Super Study God

Vol 2 Chapter 2704: Quite difficult!

"It's not easy!" Su Hang sighed.

In Chen Xiaoli's mind, there was a bit of bitterness. Hongjun Taoist rebuilt his life, but now he has to return to the top, but how about himself? The Realm of Realm is just a dream!

"Are you sure you want to go?" Chen Xiaoli looked at Su Hang!

Su Hang nodded slightly, "Now my strength, although it is impossible to be Hong Zhen's opponent, but I want to go, I am afraid that he can't stop it, and besides, I can't let Xiaoli sister alone to commit danger?"

Chen Xiaoli took a deep breath, "Thank you for your love!"

Su Hang smiled, "Sister Xiaoli just said something happened to God, but I don't know what happened?"

"Talk on the road!" Chen Xiaoli said directly.

"Let's go now?" Su Hang looked at Chen Xiaoli with some consternation, and said to go, is this too popular?

Chen Xiaoli said, "I don't want to delay for a while!"

Su Hang pondered for a while, "Well, it is better to hit the sun than to choose the day, go early and good!"



Originally, Suhang was still hesitant about whether to go to heaven. Whether or not to go, when to go, for what reason, in what identity, these all need to be considered.

However, the appearance of Chen Xiaoli gave Su Hang a boost and made up this determination!

The two set off so rashly, and Su Hang didn't even explain to the people in Zongmen.

In fact, there is nothing to explain. Yin Tianfeng and Yin Yu'er have all gone to the universe. Several elders have been ordered to go abroad and have not returned, and the rest are Yuanling elders who hold the sect, and I have two elders who have no climate. There is no need to explain to them. .

This goes to heaven, one time after another, if it goes well, it will only be a few days, if there is an accident, then come back faster, because the escape is fast!


"How can I see you are so worried?"

In the chaos, the two walked in the direction of the sky. They have been walking for half a day, and they don't know where they have been. Because they take care of Chen Xiaoli's speed, the two walk while chatting, not very quickly.

Chen Xiaoli couldn't help asking Su Hang with a sullen face!

Su Hang recovered and shook his head, "I just feel like I am missing something!"

"Oh?" Chen Xiaoli gave Su Hang a strange look, "Would you like to turn around?"

"No need!" Su Hang waved his hand. "I'm not saying that I lost something, but I seem to have forgotten something!"

"As a sect master, it's not a good habit to lose oneself!" At this time, a voice suddenly came from the front!

Su Hang looked for prestige, about three or five light years ahead, the chaos was rolling, the monstrous black waves, a crack torn the chaotic space in half, the scene looked really terrifying, just that voice was from that piece From the terrifying extinct territory, like the roar of a fierce beast, penetrating a distance of several light years, the chaos was shaking and shaking!

Master! Next to Chen Xiaoli has been alert, just listening to a voice, he knows that the people are not waiting!

At this place, Su Hang is very familiar and seems to have been there more than once. After listening to the voice just now, Su Hang seems to remember that he has missed something!

Su Hang and Chen Xiaoli came to the chaotic crack in an instant and crossed the distance of several light years. Next to the huge and scary crack, a young man stood with his hand!

Handsome, gentle!

"Don't ask?" Chen Xiaoli frowned. Obviously, she knew the man in front of her.

This person is no one else, it is Mo Mo Wang who had robbed Su Hang on the road here that day!

Su Hang looked at Mo and asked, "I said, man, how many days have it been? Why are you still here? Are you tired?"

As soon as he entered the chaotic world, Su Hang felt a little wrong, as if something was missing, but it turned out that this Mo question was thinking of him.

"Oh, King Su, we'll meet again!" Mo Wen asked his back to Su Hang and said lightly, his posture was obviously playing handsome!

Su Hang is extremely speechless, I really don't know what to say!

"Beware!" At this time, Chen Xiaoli leaned on the side of Su Hang. "This man is also the King of Five Colors, but he has not yet reached the limit of King of Five Colors. However, this person is extremely difficult to get rid of. "

Su Hang smiled bitterly, "I have learned!"

It’s not just the experience, the difficulty of this fellow has been beyond imagination, how many days have it been, this fellow is still waiting beside the chaotic crack, this is really a realistic version of waiting for the rabbit.

"What the **** do you want to do?" Su Hang looked up helplessly and asked Mo standing at the edge of the crack.

"What do I want to do, don't you know it yet?" Mo asked lightly and turned slowly, but the expression on his face froze, "Xiao Li?"

His eyes really fell on Chen Xiaoli's body, his expression looked a little weird!


Chen Xiaoli was obviously a little unwilling to see Mo asked, just tweeted lightly and turned his face.

Su Hang looked at Chen Xiaoli, then looked at Mo asked again, his eyes became a little weird, could there be anything else between the two?

"It's a I said that the voice was so familiar, I didn't expect to see you here, but I was really destined..." Mo Wen said with a smile on his face, and he noticed Su Hang's eyes, Mo asked, his expression stiffened, and then he turned to look at Su Hang. "Boy, look at Xiaoli's face today, and hand over the unrelated, we will break this cause and effect, I let you pass , The true spirit of your apprentice is also returned to you!"

Su Hang sweats, this man is still looking forward to being unmatched!

Suddenly lifting his eyelids, Su Hang looked at Mo Wen with an idiot.

Just about to say something, Chen Xiaoli spoke next to him, and asked Mo in a questioning tone, "Mojie Wang, what are you doing with Wu Xiangding?"

I have to say that this question asked the key point. Wuxiangding has a single function. When it was placed on Wuxiangshan, it was not used by you. It was taken away by Soviet Airways. You ran to **** it. What is this? meaning? What are you doing with Wu Xiang Ding?

"Xiaoli..." When Chen Xiaoli asked, Mo wanted to say something subconsciously, but when he saw the presence of Su Hang, he immediately took a look at Chen Xiaoli, "Xiaoli, let's take a step!"

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