Super Study God

Chapter 2646: Dowry!

???????? "Yes, the memory is quite good!" Qin Chuan spit out a tea leaf, raised his eyelids and looked at Su Hang!

???????? Su Hang leaned forward, the expression on his face was a little ugly and embarrassing, "Won't it be so coincident?"

???????? Qin Chuan's face finally showed a trace of smile, a trace of inexplicable smile, "This is what happened in this world!"

?????? Su Hang froze in his heart, the expression on his face became very ugly, "No kidding?"

Qin Chuan shook his head, "No kidding!"

???????? Su Hang took a sip of water, his heart was ups and downs, and it was difficult to calm down, "Qin Jie Wang, this is really not a joke, are you really sure? My wife's poetry, is your sister reincarnated?"

?????????? It can be said that the Soviet Union had never thought about this before. After all, there are so many planes, so many worlds, so many creatures, I don’t know how many people have the same name and the same surname, how could it be so? Coincidentally?

???????????? But now Qin Chuan said, Su Hang was completely messed up, his wife Qin Shiyu, really Qin Chuan's sister reincarnated?

???????? This is too coincidental, right?

?????????? "Do you think I would make a joke about this kind of thing?" Qin Chuan said lightly.

?????????? Su Hang sat in the same place, did not recover for a long time.

?????????? Yangliu sat next to him, looked at Su Hang, and then looked at King Qin Jie. He seemed to understand something, and his eyes glowed with a very strange light.

At this time, Qin Chuan, regardless of whether Su Hang was shocked or not, accidentally or accidentally, stretched out a hand and placed it on the table, "Bring it!"

???????? "What?" Su Hang looked back and looked at Qin Chuan unexpectedly, not knowing that Qin Chuan was inexplicably looking for what he wanted!

?????? Qin Chuan said lightly, "Should the thing stolen from my Qin palace be returned to me?"

???????? "Uh, this..." Su Hang heard the words, his face shook slightly, Qin Chuan was looking for him for the treasure of destiny.

?????? Some of the treasures that were previously obtained from the realm of the realm are a few of the realm coming from Qinchuan’s mixed-element plane. At this moment, when they met the real master, they asked him to discuss it. wanted!

?????? Su Hang was a little embarrassed, Yang Liu was sitting next to him without saying a word, or even a little bit of joy. In his view, Su Hang robbed him from his hands, and now it is finally evil. Newspaper, it's his turn to steal something from him!

??? "Qin Jie Wang, I don't understand a little bit!" Su Hang laughed dryly.

?????? Qin Chuan gave him a white look, "Are you going to let me do it yourself?"

?????? Su Hang's face twitched, and took out the box containing the poetic hairpin, "Qin Jiewang said, but this?"

???????? Qin Chuan took the box, opened it, and took out the hairpin in the box, looking at it carefully. It was also at this time that his soft eyes appeared a little soft. .

???????????? "There is still!" Qin Chuan's gaze never left the poem language.

??????and also? Others want to recycle? Su Hang's face changed slightly, and the treasure of destiny was quite rare. Since he got into his hand, he naturally didn't want to let it out.

?????????? "Qin Realm King, this thing was stolen from Realm Demon, and I got it from Realm Demon, this..." Su Hang stopped talking!

???????? Qin Chuan looked up at Su Hang and felt a little funny, "What you got from the realm of the world can be regarded as yours? The stolen is stolen after all, no matter how much Dao hand, it's always dirty. In the alternative, your things are lost. Can you still think so?"

?????? Su Hang's brows are wrinkled, the truth is indeed such a truth, after all, the dirt is dirt, it is impossible to wash it because he got him, but, let Su Hang let out, the thing Return to the original owner, is that face too bad?

???????? "Yangliu Daxian, you come to judge?" Qin Chuan turned to Yangliu and asked.

????The other party is the King of Realm, Yang Liuke can't afford to offend, and he quickly said, "Since King Qin said, since it is dirty, it is indeed the original owner of the object, otherwise, the original owner of the treasure Where can I justify it? I believe that Su Sect Master understands the great righteousness, and should just keep it for him, and wait for Qin Jie Wang to retrieve it!"

?????? "You don't speak, no one treats you as dumb!" Su Hang listened to these words, and wanted to tear Yangliu's mouth a little, especially, here to dig himself, this She put herself up and had to pay it back.

He obtained a total of seven treasures. According to the knowledge of Su Hang, apart from the poems and hairpins, two of the seven treasures are from the Hunyuan world. If they are all handed over, Su Hang My heart is afraid of bleeding.

??????????Yangliu, the old guy, actually demolished his desk at this time, and put himself together. It seems that the last time he robbed him of two treasures, he was still grinning.

?????? Sure enough, coming out sooner or later to pay back, this old guy is now unsure of what it looks like.

?????????? Yang Liu saw Su Hang's cannibalistic expression, his face shuddered, and he quickly closed his mouth.

Qin Chuan turned to look at Su Hang, "Should I take it out?"

???????? Hesitating and struggling, on the one hand, he is not the opponent of Qin Jie Wang, hard work can not be done, on the other hand, if he is reasonable to him, it seems that the reason is not on his own side, things are originally For those in the Hundred Yuan Realm, it's natural to get back, but for Su Hang, if you really want to return it, then you have made a loss trading, and it is still a blood loss!

?????????? Not reconciled, certainly not reconciled!

?????????? Suddenly, Su Hangdao, "Qin Jie Wang, let's talk about something first..."

?????? "Do you want to pull off the topic?" Qin Chuan frowned!

?????? "No!" Su Hang waved his laughed, "It's such a thing, you see, since the poetry is your sister, when we got married, you didn't To participate, it stands to reason that you are the elder brother of the poetry and you should prepare some dowry for the poetry..."


????When Willow heard this, a sip of tea almost came out!

???????? Qin Chuan's forehead was covered with black lines, almost out of luck, this kid, actually shyly asking for dowry from his face?

?????? Taking a deep breath, Qin Chuan's eyes fell back on the poetic hairpin. "Poetry is still at a low level now. When the poetic hairpin is still not for her, I will take it down first. When it's time to give her, I will hand it to her!"

?????? did not answer Su Hang’s question about dowry, but did not ask Su Hang to ask for the remaining two treasures. It seemed that he was not going to pursue it anymore. Su Hang couldn’t help but praise him wisely The simple dowry blocked his mouth!

... m.

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