Super Study God

Chapter 2665: The old man in Dingzhong!

"Humph!" Feng Ying was quite disdainful. "You can guess without saying that Hong Zhen just said. They came for the Gener Taoist and wanted Luo Tian Xuan Gong of the Gen Er Taoist. I'm afraid they thought they got Luo Tian Xuan Gong. , You can fight against fate, ridiculous, ridiculous!"

The second woman heard the words, but she was quiet, and Lu Yao smiled softly, "What do you think it is, what is it!"

"Lu Yao, Mo Zai told them more, Frogs at the bottom of the well!" Nangong Yuedao said.

Frog at the bottom of the well? These words made Xiao Yun and Feng Ying frown. What makes them so fearless?

Is it based on Luo Tianxuan Gong? Luo Tianxuan Gong is so powerful? Strong enough to make them think they can fight the fate?

Intuition tells Xiao Yun that this matter may not be as simple as this, but these people don't know what idea they are playing!



On the top of Gen'er Mountain, Wuxiang Ding was burning in the eyes of Zhiyangquan. If it was a pot of water, it might have been evaporated to a long time.

Gen'er Taoist sat next to him with his legs crossed, as if he knew the old man stewed with chicken broth in the pot, and he hummed Xiaoqu'er in his mouth.

Looking away from the mountain, the fourteen kings of the world have entered the battlefield, and they are coming fiercely.

I am afraid that these ten yang and yin will not last for a long time. Gen'er Taoist looked back at Wuxiang Ding, reached for a finger, the spring eyes spewed out at a rapid speed, and the fire rose a bit.

"These guys are all against me. It seems that I won't give you any more information, and I'm bullied when my surname is Liu!"

The Kings of the Realm have already started to attack the formation, and the formation has been shaken violently.

Gener Taoist's face showed a bit of cruelty, but for this day, he has been planning for a long time, naturally prepared many means, and strive to be foolproof.

Reach out in your sleeve and take out a black lacquer plate.

Without saying a word, Gen'er Taoist urged the array and threw it down the mountain. The array instantly turned into a black aperture, encasing the entire Gen'er Mountain.

The outer layer is ten yin and yang, and the inner layer is this strange array. The inner and outer layers rotate, one black and one white, and the air flow is surging. It seems that there is mutual reflection and mysterious anomaly.

Under the two layers of protection, the vibration of Gen'er Mountain is not so great, and the face of Gen'er Daoist is a little bit cruel, "Hehe, how can I not pay a price for running into my Gen'er Mountain? My two It’s hard to come by, but it’s all used by you. Enjoy it!"


Besides, at this moment, in the phaseless phase, the horrible flame seems to melt Su Hang, the chaotic body almost has the tendency to be liquefied, Su Hang can’t resist it at all, the real Qi in the body has already boiled, just like rolling oil Same, except for the heat and pain, there is no other feeling!

This guy really wants to refine me? Refining the so-called fate? If fate is on me, can I still be refined by this man?

fate? Where is fate? Theology system? He wants my theology system?

Su Hang felt that her consciousness was about to break up, barely able to retain a little mental retardation, and pulled out the system of learning God. For a while, she didn't even know how to save.

Refining the flesh? To resist the refining and refining with a stronger body?

Su Hang was disappointed just after this idea, his physical body has already exceeded the realm, and has reached the limit he can refining in such a realm, ordinary refining is no longer effective, and special refining, not only consumes a huge amount of time, but also takes time And, more importantly, there are good and bad things refined by special refining. If you let your physical body go backwards, it may only take a moment for the physical body to turn back to ashes.

Therefore, Suhang Air does not dare to take this risk!

Looking up and looking at it, Xuanhuang Bell has been burned red, and even faint has softened, seeming to melt at any time.

As strong as mysterious yellow bell, these immortal Taoist devices are all vulnerable in this tripod. Su Hang really can't think of anything else to protect themselves.

With the protection of Xuan Huang Zhong, Su Hang felt that his physical body could not be supported. If the entire physical body was directly exposed, Su Hang believed that with his current physical strength, I am afraid that he could not support it for a moment or three!

It seems that you can only use that!

Seeing that Xuan Huang Zhong couldn't support it, Su Hang gritted his teeth and took out one.

But it is the resurrection coin. At this moment, it can save yourself. It seems that this is the only thing. The use of the resurrection coin can make everything go backwards and come again. Last time, when dealing with land pressure, Suhang had already used it once. Son, Su Hang wanted to reapply the old tricks, using the power of the resurrection coin, let the time go backwards and come again.

Once, Su Hang believes that even if Gener Taoist is strong, he will not let him catch it, or, before returning to Tianwaitian, I will not come to Wuxiang Mountain. Can you take me?

"bring it on!"

The resurrection coin was placed on the thumb, and Su Hang's fingers flew, and the resurrection coin flew directly into the air.


Reaching for a long time, but waiting for a long time, but did not see the resurrection coins fall, Su Hang was a little dumbfounded. Looking up, the resurrection coins that had just been bounced by himself were gone!

Su Hang's heart was awkward. Was he confusingly hot, or was Dingzhong too hot to melt the resurrection coin?

This stuff is a How can I get it if I lose it? Su Hang hurriedly looked around. It didn’t matter. At a distance not far from his right hand, an old man was squatting, holding the resurrection coin he had just thrown up to start!

Where did such an old man pop out? Su Hang was a little ignorant, thinking that there was an illusion, but it was in the phaseless tripod, and it was covered by Xuan Huangzhong.

No matter who he is, this old man can now hold his life in his hand, and the resurrection coin was robbed by him. How can he save himself?

"Why? Don't you know me?"

The old man turned his face and glanced at Su Hang. In this horrible trip, he seemed to be like no one else, but he could still laugh!

"No such person?"

Su Hang listened to this and took a closer look, only to find that this person was familiar to him. This person was no one else. It was the innocent person he had seen in Chuangjie Mountain that day!

"What a coincidence, I can see you here!" Wuxiang Daoren smiled, a look that I met you by chance!

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