Super Study God

Chapter 2639: Here comes a dead one!

"I don't want to!" Yin Yuer shook her head quickly!

   "Don't you want to?"

   Su Hang was a little surprised. Xuanhuang Realm is one of the five major worlds. Becoming a Xuanhuang Realm and enjoying a lot of luck is very helpful to practice. He did not expect Yin Yuer to refuse!

Yin Yu'er said, "Xuanhuang Realm has changed several realm masters, but none of them seem to have a good ending. From the earliest Xuanhuang Two Saints, to the realm master Lin Xuan, to the acting realm granddaughter Wa's, and finally Lin Xuan, only Lin Xuan is better than the three, but now he has lost his skill and regretfully retired. Therefore, if I don’t have some strength, it’s better not to be the Xuanhuang Realm Master, otherwise, Can't stand the luck, but was bitten by..."

   Listening to the words of Yin Yuer, Su Hang felt quite reasonable in his heart. It seems that he has always been the seat of the Xuanhuang Realm, and there is no good ending. It seems that this position is cursed.

   "Moreover, I'm just a female prodigy, so my husband is my son. I don't want to work as hard as my mother!" Yin Yuer continued.

Su Hang nodded slightly, since Yin Yu'er didn't want to, he wouldn't force it, "Then let your big brother come, Xuanhuang Realm can't have no master, anyway, it is also one of the five major worlds, it's not good to be so empty! "

"My brother?" Yin Yuer heard this and sighed. "I think it's better to find a fair and fair way to choose this lord, otherwise, there is a lot of favoritism, you just fell into office just after taking office, bad !"

   "Then I will talk about it later!" Su Hang shook his head, Xuanhuang Realm must have a realm master, but don't worry about it at this moment!

  Yin Yu'er said, "Should I return to earth once this time?"

  Su Hang smiled bitterly, "In such a big battle, when I go back, I'm afraid I'm going to scare my family. I'm still looking for an opportunity to go back in time!"

  Yin Yu'er thought for the same reason, "In this way, there seems to be nothing to inspect in this world. After a while, my father and they will be afraid to leave after quarrel..."


Su Hang's face was boring. He chose Xuanhuangjie as the first stop. The purpose was to hide. But he didn't expect that he would engage in such a big show. No matter where he went, so many people followed him. !

  To tell the truth, he hated this feeling, when he went to the main road, his private space was obviously squeezed.


   "Everyone in the palace, come out and die!"

   At night, a sound rang out from the air, so that the tiles on the wall of the Dragon Palace were shaking!

   A figure hanging under the moon, like a mummy, covered with tattered rope, looks terrifying!

   Rope corpse, this is the real one!

I don’t know if I went out today without looking at the almanac. When the rope corpse came to the Dragon Palace, he instinctively felt something was amiss. There was something wrong with him, and he couldn’t say it. I really wanted to say something was wrong, maybe the atmosphere was not so good Right, this atmosphere feels a bit like want to pee pants!

The corpse monster must be human, the chaotic old monster, although it is not as good as those ancient gods, but it also deserves an old word. That day, it was a battle with Su Hang, escaped, the chance was coincidental, and it broke through the realm of the avenue. A little bit inflated, I immediately found the Xuanhuang Realm, wanted to find Su Hang, and found the scene, so with this big swing to the scene of the war book!

Although the atmosphere feels a bit wrong, but the rope corpse is now inflated so much, he has great strength, will he take the Xuanhuang Realm in his eyes, this Xuanhuang Realm, the most powerful and how strong, he is now Proved Avenue, I feel that the whole person has reached the peak!

   shouted twice, no one answered, the rope corpse was hanging in the air, feeling a little embarrassed, is his voice too quiet? Or did the people in the palace know that they were coming and fled early?

  Go down, the people in the palace are coming and going, so busy, no one will ignore him at all!

   What's so special? It's too much to use people as wrists, right?


   The rope corpse was furious, and immediately a few broken ropes were released from the rope corpse's hands, and they were drawn directly into the palace below.

   Full of anger, that momentum, as if to instantaneously blast the entire sky into a powder!

  The powerful people in Dadao realm, even with a single blow, destroys the world. How can they bear it?

  However, just when the broken rope was about to fall to the palace below, it was suddenly fixed, and it was only a few feet away from the main palace, and it did not fall!

   "This..." The rope corpse groaned in his heart, and before he could react, he saw a blue light flying from below and instantly came to his side.

   Only saw that it was a golden armor, and before he could wait for the rope corpse to react, he felt himself restrained, as if a big hand strangled his neck, and the whole person was pressed down involuntarily!


   is supernaturally can't use any strength, this drop is strong and solid, and fell directly on the square in front of the palace gate.

Without breathing, the rope corpse felt that one of his feet was being dragged by someone. Looking up, it was the golden armor who dragged one of his feet like a dog, dragging him in. The main hall!

   It was already night at the moment. The main hall was splendid and brightly lit, and the sides of the hall were full of people, and in the front, on the high throne, was a man in a Chinese costume.

   This scene is like Ling Xiao Bao Dian.

   The rope corpse was a bit stunned when he saw this posture. What's so special about it? Didn't you wake up? Looking at these pairs of eyes, how could it feel like a lamb has entered a wolf den!

   "Sect Master, this person is noisy outside the palace, unlike the kind, and has been captured by his subordinates!" The Jinjia Ren knelt down under the stage.

  The corpse of the rope looked up and looked hazy, feeling that the tall man was a little familiar.

  The kid named Sur? The corpse monster was shocked. Wasn't this fellow the kid he was looking for?

  What kind of plot is this? What is the situation? Where am i? who am I? The rope corpse is completely messy at this time, what is in this room?

   "Kneel down!"

   Hongmeng stood beside Su Hang, just like a close eunuch, he drank directly, the voice was majestic, full of majesty, and the scared corpse was shaking, subconsciously got up and kneeled!

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