Super Study God

Vol 2 Chapter 2689: Lord Meng Dao!

??? Speaking of which, Hu Bugui paused, "Of course, after he told me fortune telling, I didn't believe this. Some dragon actors who knew him were called him Meng Dao Dao, but I can see This person is actually not very old. With his wig and beard removed, he is in his thirties at best. It really looks like an ordinary person, but it is because he is so ordinary that it is a little unusual!"

????? "Meng Dao?"

?????? Su Hang's face is solemn, Hu Bugui is right, how can an ordinary person calculate Hu Bugui's numerology?

?????? "Continue!" Su Hang's fingers punched the stone table twice.

Hu Bugui went on, "My young lady was very surprised to see the man calculating so accurately for me, so she let the fortune teller do the calculations for her, alas, this thing is broken here! "

????? "Oh?" Su Hang straightened his body and listened carefully, for fear of missing something.

????? Hu Bugui sighed, "You should understand the character of our young lady. You should never easily persuade others. When the young lady saw him for calculating him accurately, she was also suspicious and asked him to fortune tell. , In fact, it is also my girl's intention to provoke!"

?????"However, after this calculation, I and the young lady were shocked. In such a small place, when meeting such a crooked person like a swindler, we even made our background very clear. So, he also pointed out the past life of the young lady!"

????? Speaking of which, Hu Bugui looked at Su Hang, "Brother Su, you should know what it means? Our young lady is the daughter of the realm, how can there be a past life?"

????? Su Hang nodded slightly, not to mention the descendants of the realm king, even if he was a monk in the heavenly realm, he would not let strange strange souls come into his own body to reincarnate in his own body. Why should you live in a home repaired house?

This is why the monks of Gao Xiuwei are difficult to breed offspring, not because they can't, but because the innate soul is too difficult to breed.

????? If a monk couple is going to conceive a descendant, of course, if they don’t mind contaminating the cause and effect of reincarnation, letting go of the reincarnation of the soul in reincarnation, it is much simpler, and life is no different. .

??? But if you want a child who really belongs to you, not only the flesh, but also the purest soul, there is a blank child inside and out, then it is a waste of energy .

???It is easy to breed the body and difficult to breed the soul. Either it takes an extremely long time, or it needs to pay a high price, and it costs a lot to repair.

???? Just like Su Hang, Su mother has been urging him to hurry to give birth to a child, but Su Hang has always been resistant, because it is not just a reincarnation of a soul that can be his child, to be conceived , Can only be congenital soul!

?????? Pan Sheng, as the king of the realm, is even less likely to accept a foreign acquired soul as his daughter. If it really wants to, then there must be a big cause and effect, such as Pan Sheng owes someone Human relations, or any agreement with anyone else, otherwise, no one can avoid Pan Sheng's method, hide from the sky, and reincarnated into Pan Sheng's wife.

?????? Such a big thing as having a child, no one can be sloppy, Pansheng is even more sloppy, so Panyu is the soul of the acquired spirit, this kind of possibility is very small!

????? "I didn't believe the girl at first, but the man said the truth. The key is that the man said..."

??? Speaking of which, Hu Bugui closed his mouth, a little difficult to speak!

??? "What else did you say?" Su Hang asked!

Hu Bugui gritted his teeth and said everything, and it didn’t work either. He immediately lowered his voice and said, "The man also said that the younger girl's surname was Zhao, and she was a big girl. There is also a marriage, because of some misunderstandings with her husband, grief, entered the reincarnation..."

When Su Hang heard this, he almost didn't laugh out loud, "Isn't this funny? Large households, even big households can have a big king in the world? Misunderstanding with her husband, they entered the reincarnation? Even if it is reincarnation, Has it been reincarnation in the realm of Sakai? Say, didn’t your young lady beat him?"

???? "Why didn't you beat?" Hu Bugui smiled bitterly, "It's a terrible fight..."

????In this case, I am afraid that no matter who you change, you will be so angry that you want to hit someone. This is like you walking on the street and suddenly jumping out of a person to tell you that you are not your parents’ birth, your father is not Your father, your mother is not your mother, who can stand it?

?????"Miss beat him up, because she was worried about the future of this person, so she did not give up, but this person told my lady, if my lady does not believe, you can come to you, you There is a mirror of Yuan Zu, which can be seen in the past life. The lady only needs to take a look at the mirror of Yuan Zu, and then he will know whether he is saying true or false!"

??????"Miss didn't take it seriously at first, but the man's words clearly planted the seeds of curiosity in the heart of the lady. In the past few days, even the mood of play has disappeared, and it has become increasingly uncontrollable. No, I'm here to find you. I didn't expect that you really have Yuanzu mirror!"

????? Hu Bugui did not speak for a while, he doesn't know what to do now, originally he persuaded Panyu to return to Wuji, if he had any questions, just ask her dad to ask if she could not, but she just didn't Ken, Hu Bugui is really afraid of problems.

????In case the mirror of Yuanyi Yuanzu came out There was something really happening. Pan Yu was excited and did something that he couldn't afford to die.

?????? Su Hang was frowning at the moment, but he didn't care about Panyu's things. What he cared about was that what kind of Master Meng Dao, how could he know that he had Yuanzu mirror?

????? This person is very mysterious. You know, Yuan Zujing, besides showing Yangliu accidents, never showed anyone.

?????? At this time, Hu Bugui said, "Brother Su, brother beg you, you must not give Yuan Zujing to our lady, otherwise, if something happened, I am I can’t bear it. I think it’s better to go back to Wuji, please ask the old man to come and take the lady back!"

????? Su Hang shook his head, "Panjie King should be in the root of Chaoer world now, can't come!"

????? Hu did not return to the meal, "Then please aunt and grandma..."

???? "The road is far away, waiting for you to come and go, the daylily is cold!" Su Hang waved his hand.

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