozongzong.

This was the case with the seven elders, but unfortunately the two of them could not enjoy it. They thought they could turn over this time. However, they did not expect to change the new lord. This new lord is not so good to serve!

Now I only hope that the new officer will take three fires, and the heat will be three minutes. I hope it will be better in the future.

According to the truth, the new suzerain took office to inspect the heavens. It should start from these thirty-three days. How can you go to Xuanhuang Realm first?

The two wanted to make some comments, but the posture of Su Hang was obvious, they would obviously not listen to them, and they would rashly admit to Su Hang. Therefore, if you go to Xuanhuang Realm first, go to Xuanhuang Realm first. Xuanhuang Realm is one of the five main worlds and the mother world of the patriarch.


"How about this trip to Promise?" At night, Yin Yuer asked on Suhang's shoulder.

"Ah!" Su Hang sighed for a long time!

Yin Yu'er said, "Go to Wujijie to worship my sister, but you don't take me with me, really..."

Su Hang touched Yin Yu'er's hair, "The world outside is too dangerous. This trip to Promise is so dangerous. I almost couldn't come back!"

Yin Yuer heard the words and looked up at Su Hang. "I heard you brought a girl back?"

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