Super Study God

Vol 2 Chapter 2682: Ancestral craftsmanship!

?????????? Seeing the willow looks unnatural, Su Hang smiled, "Don't be nervous, I asked me, if you want to answer, answer, if you don't want to answer, I won't embarrass you!"

Yang Liu heard the words, his face changed a bit, and soon returned to normal, he sighed, "You ask, I know, I won't hide it!"

???????? Su Hang nodded slightly, staring at Willow for a long while, and organized the language, "I met Gen'er Taoist!"

???????? When he said this, Su Hang carefully observed the willow. The willow's complexion obviously changed. It could be seen that there was something really going on between the willow and Gen'er Taoist.

???????? Yang Liudao, "I met it when I met it. Why does this matter to me?"

?????? Su Hang shook his head, "I heard that you used to die under the door of Gener Taoist, but only three days later, you betrayed from the teacher's door, the old dead do not associate, you can tell me, What's going on? Or, what happened in those three days that changed your attitude so much?"

???????? When Yang Liu heard this, he frowned and didn't speak.

?????? Su Hang then said, "The so-called trading is not benevolent and righteous, I don't think you are the kind of ungrateful person, even if you choose to betray the teacher, you should not be fooled by the relationship that Gen'er Taoist only sees. So stiff, I’m curious, please help me out!”

???????? Yang Liu took a deep breath and stared at Su Hang with a pair of old eyes, "This is very important to you or it? It is very impolite to inquire about others' privacy randomly."

?????? Su Hang smiled, "I also know that this is very impolite, but, as you said, this matter is very important to me, and even the entire chaotic world!"

?????? "Oh!" Yang Liu chuckled lightly, "What kind of talk, on this matter, can affect the chaotic world? I don't want to answer this question about you!"

???????? Yang Liu’s attitude seemed unusually firm, and Su Hang’s doubts were even worse, “Well, this question, I’ll talk about it later, I’ll tell you something first!”

?????? As he said, Su hanged his encounter in chaos, Hong Zhen and the Eight Realm Kings broke through together, captured the Gener Taoist, and told Yang Liu.

After listening, Yang Liu frowned, "You mean, Hong Zhen, they took him away?"

?????? In Yangliu's mouth, he, of course, is the Gener Taoist.

Su Hang nodded, "Yes, I have dealt with Gener Taoist. His own strength is not high, but the power it can explode is very scary. The realm of the realm is probably in his hands. I can’t walk for a few rounds. I heard that he practiced Luo Tian Xuan Gong. The reason why his skill can soar in a short time is because of this practice!"

?????? Speaking of which, Su Hang paused and looked up at Willow, "If I am not wrong, why did you have to be a mentor because of the roots? "

?????? Yang Liu listened, opened his mouth, and wanted to say something. At this time, Su Hang interrupted him. "Don’t rush to deny, this kind of practice, some people are very normal, and tell the truth. , I am also jealous..."

???????? "Oh, don't you jealous!" Yangliu twitched and snorted slightly, seemingly disgusted.

?????? Su Hang was unclear. So, he said, "Now it is not your jealousy, my reddening problem, the problem is Hong Zhen's jealousy, Hong Zhen played the idea of ​​"Luo Tian Xuan Gong", and the Gener Taoist has been given by him Take it away, it is a matter of time to get "Luo Tian Xuan Gong" from Gen'er Taoist by his means. With Hong really powerful, with Luo Tian Xuan Gong, I am afraid that no one will be able to cure the entire chaotic world. Get him!"

?????? Speaking of which, Su Hang looked at Yangliu seriously, "So, I urgently need to know the information about "Luo Tian Xuan Gong", so I have to plan early!"

???????? "Ha ha, ha ha, ha ha ha ha..." Su Hang's words were not finished yet, but Yang Liu suddenly laughed.

???????? Has this guy ventilated? Talking to him so seriously, he can still smile?

?????? Two eyebrows curled into a black line, Su Hangdao, "How are you laughing?"

???????? Yang Liu finally stopped the laughter, tears burst out of the corners of his eyes, and wiped out his hand, said, "I really can't imagine, Wang Hongzhen, who is in the halls, will go to practice "Luo Tian Xuan Gong", the picture should be It’s beautiful!"

???????? Su Hang was surprised, "Do you know how Luo Tianxuan Gong cultivates?"

?????? Listening to Yang Liu's tone, it is clear that he knows Luo Tianxuan Gong very well, and not generally.

???????? Yang Liu waved his hand, "I know a little or two, there's nothing to talk about, you don't have to ask, I'm afraid it's your ear!"

?????? Su Hang looked serious, and was about to ask, Yang Liu said again, "You can rest assured, this skill, Hong Zhenxiu can't succeed. If it is so easy, will I still abandon him?"

???????? Su Hang took a deep breath, "You make it clear!"

??????Yangliu shook his skin a bit, "Did you just say, what I refused to say, wouldn't it embarrass me?"

???????? "I'm not embarrassing you, do you think I look like embarrassing you? Don't you say that I can beat you up? You old arms and legs, you can't stand Stay me beaten!" Su Hang looked at the willow with a smile.

???????? The fake smile, in Yang Liu's eyes, was a bit chilly, and shuddered.

?????????? Forced by Su Hang, Wei Yang will helplessly compromise, and sighed for a long time, said, "Luo Tian Xuan Gong of Liu Lao Dao, outsiders look really It’s really tempting to superimpose power, but in fact, that’s just a guise. The whole chaotic world, except for Liu Liudao, can’t be repaired by anyone else?”

?????????? "What does this mean? What other limitations can this practice do?" Su Hang asked with some surprise. Since it is a practice, can only one person practice? This is not scientific at all.

?????????? Yang Liudao, "That is the special ability given to him by fate. In the words of Liu Laodao, it is the ancestral craft of their old Liu family!"

?????????? "Ancestral skills? Gener Taoist and ancestors?" Su Hang froze for a moment.

Yang Liu nodded his head and smiled bitterly, "I didn't know where Liu Shouyin came from after I also worshipped him as a teacher, but I don't know clearly, but according to him, their Liu family In the single pass, fate has given the Liu family a gifted ability. Only the blood of the Liu family will have this ability!"

?????????? "What kind of talent is it?" Su Hang asked a bit impatiently.

. m.

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