Super Study God

Chapter 2655: Refining the Destiny Pearl!

"Oh? Is it so arrogant?" Su Hang was amazed. "What's the relationship between Yangliu and this person?"

Yang Liu refused to come here. Before this time, Suhang also persuaded him all the time. He was unwilling. Suhang was curious. Who was it and why? Willow chose to escape!

Qin Chuan said, "I don't know the specific situation. I only knew that Yang Liu wanted to worship Gener Taoist as a teacher and struggled. At that time, the relationship between the two was quite good!"

"Apprenticeship?" Su Hang froze for a moment. Is this willow really addicted to apprenticeship? How to catch a teacher if you catch someone.

Qin Chuan smiled bitterly, "Yangliu is a very slippery person. Nothing will be done without benefit. Perhaps it is because of the fate of Gen'er Daoist. Unfortunately, the Gener Daoist at that time had been abandoned by fate. Now..."

"What about later? Did Yang Liu worship him as a teacher?" Su Hang asked.

Qin Chuan nodded slightly, "The Gener Taoist can't bear him. Under his soft grinding, he finally accepted him as an entry. It is said that he also taught him and passed on his life skills, but only passed three times. God, Yangliu went into the door of Gen'er Taoist for only three days, and declared to the whole chaos that the apprenticeship was invalid. He didn't recognize the master and was ashamed to be with him, and then left Gen'ershan..."

Su Hang felt stunned, "How could this be? Isn't this bullying the teacher and destroying the ancestor? This Yangliu, turned his face too fast, right? What happened in these three days?"

Qin Chuan smiled bitterly, "I also want to know what happened. Many people in the chaos want to know, but unfortunately, Gener and Yangliu are both silent on this matter. After leaving Gener Mountain, the two people Like a stranger, Gen Er did not have any trouble finding Yang Liu, nor did he say that he was bad. Yang Liu also said nothing about Gen Er, which was really strange!"

It's really strange, just three days, the attitude has changed so much before and after, although Su Hang and Yangliu haven't had much contact and haven't known each other for a few days, Yangliu should not be the kind of bullying the ancestors and turning his face away People, right?

If Yangliu bully the teacher and destroy the ancestor, according to what Qinchuan said before, this Gener Taoist is so hot-tempered, how can he easily spare Yangliu?

But both sides are silent, like a stranger, as if nothing has happened, it is worth scrutinizing. What may have happened in those three days, and it is difficult for these two people to talk and refuse to talk out !

Su Hang felt that his curiosity was seriously provoked!

At this time, Qin Chuan patted Su Hang's shoulder, "Would you like to go up the mountain to visit Gener Taoist?"

Su Hang hesitated, "Forget it, the business matters. Let's go to Wuxiang Mountain first. When we go back, it's not too late to visit!"

Qin Chuan said earlier that this Gener Taoist has a bad temper, so Su Hang does not want to provoke at this time. In case of conflict with the other party, it is inevitable that he will miss the appointment of Wuxiang Mountain.

Qin Chuan nodded his head without saying much, raised his head and looked in the direction of Gen'er Mountain, then withdrew his eyes and continued to move forward with Su Hang.

There are many monsters and beasts in the chaos, and the powerful ones are countless. However, Qin Chuan is the king of the world, and the strongest beasts must go around the road, otherwise they may be skinned!

After the Gen'er Mountain, it didn't take long before a low mountain appeared in front of the two. This mountain was only a few hundred feet high. From a distance, it looked more like an altar, covered with chaos.氤氤氲氲, looming.

"This is Chaoshan Wuxiang Mountain?" Su Hang asked.

Qin Chuan looked up and looked, "Probably!"

"Probably?" Su Hang was puzzled. "Qin Jie Wang, haven't you been here?"

Qin Chuan smiled bitterly, "I've been here, but every time I come, this mountain is not the same..."

"Oh? What other wonders?" Su Hang felt a little weird!

Qin Chuan said indifferently, "That's why it's called Chaos Wuxiang Mountain. The word "Phaseless" makes people hard to see. Today you see it like this, and tomorrow you see it like another!"

The broad steps extend down from the top of the mountain. No matter what the Wuxiang Mountain looks like, it is the place where fate once existed. Naturally, there is something special. Su Hang and Qin Chuan did not dare to disrespect each other. At the foot of the mountain, go up the stone steps.

Qin Chuan said, "It seems that the existence knows that we are coming, and today the road to the mountain is much better!"

Su Hang paused, would it be difficult for them to come here before, the road is not good? This is still a special treatment for myself!

"The one you said exists..." Su Hang asked curiously, "but the unrelated Daxian?"

Qin Chuan shook his head, "I don't know, let's talk up the mountain!"

Between the two of them, they had reached the top of the mountain. The top of the mountain was a platform, empty and very flat.

Only in the middle of the platform are a few stone pillars standing, and the iron chains protruding from the pillars are tied with a **** tripod!

"No phase tripod? Is this a phaseless tripod?" Su Hang immediately walked over.

It was a four-legged big tripod, two to three feet tall, Su Hang was standing next to him, and he was not yet high enough.

Qin Chuan also came over, but his attention was not on the tripod, but on the left and right.

Su Hang recovered and looked around. On the top of the mountain, there was no one besides the two of them.

"Why don't you see the innocent man?"

Su Hang asked That day, Wu Xiangren personally invited to Chuangjie Mountain, and now Su Hang came to the appointment, but he didn't see the figure of Wu Xiangren, which was a bit unexpected.

Qin Chuan frowned, "Maybe we come early, wait a moment!"

Is it early? In the half-month period, Su Hang counted with his fingers, it should be just right, yes!

However, Qin Chuan was right, wait and wait, he is not a person who cannot bear his temper.

Now, we have studied the Wuxiang Dinglai. The legend of this Ding is a fateful thing. It can be used by anyone on this Wuxiang Mountain, but no one dares to take him as his own!

It can be said that this tripod can definitely be regarded as the head of Chaos Qibao, possessing the ability to refine everything.

Rarely this time, Su Hang will naturally not miss the opportunity of refining. Now he threw several of the treasures of his destiny into the tripod. Under the guidance of Qin Chuan, he made out the beads of destiny!

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