Super Study God

Chapter 2658: Youdo!

After rubbing his hands for a while, Su Hang turned to look at Qin Chuan, "how?"

Qin Chuan almost fell to the ground. You don’t even know how to do it. You were still excited there for a long time. It was a waste of expression.

At this time, Gen'er Taoist said, "Since there is no such thing, you might as well talk with it!"

Chat? Su Hang smiled bitterly, but I had already talked about it.

However, try again. Su Hang took a deep breath and arched his hand at the Wuxiang Ding, "Will there be no Xiangdaoren."

There is still no echo, very embarrassing!

Looking back at Qin Chuan and Qin Chuan, Qin Chuan was faint, but the root Taoist shook his head again and again, apparently a little disappointed, they were not willing to take care of you, what kind of fate are you?

Su Hang was helpless and very disappointed. He looked up at Qin Chuan, and there was no need to stay here anymore. Hurry up and go!


Just as Su Air was about to leave, the ground suddenly shook and frightened Su Air.

All three looked at Wu Xiang Ding, but they saw that Wu Xiang Ding suddenly shook without warning. Immediately, the iron chain that bound Wu Xiang Ding to the stone pillar also jerked.

The amplitude of Wuxiangding's shaking is getting bigger and bigger, like a fierce beast imprisoned, jumping those iron chains straight!

"Retreat!" Qin Chuan shouted.

Su Hang is under the lead. Seeing this posture, don't you understand?


Along with several loud noises, the iron chains bundled on Ding's body burst and broke into pieces.

After the shackles were lifted, Wuxiang Ding stopped shaking and stayed firmly in place. If it were not the broken chains, no one would think that the scene just happened.

Qin Chuan's eyes lit up, and the eyes of Gen'er Taoist were also extremely hot. Those eyes looked at Su Hang with a red face and red ears, just like a few pounds of aphrodisiac, just breathing a little!

What is the mood of others? Su Hang can't control it now. Now his attention is all on Wuxiang Ding, Wu Xiangding is free from the shackles, does it want to stay here?

Su Hang walked carefully, as if fearing that Juding would burst and hurt people.

"Su Hang, accept it!" Qin Chuan reminded.

Su Hang hesitated, stretched out a hand, spread his palms, "If you want to recognize me as Lord, come up!"


A shocking scene happened. When Su Hang's voice fell, the Wuxiang Ding shook again, as if responding to Su Hang's words. The rumbling twirled and the huge body quickly became smaller, and then turned into A breeze fell on Suhang's hands.

Su Hang didn't even respond, only felt the palm of his hand sank, and the phaseless fell on his hand, already the size of an ashtray.

Beside, Qin Chuan and Gen'er Taoist have been completely dumbfounded.

Wu Xiangding, actually really accepted by this kid?

Qin Chuan was already psychologically prepared, but better. Gen Er Taoist's face was surprised, and his eyes were full of hot flames.

"You are this life-saver?" Gen'er Taoist stared at Su Hang sternly, holding a word for a long time, and didn't know what he was thinking.

Su Hang, who is a party, was also very surprised. Looking at Wu Xiang Ding in his hand, he was a little demented. Was Wu Xiang Ding really rooted himself, is it so refreshing?

Is it true that they are what they say? Destiny has always been associated with yourself?

Su Hang can't accept it for a while!

"It's really hard to break through iron shoes, nowhere to be found.

Just when Su Hang was stunned, a sound suddenly came from his ear. When he looked up, a light and shadow came to Su Hang in an instant. Su Hang instantly felt the wind and the danger, and an unconscious punch was directed towards that. Light and shadow went away.


With a sneer, Su Hang only felt his punch fell into the empty space, a rope wrapped around like a snake, and instantly counted on Su Hang.

Su Hang immediately felt like he was out of power, his supernatural power was forbidden, and the whole person could not afford half of his strength, and it shattered like a cooked noodle.

Only then did Su Hang see clearly that it was the Gener Taoist who attacked himself.


At this time, Qin Chuan snorted sharply, stepped forward, and shot directly at Gen'er Taoist.

Gen'er Taoist people were not afraid at all. One hand grabbed Su Hang, and the other hand greeted Qin Chuan directly.


When the two fists intersect, the whole chaos is trembling. Qin Chuan is the king of the world. How powerful is that, but the Daoist is also not idle, so that with a certain amount of skill, he is blown by Qin Chuan into the chaos, Take advantage of the situation!

"King Qin Jie, you are not allowed to do anything on Wuxiang Mountain, but you are forbidden!" The voice of Gen'er Taoist came from the depths of the chaos, and then the chaos rolled and there was no deep suction.

"Demon Dao, you are dead!"

Qin Chuan was so furious that he was taken away from his eyelids by this servant. It was really abominable, and he immediately flew up and chased toward Gen'er Taoist.


Gen'er Mountain!

Gen'er Daoist took Su to the Gen'er Mountain directly. There was a cave above the straight half of the mountain. When entering the cave, Gen'er Dao Ren threw Su Hang to the ground.

Su Hang was **** with rope and unable to exert any force. He rolled on the ground for several times before stopping.

Surrounded by mountain walls, the space is not large, just like an ordinary room, only there is a stone bed in the middle, and there is a futon on the bed. It should be the place where this servant lives.

This Gener Taoist, so strong!

Su Hang couldn't help but be shocked. Not only did he squeeze him at random, but he also showed no damage to Qin Chuan. Can the Quasi Realm King be so powerful?

"What do you want to do?" Su Hang asked a little nervously.

Gen'er Taoist took his hand behind him and slowly turned to look at Su Hang. "It's really nowhere to be found after breaking through iron shoes. Boy, you are the lifeblood of this term. I don't have any special meaning to catch you here. I just want to ask for something from you!"

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