Super Study God

Vol 2 Chapter 2911: The existence under the stone platform!

The young man was obviously stunned, and quickly opened the envelope, took out the stationery, and his face changed slightly, his brows locked tightly.

"Master?" The middle-aged man stood beside him and asked carefully.

The young man recovered, holding a letter in his hand, and said, "I'm going to leave for a while, Uncle, I'll leave it to you in the house!"

"Where is the master going?" The middle-aged man was startled, "But what happened?"

"It should always be here. I have to meet some old friends first. This time, it's hard to tell if I can come back. Uncle, take care!" The young man got up, waved his hand, hesitated, and finally only A long sigh!

"the host!"

The middle-aged man looked dazed and followed the young man back to the front hall, but he was no longer there!



Half a month later, kill the **** platform!

"Master, Hong Zhen's body has basically recovered, and I have awakened his consciousness!"

Ge Miao was sitting on the throne, closing his eyes and raising his mind. At this time, Bai Li walked in quickly, kneeling before the throne, and reporting respectfully!

Ge Miao opened his eyes all at once, and his eyes were polished with four colors, as if to illuminate the whole cave, "Quickly bring him to see me!"

"Yes!" White Scale responded, quickly retreated, and soon came in with a middle-aged man.

The man, although he was five big and three thick, looked like an ignorant face. His eyes looked up and down, like a newborn baby, full of curiosity and fear for everything around him.

"Master, Hong Zhen brought it!" Bailin knelt.

Ge Miao did not take care of him, his eyes only looked at Hong Zhen in front of him.

"Kneel down quickly!" Bai Scale saw Hong Zhen standing beside him, still looking around, quickly shouted, and stretched out Hong Zhen's trousers.

Where Hong Zhen could withstand this pull, he knelt beside the white scales with a puff. It seemed that at this time he felt a trace of coercion, his expression on his face suddenly turned white, and his body shivered.

It may have been regarded as the dominance of the dominating party in the chaos, and now it has become like this. If this scene is seen by Su Hang, they will be afraid of another sigh.

White Scale said, "Master, because of the short time, although the Blood Spirit Pool has restored Hong Zhen's consciousness, but his consciousness is damaged, I am afraid that the memory is only a blank piece of paper. As for the strength, I am only about 40% restored!"

Ge Miao waved his hand, "This is not important, as long as he can use it for me!"

After finishing speaking, Ge Miao came down from the throne and walked around Hong Zhen twice. His eyes were like looking at a product. Hong Zhen was lying on the ground, and he didn't dare to move!

"Bring him and follow me!"

Ge Miao said a word, and then his right hand made a void, and he saw a crack at the back of the throne, revealing a downward passage.

Surprised by Bai Scale's face, he has been here for quite some time. He never knew that there was such a passage after the throne.

Suddenly, Ge Miao's small body had entered the passage. Bai Scale quickly got up, grabbed Hong Zhen, and quickly followed in.

The passageway is dark, but for monks like them, it has no effect. The passageway bends and turns all the way down, and not long after, it comes to a large space.

A cave space, about half the size of a football field, with several ruined pillars supporting the top of the cave, and the surrounding area is very empty. It seems that this place used to be a building, but it has been too long to be seen. !

In the middle of this space, there is a raised place, which looks like a stone platform. As soon as you enter here, White Scale feels a strong oppression, and the whole body is like a needle ant biting, very Uncomfortable, as if a pair of invisible big hands are forcing him to leave here!

And this invisible power seems to come from the raised stone platform, and the white scale breathed for a long time, daring to go forward, "Master, here..."

Ge Miao stood not far in front of White Scale, his eyes locked on the stone platform, "That's the Killing God Platform!"

"Oh? This is what the owner wants?" Bai Scale was shocked, Ge Miao spent so much effort to regenerate Hong Zhen, just to let Hong Zhen help him get this thing?

Ge Miao pondered for a while, "To be precise, not only this killing **** platform, but also the things pressing under this killing **** platform!"

"What?" White Scale was startled again. There was something under the stone platform?

Ge Miao did not answer, but bowed directly to the stone platform in front of him, "Younger Ge Miao, see Senior Yuehua!"

"I brought what I wanted?" At this time, an empty voice suddenly sounded in the empty cave.

It sounded like a man's voice. White Scale was taken aback. Goose bumps involuntarily formed behind his back. His eyes fell on the stone platform. It seemed that the voice came from this stone platform just now!

Senior Yuehua? Could it be that……

Bai Lin's face changed greatly, his eyes were tightly looking at the stone table, his face was full of surprise and fear.

Ge Miao was calm, and turned to Hong Zhen, who was still ignorant and looking around. He said, "This is the best person I selected in the chaos. Seniors look at it, but are they still satisfied?"

Immediately afterwards, there was a silence, the cave was extremely quiet, and the needles could be heard!

It seemed that the voice was looking at something, and the atmosphere became very terrifying. White Scale stood beside him, and he could hear the sound of his heart beating!

Under the stone platform, is that really there? If yes, the host is playing with fire!

"Well, barely acceptable!" The voice said quietly, breaking the horrible and silent atmosphere in the cave. "Let him come and take away the God-killing platform!"

It's totally a command It can be seen that the master under the stone platform is not a good character.

Ge Miao was not angry and did not let Hong Zhen move, but said, "Senior, I promised my junior things before..."

"Humph!" The voice made a cold hum, with a bit of anger, "I will help you to do what the deity has promised. Why, don't you believe in the deity?"

"No, no, the juniors don't dare!" Ge Miao shook his head quickly, completely without the arrogance that he had in front of Su Hang and others. "The seniors have promised a lot of money, and the juniors are naturally convinced!"

After that, he grabbed Hong Zhen next to him and threw it on the front table!

With a puff, Hong Zhen fell firmly on the stone platform, screamed, and almost didn't cry!

On the stone platform, there was nothing but a bulge in the middle, which was buried by the dust, forming a small earthen bag. Only listening to that voice sneered, the stone platform shook a little, and the earthen bag crashed open. A turquoise square stone the size of a brick is exposed!

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