Super Study God

Vol 2 Chapter 2699: Causal involvement!

"Isn't it really possible?" Su Hang looked at Hong Jun in surprise. Hong Jun's specialization in Tianyan was quite proficient in causality. It was difficult to calculate a person's origin, but it was not impossible?

Hong Jun smiled bitterly, "Can I still lie to my elder brother? Now I haven't restored the peak state, and there are still some parts of the memory of the previous life that haven't been restored. Don't take my myth too much, wait for me to restore the peak state. Harvest!"

Su Hang frowned, "What did he give you?"

Hongjun said, "It's actually nothing, so I gave me a few beads!"

With that, Hong Jun's right hand was spread out, and a golden bead appeared in his hand!

An inexplicable breath flew from the beads immediately, and a glimmer of light appeared in Su Hang's eyes.

"Fate of Destiny?" Su Hang recognized it at a glance, and the bead in Hongjun's hand was the Destiny Pearl!

The Destiny Beads are formed by the condensed air of Destiny, and Su Hang has also made a few by refining it, so he recognized this thing, but the bead in Hongjun's hand is obviously better than those made by Su Hang Destiny Pearl's rank should be higher, and the breath emitted must be stronger!

"It seems that the elder brother recognizes this thing!" Hong Jun put the beads away.

Destiny bead contains the gas of destiny, and the gas of destiny can promote the aura of destiny, which is the protagonist aura.

It seems that Hong Jun wants to use the power of the Destiny Pearl to restore the peak again!

"I look at the rank of the Destiny Pearl, should it be made by the falling of the Realm King? In chaos, except for a few, it seems that no Realm King has fallen. This one in your hand, the one you left in those days ? Or Xuanhuang two?" Su Hangdao.

Hong Jun shook his head, "Brother, the air of destiny is a gift of destiny. The ball of destiny is the condensation of the gas of destiny, but it doesn't have to be that the world king fell to achieve the ball of destiny..."

Su Hang took a deep breath. If it wasn't for the Realm King's fall, it was the destiny that gave it to him. That Meng Nan could have this kind of skill. I want to come, it is inextricably linked to destiny!

"How much did he give you?" Su Hang asked.

"Five!" Hong Jun said directly, frankly, without concealing.

Five, really is a big deal, five destiny beads, if you have this level, then this is a huge asset!

After all, with the purity of that day's life bead, I'm afraid that one aura of destiny will be transformed into enough to allow Hongjun to break through the realm of the realm again, not to mention five!

"Brother, if I want, I can give you two!" Hong Jun added.

Su Hang couldn't help crying, "I'm not here to ask for a bargain. Keep it for yourself. With the purity of those five destiny beads, even if you can't get you back to the top, it shouldn't be much difference!"

Hong Jun smiled, when he was reincarnated, he also left a destiny weapon, the golden wheel of heaven, plus these five destiny beads, it will be a matter of time before the peak is restored, maybe it can be further, maybe it can reach the heaven. Hong Zhen's level!

"What did he tell you?" Su Hang asked.

Hong Jun shook his head, "Although I know that you don't believe it, my brother, he did not say anything. He just gave me something and left!"

Su Hang does not quite believe it, but when Hong Jun said, Su Hang can only choose to believe him!

"Send you such a precious thing for no reason, and you have nothing to ask for?" Su Hang shook his head and smiled bitterly, "You can also feel at ease?"

Hong Jun laughed, "He wants to send it, because of his own truth, such a good thing is delivered to me, I can still refuse? Hong Jun has nothing to do, he will give it, I will accept it, without cause and effect, just let it happen. !"

"Oh, you can think of it!" Su Hang shook his head, Hong Jun's inaction, could it really be free of cause and effect?

In this vast chaos, who can really escape the word of cause and effect, in order to hide the cause and effect, all sentient beings enlighten the heavenly path and embark on the road of main practice, hoping to jump out of the reincarnation, not in the five elements, but when they really jump out of the reincarnation, Found that you just entered a larger reincarnation.

Causal is something that cannot be avoided. There are causality in some people's places. Everything beyond your control may become causal. Therefore, the more you go up, the more you can feel the existence of causality and the more causal. Entangled tighter!

Su Hang has such an experience. Now that he has become the king of the world, can he escape cause and effect? No, the hatred of Hong Zhen Nine Realms King, who is now facing him, is the cause and effect that cannot be escaped.

At this time, Hong Jun said, "Meng Nan, although he does not know the origin, but I have not yet felt hostility from him. Brother, everyone has a secret, and you don't have to be too eager to find out the truth, You are chasing him like this, I'm afraid that it will make the other person feel disgusted and counterproductive, it's not good!"

"Survival in chaos, it is better to have one more friend than one enemy!" Speaking of this, Hong Jun looked at Su Hang and said seriously, "I believe that my brother has his own determination. In my opinion, everything is natural." That’s it, no matter who he is, as long as it doesn’t harm me!”

"Sure enough, it's short-handed and soft-mouthed!" Su Hang shook his head and exposed this article, "I will definitely find out about Meng Nan. Now, let's talk about you, this time Break through retreat, but can I help you keep the law?"

"Thank you, brother, for your kindness!" Hong Jun shook his After that, I would seal Zixiao Palace. No one would dare to come to Zixiao Palace if I wanted to. When is the year and month gone, the elder brother is the master of a case, and has a lot of affairs, so I am busy with you! "

Su Hang took a deep breath and patted his thigh, "Well, it seems that today I am in vain, saying that my current Tibetan knowledge has also recovered a lot. After you retreat, we will discuss it again. !"

Hong Jun nodded and saw that Su Hang was leaving. He said again, "Brother if he wants to know Meng Nan's identity, find out the cause and effect, maybe he can go find someone!"

"Oh? Who?" Suhang asked back.

Hong Jun sank and said, "Liu Shouyin, Gener Taoist!"

"He?" Su Hang was a bit stunned!

Hong Jun said, "I have used Tianyan's technique in the past few days, although I can't calculate the origin of Meng Nan, but vaguely calculated that there are two people and Meng Nan have causal involvement. One of them is Gen'er Taoist. The other one, I can only figure out that she is a woman!"

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